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Illegal Aliens Are Ruining My Neighborhood

Guest danax

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Mexicans are definitely not the kiss of death for a neighborhood, as long as they have some semblance of education, and as long as you have an active homeowners' association that will enforce deed restrictions and educate those who might be ignorant to them.
So where is your homeowner's association?
Most people that trash neighborhoods aren't doing it on purpose.
So they are doing it on accident?
Since I've gotten active in this pursuit, my little corner of Sharpstown is actually very attractive.  So come on people, move here!  heheh

Instead of becoming complacent, why won't you call the ICE?
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  • 1 month later...

ICE? Do you mean INS? How am I to know that these people are illegal? Besides, these days, with big business and not-so-big business running the show, do you really think anyone is going to turn off the flow of all that cheap labor?

I am far from complacent. In fact, I am very vigilant about keeping my neighborhood attractive. The problems here sometimes seem insurmountable, but I don't just sit by and watch them happen. I don't understand what gives you the idea that I just sit by and let things happen around here. At least I live here in the first place, which is more than I can say for all of the "upstanding" Americans that fled in the first place.

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Dude, you're way behind on your government acronyms. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) replaced INS during the US Government's BRILLIANT idea to create a 170,000 person beaurocracy in the hope of creating a more agile homeland security force, HSA.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Maybe ruining is harsh. It's not irreversible. They've changed the neighborhood and I don't like it. I'm at home right now and my next door neighbor has his car doors wide open and is blaring his music in his driveway, which is less than 15 feet from my walls. I asked him to close his door, he grinned at me, then closed the one on my side. I told him he was filling my house with his music, but he did not turn it down. Oom-pa, oom-pa in my house....music to get drunk by, which is what he and his buddies are doing. I've spoke to him several times in the past, always very politely, always in his language, and he ignores me.

The guy thinks he can do whatever he wants, acts like he's back on the rancho. He has no papers, has a tile business, does crappy work (the tile job in his own bathroom is so lopsided it made me dizzy). He brings nothing to the neighborhood except noise, bad tile work, bad remodeling to a once, cute house and Bud Light sales. And I resent that he is taking work from legal Americans.

He just decided to put up a fence. One of those fences with the masonry about halfway up then circular wrought iron above. No consideration of the style of the house and neighborhood. These are older homes from the 30s and 40s and they look ridiculous with these fences. When the original Americans (white and hispanic) were here there were very few fences, the open lawns sloping down to the curb. Now, the "hacienda" fences are becoming common here and , along with the chain-link fences, make the area look stupid. He already put a stucco facade in front and the rest remains clapboard. The colors don't even match. Add to that the trashy little home-based businesses, junk cars on lawns, trashy yards and you have a description of a lot of Houston neighborhoods.

Houston is full of this stuff and right now, I'm sick of it. You all are probably saying it's no big deal, just grin and bear it. It's easy to say that when you don't live in it. Yeah, I bought the house here and I like it for the most part but this kind of stuff bugs me. I just expect people who are trespassing here and working illegally to show some respect for our homes and neighborhoods but I guess I'm dreaming.

This is not an anti-Hispanic rant. The American hispanics around here that I've spoken to say the same things, so don't try to make this into a "racial" issue, it's not, it's cultural. I am making the generalization that these are mostly border-jumpers because it seems obvious that they are recreating the environment that they came from. Not all are as obnoxious as my neighbor. My other next door neighbor keeps his house clean and quiet but a certain concentration of the other neighbor type gives the entire area that dumpy look.

Not a very eloquent post but I feel a little better now Doctor, thank you.

I got up from typing this, went into the kitchen, got some water and decided I didn't want to hear this stuff anymore and went outside. We just had a nice talk and he agreed he was wrong and turned it down. Now I feel a lot better. There is hope after all. Sorry for the negativity. I thought about not posting now but I'm going to anyway because good, bad or ugly, this is Houston.

Well it looks like they will ruin it even more! Cheack this out, Texas is now majority Mexican. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/11/census.mi...tion=cnn_latest

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I just got back from New York, (I stayed in Islip Long Island, NY).

Any ways, There where dozens of illegals standing on street corners, and standing on the opposit sides of the street where people protesting the illegal aliens. They had big signs that said stuff like "Stop illegal immagration." I had saw stuff like this on TV and thought it was cool that I could see it in real life. Well I wonder why they don't do that down here? Has it gotten to bad here to where its to late?

I have summered in the NC mountains for 35 years. About 5 years ago, a small Mexican population cropped up. Now it may as well be Houston, with them loitering at the mountain gas station, looking for work, and not speaking a lick of English.

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I just got back from El Paso and Ciudad Juarez. I had a couple of free hours so I walked El Paso's downtown area, as any good HAIF member would.

El Paso's downtown has lots of retail, something we all wish for here, right? Be careful what you hope for. It looked like a Mexican flea market. Maybe I missed the "nice area" but I covered most of the streets beneath the tallest buildings, including the Historic District (Kress building is cool). I went into one store that had a sign out front in English advertising fruit juice. Sounded good to me after walking block after block in the dry, dusty heat. I walked in and the woman says "bueno tardes". I speak Spanish but decided to hold back and test her English. I asked for a pineapple juice, which was listed on the menu above her head, which was printed in English. She kept asking me in Spanish what I wanted. I answered only in English, pointing to what the sign said. She refused to even acknowedge the sign and appeared to be more stubborn than clueless. She finally got someone else from the back, I thought to help, but he did the same thing, no English. Finally they knew some guy sitting at the table and asked him. He spoke perfect English and I told him I wanted a pineapple juice. He told them and then, I was told they didn't have any. I find a certain arrogance once Spanish has conquered an area. I went in thirsty and wanting a fruit juice and left thinking just screw these people.

In case you're wondering what I was doing down there, I was co-sponsoring my ex-wife's dad for a green card. Yeah, I'm on the hook if he uses any Federal, State or local medical services. My ex and I had an understanding about this before I reluctantly agreed. he's not planning on living here, just being able to visit when desired. Well, the thing that really ticked me off today was, after having returned to the U.S. with the documents, how she gleefully told us that tomorrow she would try to get him "insurance" so he could get some new glasses. In other words, get him a Harris Co. Gold Card to start milking the system, and putting me on the hook if they find out.

Also, I had to endure her engaging me in arguments with various Mexicans about how racist it is for Americans to be trying to keep the Mexicans from coming over illegally and how this was once Mexico (what, for 16 years? I've owned a car longer than that) and how it's all about what's good for La Raza. She also publically berated me for wanting to get deed restrictions reinstated in my majority Hispanic, East End neighborhood. She would tell her paisanos how racist it was for me to try to change them, and that they would retaliate against the "gringo" if they find out that I am one of the ones wanting the restrictions. She would say "leave them alone, let them have their little businesses in their houses, that's how they like to live" regardless of how the neighborhood was before they arrived and how Houston is in general. She could not care less about all of that. I had good rebuttals but in general got very little sympathy. The taxi driver in Juarez agreed with me though, but he struck me as an educated man, not a typical, flag-waving, "La Raza rules" emotional person.

Bottom line, some think we're racist for trying to stop the illegals. Some think we're racist for not wanting the current American culture turned into a bilingual, uneducated culture full of soap operas, silly entertainment and basically a large-scale dumbing down of our country. No, they're not dumb people, just the level of culture is low. They are spreading to all other states too so the trend is nationwide. The little bus depot in my neighborhood advertises totally atypical destinations; Kansas, Virginia, Atlanta, Denver, Washington DC, Minnesota..etc. Don't tell me I don't like them and don't give me the diversity drivel.

If the shoe were on the other foot they wouldn't want their country overun with poor, uneducated people with little interest in joining the mainstream culture either. My ex father in law, who is a reasonable man, did tell me about how Americans sometimes congregate in Guadalajara's Plaza de Juarez and sit on the bench (he imitates them with smug faces and defensively crossed arms). He says that Mexicans will sometimes come by and shove them off the bench, and then he says that he sometimes would be one of the ones doing that. What kind of attitude is that? What a hipocrite.

OK, another little rant perhaps but really just an attempt at reporting shot straight from the hip, based on my experiences.

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Great post Danax

on a local note - HPD finally shut down the car lot the guy at the end of the street was running in the lot adjacent to his...

of course, the grass is dead where the cars were  :rolleyes:

I wish they would get rid of some of these people in my hood. :angry: It just ruins the neighborhood when there are around 8 cars on the yard with fake paper license tags and for sale signs on the cars. I can think of at least two in the Sharpstown area.

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Well, we are about to start hunting illegeal aliens with drones based at EFD.

Watchout, wetbacks!

Ellington Field will become the new home of 12 pilotless Predator aircraft, bringing 450 more jobs to the air base, Gov. Rick Perry announced this morning.

Perry said the Predators will play a major role in patrolling the Texas coast. They also will be used in helping to stem the tide of illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border, DeLay said. The Coast Guard also has expressed interest in using the aircraft.




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Interesting article:

Survey: Half of Mexicans want to come here

Analysts in that nation blast a U.S.-based poll as misleading


Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle Foreign Service

MEXICO CITY - A survey reported Tuesday that nearly half of all Mexicans would like to live in the United States and that the sentiment seemed as strong among Mexico's college-educated middle class as the poor.

link to full article

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Good news!

Aug. 24, 2005, 6:30AM

Prosecution of illegal immigrants surges in South Texas

Study shows rise of 345 percent in just a year


Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

Illegal immigrants, including first-time crossers, are being prosecuted at dramatically higher rates in South Texas, according to a new report released today.


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