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First Date Suggestions, I am lost here

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I assume the OP was talking south about "between 610 and beltway 8" - if so, take her to Armadilla Lanes and bowl. They have a snack bar and a real bar (with a pool table and big screen). Now that's my idea of a good date :)

Right on, sev! My parents told me they met at a bowling alley, so I have a soft spot for that. :) Never been to Armadilla, but it looks reasonably non-sketchy for that neighborhood. It's on Fuqua between Telephone Road and the Gulf Freeway, for those who don't know. Closer to Telephone.

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The use of the word stands. If it's a defining behavior characteristic of an individual, and the future would bring no willingness to compromise on that individual's attendance, regardless of the objections raised by a significant other, I see no better word for it than addiction. A preference by nature is something that can be compromised on or eliminated altogether as it isn't mandatory. We're pretty far out in absurdist territory now though, so I guess it really doesn't make too much difference which words we use. Hell, we can make words up to describe it. I like blaffington. It's no strip club addiction or preference. It's a strip club blaffington.

For the record, I wasn't setting it up as a strawman. I was clarifying this condition from a previous post:

The fact we continued to talk about strip clubs on first dates led me to assume this ^ wasn't the case.

You mischaracterized the scenario that I set up and then picked apart that mischaracterized scenario. You're still trying to do it. And that's a straw man.

And yes, we are in absurd territory even though we are in general agreement, but that's mostly because you made absolute statements, and I needed to undermine them with clear-cut examples of how they didn't make sense. And the process of forcing people in your situation to flesh out what they mean under duress causes most of them to poorly articulate something else, from which I can further demonstrate my intellectual superiority while continuing to undermine their credibility. It's what I do. I'm a dick like that. What can I say but that you fell into the trap.

I guess, maybe. Perhaps I was particularly successful at being single. I don't know. Although, I suppose if a woman did indeed have strong preferences, and if I was incapable of er... measuring up, I'd like to know that before showtime. Unnecessary time mismanagement and potential embarassments could be totally avoided with a little bit of honesty. Most people are too concerned with adhering to some sort of undefined social contract that limits the realm of acceptable behavior upon first encounters. I'm not one of those people. I'm polite, but not to the point of being dishonest. If who I am is offensive, then so be it. I won't change for a stranger, and I've never been desperate enough to pretend to be someone else just to get laid.

Then again, I don't enjoy strip clubs, and I don't have any major skeletons hanging in my closets. I suppose it's easiest to be forthright when there's not much to hide. (That ties back in to my unwillingness to compromise on my ethics or my morals.)

Adherence to the unwritten social contract is cumbersome at times, but I've found that it's just as important as the basic demonstration of etiquette. It's evidence that one person isn't going to make the other look like an ass by association or vice versa. It's easy to forget how important that is until a disaster occurs...such as that your date shovels goodies from the salad bar into a huge ziplock bag in her purse in plain view...or that decides to act like like she's lost her mind during the exit from the restaurant, screeching at high volume about the slaughter of the cows, subsequently cackling while walking to the car in the parking lot because it was just an experiment to gauge peoples' reactions...or that decides that it'd be a turn-on to follow you home on her pocket-rocket, circling your car on the freeway at high speed and doing wheelies. These non-first-dates of mine would've qualified as the types of people who doesn't feel constrained by social rules, and their fancy free behavior on the first date that really attracted me to them turned out to be a signal of impending doom.

Mind you, I'm not saying that anybody should change who they are as part of a first date, just that its helpful if part of who they are is a person that at least can demonstrate that they know the rules and demonstrate politeness when they know they're breaking them, for instance by using a segway such as, "I hope I'm not being to forward, but..."

That said, had a girl ever asked me to a first date at a strip club or shown up looking like Chewbacca's second cousin, I would have been able to end the charade considerably quicker than I would have otherwise.

I guess that's where we differ, and it gets me into trouble. Because if a girl asks if I'd like to go to a strip club, that's a no-brainer. The answer is yes because it'd be an interesting experience. And I don't even like strip clubs. Granted, though, I wouldn't have a long-term relationship in mind (anymore, because I know better).

Edited by TheNiche
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I assume the OP was talking south about "between 610 and beltway 8" - if so, take her to Armadilla Lanes and bowl. They have a snack bar and a real bar (with a pool table and big screen). Now that's my idea of a good date :)

Um, a first date - Really? :blink:

Call me old fashioned (not bowling alley old fashioned) but dinner at a restaurant between Katy and Pearland seems like a no-brainer. I vote for the Grove and DG. It's all right there, really cool and you park just once. Depending on the weather and what activities are planned, it would give them time to stroll around and get to know one another. :wub:

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Mind you, I'm not saying that anybody should change who they are as part of a first date, just that its helpful if part of who they are is a person that at least can demonstrate that they know the rules and demonstrate politeness when they know they're breaking them, for instance by using a segway such as, "I hope I'm not being to forward, but..."

Normally I don't comment on spelling, but when I read this immediately after reading your list of examples of outlandish behavior, I had to read it three or four times and then I had to laugh when I finally figured out what you meant. :rolleyes:

The word for "transition between two subjects, musical themes, or other discrete units" is "segue."

The electric two-wheeled stand-up riding device is "Segway." I honestly thought your hypothetical crazy date person was riding around on a Segway at first. Funny image...

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Still no word from the OP as to the living location of the subject first date. There may not even be a need to meet, if that individual lives south of Houston and cannot travel to Pearland (even if they go somewhere other than PL).

Attica and TheNiche have failed us. They seem to not have delved into the issue deep enough, for something as serious and necessary as first date advice. We need to hear more from these gentlemen, on this issue. I'm still on the fence, as they have failed to sway me - either way. We need more.

...I do like the idea of liquor and bowling....

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Still no word from the OP as to the living location of the subject first date. There may not even be a need to meet, if that individual lives south of Houston and cannot travel to Pearland (even if they go somewhere other than PL).

Attica and TheNiche have failed us. They seem to not have delved into the issue deep enough, for something as serious and necessary as first date advice. We need to hear more from these gentlemen, on this issue. I'm still on the fence, as they have failed to sway me - either way. We need more.

...I do like the idea of liquor and bowling....

I'll modify that and use part of Highway6's suggestion and throw out the idea of liquor and paintball.

And strawmen armies.

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You mischaracterized the scenario that I set up and then picked apart that mischaracterized scenario. You're still trying to do it. And that's a straw man.

And yes, we are in absurd territory even though we are in general agreement, but that's mostly because you made absolute statements, and I needed to undermine them with clear-cut examples of how they didn't make sense. And the process of forcing people in your situation to flesh out what they mean under duress causes most of them to poorly articulate something else, from which I can further demonstrate my intellectual superiority while continuing to undermine their credibility. It's what I do. I'm a dick like that. What can I say but that you fell into the trap.

I have a feeling you look a bit like this guy:


or this guy:


I guess that's where we differ, and it gets me into trouble. Because if a girl asks if I'd like to go to a strip club, that's a no-brainer. The answer is yes because it'd be an interesting experience. And I don't even like strip clubs. Granted, though, I wouldn't have a long-term relationship in mind (anymore, because I know better).

I think we've all learned that one the hard way.

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Yeah! No pretentiousness, an activity that isn't all that difficult or competitive, food, drinks, and a place to sit and talk. Oh, and a jukebox to see what she likes to listen to :)

It works out alright if you're on a double date or a similar arrangement, but it's disruptive to the conversation in a two-person game because each person is constantly getting up to take their turn. For that reason, bowling may not be suitable for a one-on-one first date.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to treat her to a truly unique experience, take her down to the ER at Ben Taub on a Saturday night and watch ‘em bring ‘em in! If it’s a real busy night, you won’t have to worry about dinner.

BTW, back in my day we’d go to Jeff Davis on Allen Parkway.

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If you want to treat her to a truly unique experience, take her down to the ER at Ben Taub on a Saturday night and watch ‘em bring ‘em in! If it’s a real busy night, you won’t have to worry about dinner.

BTW, back in my day we’d go to Jeff Davis on Allen Parkway.

Up until now, Sev's suggestion was my favorite, but I think it's just been supplanted.

And yes, in all seriousness, if I were still dating, I'd think nothing of taking a date to a bowling alley. She'd have to be something special to merit a trip to the ER, however (take that however you will :lol:)

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