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George HW Bush Heckled in Houston Restaurant


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Kyle! How could you!

Seriously, though... The guy's spouting a hodge podge of conspiracy theories, extreme left and right-wing propaganda, and vulgarities. And he had a camera with him. I couldn't even make out Mr. Bush. Seems like a desperate loner trying to draw attention to himself.

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I don't think it's appropriate to talk to anyone that way, particularly a former President. However, Bush IS responsible for all the deaths of the Iraq War, since he started it. So I see where the guy is coming from. But I don't agree with his actions.

I would say Saddam Hussein started that war when he invaded Kuwait, an American ally [sort of]. Please note it was H.W. that was heckled.

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I would say Saddam Hussein started that war when he invaded Kuwait, an American ally [sort of]. Please note it was H.W. that was heckled.

Ooops! My bad. Thought is was W. Maybe my latent desire to heckle W. caused me to read it wrong.

I must say, while I don't like his politics, #41 is a true statesman. I can't imagine talking to him that way.

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I ran into Bush Sr. at the Walgreen's at Woodway and Chimney Rock last month. He had only one suit following him. I just nodded and winked, and he smiled back. It's really neat that he runs his own errands and patronizes neighborhood businesses instead of being a wealthy recluse.

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Bush Sr. doesn't deserve a public shaming like this, which makes me wonder if the lunatic heckler was confusing him with his son.

I ran into Bush Sr. at the Walgreen's at Woodway and Chimney Rock last month. He had only one suit following him. I just nodded and winked, and he smiled back. It's really neat that he runs his own errands and patronizes neighborhood businesses instead of being a wealthy recluse.

More evidence disputing the notion that Bush Sr. is completely out of touch with us common folks. I recall the disputed story of his astonishment by a grocery store checkout scanner:


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Bush Sr. doesn't deserve a public shaming like this, which makes me wonder if the lunatic heckler was confusing him with his son.

Nah, he had the right guy. You can hear him screaming about the New World Order, a phrase that H.W. used in a State of the Union address that really infuriated the conspiracy theorists.

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GHW Bush always seemed like a guy who had contempt for the working man (and that kid he raised is/was pure garbage). Can't say I'm a fan. But anyway the video isn't that good, mostly because you can't really see who he's talking to.

Edited by N Judah
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One of my good friends is head of security detail for Bush senior. Senior is a class act through and through. Having some moron heckle him pales in comparison to some of the things they've run into along the way, but it's entertaining that this made it to the web.

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One interesting fact about the Persian Gulf War is that we basically invited Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait. There was an American diplomat named April something who told Hussein's people that America had no interest in Iraq's dispute with Kuwait prior to the invasion. To Hussein it must have seemed like a green light.

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One interesting fact about the Persian Gulf War is that we basically invited Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait. There was an American diplomat named April something who told Hussein's people that America had no interest in Iraq's dispute with Kuwait prior to the invasion. To Hussein it must have seemed like a green light.

My first inclination is to go all [Citation Needed], but on second thought -- let's just keep this thread on topic.

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Yeah, didn't mean to derail. But here's the cite anyway.

"We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait. Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America."


Some cites to primary sources in there.

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Legislation (enacted in 1997) limits SS protection for former Presidents to 10 years after leaving office. "W" will be the first one to be affected by this. This seems to be a really really bad idea. I hope they re-think this. The "HW" incident shows they need the protection for life.

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I ran into Bush Sr. at the Walgreen's at Woodway and Chimney Rock last month. He had only one suit following him. I just nodded and winked, and he smiled back. It's really neat that he runs his own errands and patronizes neighborhood businesses instead of being a wealthy recluse.

What are you doing so far removed from your usual niche?

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Yeah, didn't mean to derail. But here's the cite anyway.


Some cites to primary sources in there.

Frankly, I think you are mistaken. It could be construed as a Diplomatic blunder. The 41st administration had quite a few of those at around the time and The United States was trying to stay in an "Isolationist" mode.

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The Bushes are just another of those New England aristocratic political families who made their fortune off bootleg liquor and WWII slave labor. That said, the only thing I'd have to heckle Bush I about is that fateful evening when just one of his swimmers wasn't faster and stronger than the one that ultimately turned into Bush II. As far as his politics go, I was in middle school while he was president, so my nascent political beliefs at the time mirrored that of my parents, which viewed the man favorably. My current views of the man I can only see through the lens of history, and as far as presidents go, he was fairly benign. I think history will ultimately tell the tale of a president who was neither good nor bad, neither beneficial nor detrimental. He just was. He was merely the one night stand between America's real relationships with Reagan and Clinton. He was a rebound, nothing more. It's pretty difficult for me to understand how anybody could get too worked up about that.

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Would the heckler have been so bold if he had not filmed his interaction?

My question is: have we as a society become socially uncivilized or has the advent of an objective third party (i.e. the camera) allowed us the leeway to be this rude towards public officals?

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I think history will ultimately tell the tale of a president who was neither good nor bad, neither beneficial nor detrimental. He just was. He was merely the one night stand between America's real relationships with Reagan and Clinton. He was a rebound, nothing more. It's pretty difficult for me to understand how anybody could get too worked up about that.

I don't think it's fair to try to characterize past Presidents on a generalized good/bad or success/failure spectrum. It's oversimplistic. Even Warren G. Harding had redeeming qualities.

What does seem clear is that Bush Sr. was more of a manager than a visionary. And that's ok. Lincoln was a manager, too, in spite of the imagery that is ascribed to him in certain circles. Eisenhower was another good example of a manager as opposed to a visionary.

Bush Sr. seems competent, cautious, introspective, and pragmatic. To his political detriment, he was more of a consensus-builder than a divisive partisan. It's not that he didn't make mistakes, but he himself admits it, and that further demonstrates character. Plus, I can't think of another President from the latter 20th century that was so lacking of scandal.

As for his son, I lay blame squarely on the voters.

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GHW Bush always seemed like a guy who had contempt for the working man (and that kid he raised is/was pure garbage). Can't say I'm a fan. But anyway the video isn't that good, mostly because you can't really see who he's talking to.

It was an inappropriate display whether or not you care for the Bush family. Bush 41 is a very kind person, and was a decent president. Bush 43 - strayed from core values to appease liberals, and as a result he ended up being disliked by all. But not even Bush 43 deserves to be treated like this.

Obama will (opinion now, soon to be fact) go down in history as the worst president this country ever elected, and even I, with my absolute contempt of the man, would never speak to him like that.

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Obama will (opinion now, soon to be fact) go down in history as the worst president this country ever elected, and even I, with my absolute contempt of the man, would never speak to him like that.

I don't know about that. The post-civil-war era had some pretty crappy presidents. And if you're going to go strictly by partisan "facts", then FDR is hard to beat.

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