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George HW Bush Heckled in Houston Restaurant


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What ever happened to politeness, tact, and respect for your fellow man?

Seems to have died with the invention of the internet.

Edit: Either that, or it never really existed, and we've mawkishly sentimentalized our collective past.

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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What ever happened to politeness, tact, and respect for your fellow man?

Better peel that "Texas Friendly" bumper sticker off of your car.

Its all a matter of perspective. Some would say, for example, that telling a lie like "read my lips, no new taxes" does not demonstrate respect. Politeness, tact, and respect are reserved for people deserving of these things. I'm not saying Bush I isn't deserving, but this guy apparently didn't think he was.

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Its all a matter of perspective. Some would say, for example, that telling a lie like "read my lips, no new taxes" does not demonstrate respect. Politeness, tact, and respect are reserved for people deserving of these things. I'm not saying Bush I isn't deserving, but this guy apparently didn't think he was.

I've included a carefully compiled list of all politicians who do not lie :


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Do you think George Washington ever lied?

I say yes...the cherry tree HAS to be an urban legend...

Or were you only talking about CURRENT politicians?

Iron, I think he lied through his teeth ( They were wooden..Ha! Ha! ) no pun intended ( Yes there was ). No, really, I think he was way ahead of Horace Greely, and knew people well enough that when he was in doubt about stating the truth, or the legend - he always pontificated the legend. Look at the facts Iron, the National Inquirer, far outsells the Chronicle, and why ... you get it now, right?

By the way Iron, check out, www.allpresidents.org . You'll find more information on our presidents than anyone should, or could ever know.

*** Attica, still waiting on an answer on post # 67, or are you a recent graduate ( Dachmation ) of law school also ?

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I say yes...the cherry tree HAS to be an urban legend...

Well... the ideal was a farming lifestyle back then, so I'd wager it was more a rural legend.

*** Attica, still waiting on an answer on post # 67, or are you a recent graduate ( Dachmation ) of law school also ?

Well, your question was not in Spanish, but it was certainly Latinate, so I'm going to guess it was just straight-up Latin. And, well... while I took that for a couple years in high school, my strongest memory of the language consists of knowing stercus caput is an insult that translates pretty easily to modern English. Lex I know is law, and I'm guessing Lei is some form of that word, so all I can guess is that you're asking me if I'm excluding you and the law from my list. If so, then the answer is solidly Yes. I'm certain you've lied, and I guarantee even though Justice is blind, she ain't exactly truthful.

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I'm not so fond of his son, but HW was really not that bad of a president. Although I'd be gracious if I met any politician, current or former, regardless of whether I agree(d) with what they do/did. This guy was out of line and he's lucky he didn't get a beatdown.

Unless it was that one clown who introduced that bill that withdrew financial aid for college students if they got busted with a little weed or something. "Hey kid, this stuff might mess up your life, so we're going to make sure it's ruined and you'll be working at McDonald's." I'd probably shake his hand, then calmly suggest he take a long walk off a short pier. Then I'd wash my hands.

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Well... the ideal was a farming lifestyle back then, so I'd wager it was more a rural legend.

Well, your question was not in Spanish, but it was certainly Latinate, so I'm going to guess it was just straight-up Latin. And, well... while I took that for a couple years in high school, my strongest memory of the language consists of knowing stercus caput is an insult that translates pretty easily to modern English. Lex I know is law, and I'm guessing Lei is some form of that word, so all I can guess is that you're asking me if I'm excluding you and the law from my list. If so, then the answer is solidly Yes. I'm certain you've lied, and I guarantee even though Justice is blind, she ain't exactly truthful.

Actually by my Italian response, I was trying to surreptitiously include you (Lei) and I ( Me ), but - you've exposed my attempt, and ....yes, we should be excluded as well... and that's no lie. Your theorum on justice is correct in my book. So, in regard to the stercus caput ... well, I'll just speak english from now on ( Ha! Ha! ).

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