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what do you think of the recent ruling on political corporate donations?


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It could go both ways: Corporations can back certain groups to pull the strings on government, but a lot of damage has already been done with companies and their attack dogs lawyers. This includes copyright extensions. Did you know that if Disney had kept with the original copyright laws, Disney's Peter Pan would be released into the public domain this year?

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And, yet some demand that we allow this soulless creation with no morales, no conscience, and no responsibility be allowed to do what it pleases.

Lots of actual voters are soulless, have no morals, no conscience, and are irresponsible. What's wrong with that?

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That was mostly a joke, but for full disclosure, I had just watched an Alex Jones documentary before posting that. There's a media term, demassification, that refers to the localization of content focus, and the springing up of newer outlets to satisfy every new available niche. Fox News found some people who'd buy the crap their advertisers hocked, and if you go online you'll be capable of finding media outlets for people who think Fox News doesn't go far enough. So yeah, I knew Fox wasn't invented to be a corporate shill for Chevron and Goldmann-Sachs. More likely, they were invented to be a corporate shill for Sham-Wow and the Snuggie.

Be careful with that logic though. While a corporation is comprised of people, unlike our government, there are never been any pretensions that the corporation is of the people or by the people. In other words, they aren't thinking of your best interest come decision-making time. An average corporation has one goal, and that's to turn a profit. That's it, and nothing more. I think history has more than borne out the necessity of regulating what can easily become unfettered greed without it. Greed is what I'm worried about, and considering Joe Average is largely an idiot, I worry that those greedy corporations who have nearly bottomless pockets have unrestricted access to the decision-making epicenter of Joe Average's brain. Bear in mind, what's good for the people doesn't always correllate with turning a higher profit. Cases in point: Mountain top removal, ANWR, DDT, Mad Cow disease, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, Wal-Mart, Bernie Madoff, Enron and Windows Vista. That list can continue till it resembles the rough draft of War and Peace.

That's a little pollyannish, don't you think? On the one hand you're suggesting they shouldn't be restricted with any regulations, and on the other you're implying they'll act in the best interests of you and your community without those restrictions? Yeah, not gonna happen. You've got have one to have the other.

Yeah, but you're just some East Coast elitist who prolly drives a volvo and sips tea with your pinkie finger extended!

BTW, lol at Windows Vista being thrown into the mix!

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i think this was an annise parker sign.

What is with all the off-topic snarky comments about Annis Parker? Here's an idea. Start an "I hate Annise" thread. You can resolve any issues you have with her and I can choose to ignore it.

Edited by west20th
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