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Trouble for METRO Solutions Phase 2?


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We all know that cost is the big drawback but it seems that all other cities are able to get past that in away that Houston never has. I look at it as a long term investment, it may cost a hell of a lot now, but it will be worth it to stay competitive with its peers.

$1.5B in stimulus money went to a high-speed rail link from Orlando to Tampa. It's not far fetched.

I think the problem is that almost all of the people who move to Houston are not in it for the long haul, which is fine, but they have also somehow convinced themselves that to protect their boom-and-bust short term interests they must be dogmatically against any long term improvement/investments.

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I think the problem is that almost all of the people who move to Houston are not in it for the long haul, which is fine, but they have also somehow convinced themselves that to protect their boom-and-bust short term interests they must be dogmatically against any long term improvement/investments.

I don't follow your logic here. Can you elaborate, possibly with a hypothetical scenario? I don't plan to retire here, but I think rail could improve the city, so I'm for it.

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Prove it.

You want me to prove that I think that? Is this some kind of new troll delusion?

I don't follow your logic here. Can you elaborate, possibly with a hypothetical scenario? I don't plan to retire here, but I think rail could improve the city, so I'm for it.

Hrm...I'm afraid I'm not sure what it is that you're not understanding.

Edited by N Judah
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I think the problem is that almost all of the people who move to Houston are not in it for the long haul, which is fine, but they have also somehow convinced themselves that to protect their boom-and-bust short term interests they must be dogmatically against any long term improvement/investments.

Yeah, there are so many people fleeing Houston that the metro has grown 109% since 1980 (2.75 million to 5.78 million). But, Portland, Oregon, where no doubt everyone moves to stay for the long haul, has only grown 67% in the same period. Wonder why that is?

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Hrm...no, it seems like you understand, and it is possible that you are an exception. That might be what "almost all" means (vs. a too-inclusive "all without exception" phrasing, for example). So fear not, you are accounted for.

No, I think the problem with your statement is twofold:

1) Most people who move here are only here because they have to be, and not that they want to be, and they'll leave as soon as it's possible to do so.

2) If statement one is true, then the temporary nature of most people's stay means they don't give a crap about the place any longer than for the time they'll stay.

It reflects reflects a really poor attitude about place, and it's enormously selfish behavior. I think the big contention is that your statement in fact doesn't represent almost all people, it represents just you. The rest of us don't want to be dragged down on your sinking ship, and we don't want you speaking for us either. If you had written it to say "some people I know" or "something I heard my malcontent friend say", I don't think anyone would have jumped on your statement.

Hey the 'home of easy credit' is the place to be. I never said it wasn't!

So, you're only here because this is the only city you could buy a house and get a Zales card?

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A troll delusion is you thinking that I'm asking you to prove that you think something, as opposed to asking you to validate your assertion with data.

Yawn. Learn to read. If I think the carpetbaggers are hustlers, does that strike a little too close to home? Don't take it so personally.

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Yawn. Learn to read. If I think the carpetbaggers are hustlers, does that strike a little too close to home? Don't take it so personally.

You didn't argue that the carpetbaggers are hustlers, whatever that's supposed to mean. You formed an argument using the crap premise that, "almost all of the people who move to Houston aren't in it for the long haul." Then you got dog-piled by four people that recognized it as a crap premise. And when asked to defend the premise, you resorted to an obvious straw man tactic, then called me a troll, an ad hominem, and then followed it all up with the 'carpetbagger' non sequitur.

If you choose not to argue logically, then you must be prepared to have your vapid rhetoric marginalized by the likes of me. If that's what you consider troll-like behavior, then I am a troll (to you). I don't care.


Edited by TheNiche
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You formed an argument using the crap premise that, "almost all of the people who move to Houston aren't in it for the long haul."

Well, it's true -- I do think that almost all of the people who move to Houston aren't in it for the long haul. I said exactly as much.

Anyway, citykid09, I also support the idea of long term investment. I think Houston should have a subway system that is a true feat of engineering. There is a lot of federal money floating around nowadays and this is really a once in a lifetime opportunity. That is what I think.

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Well, it's true -- I do think that almost all of the people who move to Houston aren't in it for the long haul. I said exactly as much, and unfortunately for you, you can't tell me what to think. Sorry!

I'm not telling you what to think. I'm calling your premise into question.

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Trust me I would rather be "unhappy" in Houston than "happy" in other places. If by "happy" you mean having multiple jobs, high blood pressure and/or lower to much buying power! blink.gif This what many people I know elsewhere are going through. Sometimes a bit of perspective can go a long way.

Edited by JJVilla
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Well, it's true -- I do think that almost all of the people who move to Houston aren't in it for the long haul. I said exactly as much.

Actually, you did not say "exactly as much"

You stated it as a fact, not as an opinion.

Either way, a statement such as that cries out for some support. . . anything, anything at all to back up the premise?

Edited by Houston19514
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