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The Boulevard Project


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3 hours ago, Naviguessor said:

I think you're right J-c.  An effective, more affordable and probably less politically volatile than Rail/Light Rail system could really be applied well to Houston to Houston's layout and needs.  If Metro were to propose a Major BRT system, I would get behind it, and stop complaining about lack of rail (although I still think we'd need express rail lines to the airports). 

Completely agree. I think if anything, we should focus on rail to the airports and BRT for some of our major thoroughfares. It would be a quick shot in the arm for our public transit system. 

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They have always been there, they are just making them wider and therefore taller to accommodate the new widened roads! Love our arches and can't wait to get our UFO street signs back up! Target date for everything done is Dec 2018 but thinking it may go just a little beyond that... we shall see! 


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On 3/2/2018 at 3:29 PM, j_cuevas713 said:

Man that looks great! Idk how in the hell anyone in that area cold be opposed to this lol smh so dumb


because the improvements aren't strictly going to be advantageous to promoting the single occupant car culture we so desperately cling to.

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The new sidewalks and trees being installed are really looking great and some of the more completed sections are getting more use.  I walked to Uptown Park for lunch the other day and sidewalks are so much wider and makes me want to walk more if heading down Post Oak.  Summer will be a different story, but I'm interested to see how this works when the trees provide a lot more shade.

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16 hours ago, Vy65 said:

I think the lack of enthusiasm has to deal with the fact that putting in a dedicated bus line isn't going to transform Post Oak into some urban paradise. Frankly, I don't see the point of this project.

Umm what? It links 2 major transit centers in the heart of Uptown. And yeah I think it will become an urban paradise over time. Solid infrastructure will help spur redevelopment of those shopping centers that line the boulevard.  The point of this project is better transit OPTIONS and pedestrian access to the street. Would you have said the same if it was light rail because both projects are basically doing the same thing? It's still the Gold Line either way. All that's missing is a link between this and the Red Line and you have a solid system that will connect well with our street buses.

Edited by j_cuevas713
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The project is about making "the boulevard" walkable/pedestrian friendly/etc... What does linking two transit centers have anything to do with that? 


The fundamental problem is that Ashley furniture and empty parcels owned by Apache don't have any real appeal. Putting a bus and some trees on the street isn't going to change that fact.

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41 minutes ago, Vy65 said:

The project is about making "the boulevard" walkable/pedestrian friendly/etc... What does linking two transit centers have anything to do with that? 


The fundamental problem is that Ashley furniture and empty parcels owned by Apache don't have any real appeal. Putting a bus and some trees on the street isn't going to change that fact.

Is that an honest question? If you link 2 transit centers you allow for more flexibility to move as a pedestrian. Think about people living near either transit center wanting to get to Post Oak without a car. You can walk there but it defeats the purpose of making Post Oak more pedestrian friendly if you can't access it without a car. And are you that nearsighted to think that those developments are going to stay that way? I mean look at the bigger picture. 20 years down the road what you see now will change dramatically. And yes actually making the street more pedestrian friendly will change the entire aesthetic to the area, regardless of what's there now. Jesus. I almost fear that this is the way most Houstonians look at things because they fail to see the bigger picture. I mean if you need a sample size look at cities like NY for the best example of how transit helps businesses economically. If you rely on one source of transit and fail to give options then you literally cut the potential of that business. And besides that, THIS IS A MAJOR CITY. If you aren't building new options to move people, whether you think it's stupid or whatever, then you're behind. Because guess what? People are going to use it to get around. It's crazy because lot's of people said the same BS about the light rail and now you have developers using that as a tool draw people. Plain and simple, people need options. There's no fundamental problem with an Ashley's furniture that was built in an era that the car was the only option given to move people. Cities change and evolve for a reason and this isn't the Post Oak from 30 years ago. 

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3 minutes ago, j_cuevas713 said:

Is that an honest question? If you link 2 transit centers you allow for more flexibility to move as a pedestrian. Think about people living near either transit center wanting to get to Post Oak without a car. You can walk there but it defeats the purpose of making Post Oak more pedestrian friendly if you can't access it without a car. 


We're talking past each other. In the abstract, yes, you are correct re: transit centers. That still has nothing to do with the fact that there's no incentive for someone to go to "the boulevard" in the first place, unless you consider Kenny & Ziggy's and Jamba Juice major draws. Some trees and a little more sidewalk won't change that fact.

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2 minutes ago, Vy65 said:


We're talking past each other. In the abstract, yes, you are correct re: transit centers. That still has nothing to do with the fact that there's no incentive for someone to go to "the boulevard" in the first place, unless you consider Kenny & Ziggy's and Jamba Juice major draws. Some trees and a little more sidewalk won't change that fact.

No Incentive??? What in the world are you looking at!?!? 

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6 minutes ago, Vy65 said:

I worked at 2POC for 2+ years, so I've been looking at Post Oak Boulevard. What do you think is going to draw pedestrians out? The CPK or the quasi-abandoned AT&T store?

Are you missing the fact that you need solid infrastructure to spur new pedestrian oriented development? You're living in the PAST and in the NOW. You have to plan for growth and density for the FUTURE. My goodness, you can't be this pessimistic. That is honestly the issue with how this city has dealt with growth. It's that mentality of "Oh well nobody is going to use it." that has stalled progress. Idc if you worked on Post Oak for the past 30 years. If you give people an option to walk, THEY WILL DO IT! If you need any proof of this then look at damn near every other city in the entire world. You can stay stuck in your car for all I care. 

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7 minutes ago, j_cuevas713 said:

Are you missing the fact that you need solid infrastructure to spur new pedestrian oriented development. You're living in the PAST and in the NOW. You have to plan for growth and density. My goodness, you can't be this pessimistic. That is honestly the issue with how this city has dealt with growth. It's that mentality of "Oh well nobody is going to use it." that has stalled progress. Idc if you worked on Post Oak for the past 30 years. If you give people an option to walk, THEY WILL DO IT! If you need any proof of this then look at damn near every other city in the entire world. 

Again, we're talking past each other. I'm not suggesting infrastructure is not important. What I am suggesting is that putting a bus and some trees is not going to magically inspire people to take a strole on "the boulevard," considering it's filled with the likes of Gallery Furniture and Luby's. 


People already walk up and down Post Oak everyday. Can you point me to any evidence that suggests putting in some more sidewalk or a bus line will spur urban development here or is some kind of missing link between the status quo and said urban development? What specifically do you anticipate being developed/built as a result of this project? 

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Then that illustrates three uses of this project


  1. Connecting the two transit centers, as discussed before.
  2. Allowing people to go to the Galleria via those transit centers easily, where before it would have been more difficult.
  3. Encouraging visitors to the Galleria to venture up and down Post Oak, where before they'd have to spend time finding a parking spot and driving in traffic.  It makes the whole strip an extension of the Galleria, more so than it is now.
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Also, during rush hour these buses will almost certainly be substantially faster than driving, and there people who live along this corridor. Even if they don't walk except from the station to their destination, it will be a tempting alternative to sitting in traffic. Or at least, it would be for me. 

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I’m impressed by METRo/TxDOT’s hard work in connecting the galleria to more parking lots via bus.


The intersection of POB and San Felipe is less than a mile from the mall. Is that half mile distance currently discouraging urban development? Can people not walk to CPK or the Verizon store currently?


The “boulevard” already is an extension of the Galleria and yet there’s none of the development being claimed in this thread. It’s specious to think a bus and some trees will transform the strip malls and Starbucks into something else.

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