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Walmart Supercenter At 111 Yale St.


Walmart at Yale & I-10: For or Against  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Q1: Regarding the proposed WalMart at Yale and I-10:

    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • Undecided
  2. 2. Q2: If/when this proposed WalMart is built at Yale & I-10

    • I am FOR this WalMart and will shop at this WalMart
    • I am FOR this WalMart but will not shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart but will shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart and will not shop at this WalMart
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Q3: WalMart in general

    • I am Pro-Walmart
    • I am Anti-Walmart
    • I don't care either way
    • Undecided

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Oh exalted ones, I come before you to seek passage over the Yale bridge for purposes of commerce in the Kingdom of Wal. I have heard rumors of fabulous bargains not seen in the Heightlands. I submit to you my plans for home improvements and a list of items I seek in the Kingdom of Wal.

Whah, ha,ha! Declined! Into to pit to face the Anise!


*Btw, Jabba is a member of a protected class and will receive a waiver to cross the bridge and an electric cart if he should ever tour the Kingdom of Wal.

Edited by TGM
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I just had my internet phone service replaced with a rotary phone.

excellent decision! Truly in keeping with your historic meme, I fully expect you to downgrade back to an old dial modem as well...I believe there may be one provider left still offering dial up service...somewhere....Ahhh to hear the squeals of an old modem again - reminiscent of days gone by...

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Oh, no. We aren't trying to go back to the 1800s in the Heights. Only 1920. July 7, 1920, in fact. Everything that did not exist before or after July 7, 1920 must be removed. We actually had indoor plumbing on July 7, 1920.

BTW, I am not at all pleased that you hijacked my tile contractor thread for tub refinishing. :angry:

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excellent decision! Truly in keeping with your historic meme, I fully expect you to downgrade back to an old dial modem as well...I believe there may be one provider left still offering dial up service...somewhere....Ahhh to hear the squeals of an old modem again - reminiscent of days gone by...

Obviously you did not buy your duck hunting license this year at local Heights mom & pop or Walmart. :-)


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Halloween. Candy sales=$$$. I have heard that Kroger on Studewood is scrambling to get open around the same time.

In an alternate, renaissance universe......


I've just overheard our chambermaids discussing that you can actually buy pre-cooked sweets in the Kingdom of Wal!

Oh, how dreadful!

We've got to do something to abolish this lazy practice! Children need to learn that thistle with honey and candied plums are the only appropriate and accurate harvest festival treats! I knew these Norman invaders would be a problem the moment they arrived!

So what can we do? Declare the area a Druid burial ground?

No, we used that against the Peasant Village project.

Appeal to the Queen?

No, remember she endorsed the merchants investment in Wal.

I've got it! Remember when the Druids requested passage across our bridge to move stone for that silly time portal project?


Let's limit the number of caravans that can cross the bridge for the purpose of safety. We can say its a weight issue.

That's preposterous! Everyone knows that they are not carrying stone across the bridge by hand, we're talking about oxcarts moving cheap items from mostly the Orient. It's dry goods, thin linens, and cheap porcelains at best.

Yes, but the impact of a steady stream of oxen across that bridge, think of the emissions!

Yes, I see your point. If we can somehow route them through the feudal villages we can cause a peasant uprising, and they will cry out for the return to the olde ways.

Here here!

Edited by TGM
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Here's what I don't get:

When I went to Houston (the Heights, actually) in December 2011, I noticed there was a "Restaurant Depot" on 18th and T.C. Jester on the White Oak Bayou. Further research showed this was a Kmart until 2002-2003. So, my question is, why are people making a huge deal of the Wal-Mart (a few blocks south of the Heights, plus a highway between it) but (to my knowledge, at least) never complained about the Kmart as much, a few blocks west of the Heights, without a highway separating it?

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Here's what I don't get:

When I went to Houston (the Heights, actually) in December 2011, I noticed there was a "Restaurant Depot" on 18th and T.C. Jester on the White Oak Bayou. Further research showed this was a Kmart until 2002-2003. So, my question is, why are people making a huge deal of the Wal-Mart (a few blocks south of the Heights, plus a highway between it) but (to my knowledge, at least) never complained about the Kmart as much, a few blocks west of the Heights, without a highway separating it?

You do realize, don't you, that Allison was called up by the Heights Big Box Haters to remove the blight that was K-Mart. Fortunately, they spent all of their magical powers destroying a store that was doomed anyway, so they've had to revert to irrational mewling to fight WalMart.

Edited by Ross
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You do realize, don't you, that Allison was called up by the Heights Big Box Haters....

They almost killed our Discount Tire with their treacherous alchemy. And that Alberstsons, wtf was that all about.....corporate malfeasance or witchcraft, who knows....I liked the weed choked ditch.

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They almost killed our Discount Tire with their treacherous alchemy. And that Alberstsons, wtf was that all about.....corporate malfeasance or witchcraft, who knows....I liked the weed choked ditch.

When discount tire thrives, mom & pops die.


Smash the machines of the imperialist-capitalists-fascist-baby seal clubbing-F150 with truck testicals driving-Texas Toast eating-Wal-mart shopping-meat grilling-suburban wine bar drinking-evil doers.

We did not listen to mother nature's cleansing waters of Allison and instead of repenting doubled down on our consumption. Put your ear to the tarmac of the Yale bridge and listen to what she is trying to tell us!


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Here's what I don't get:

When I went to Houston (the Heights, actually) in December 2011, I noticed there was a "Restaurant Depot" on 18th and T.C. Jester on the White Oak Bayou. Further research showed this was a Kmart until 2002-2003. So, my question is, why are people making a huge deal of the Wal-Mart (a few blocks south of the Heights, plus a highway between it) but (to my knowledge, at least) never complained about the Kmart as much, a few blocks west of the Heights, without a highway separating it?

TS Allison and the demise of Kmart was quite a while ago.

Many of the folks fighting the (new) Walmart located south of their neighborhood did not even live in the Heights area when Kmart was alive and well. They are "newbies".......so to speak. And yet they know best what is good for the 'hood.....

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TS Allison and the demise of Kmart was quite a while ago.

Many of the folks fighting the (new) Walmart located south of their neighborhood did not even live in the Heights area when Kmart was alive and well. They are "newbies".......so to speak. And yet they know best what is good for the 'hood.....

Yeah, most have only been here a few years, including the most vocal opponent on this forum. Sure is nice to know there are people who know so much more than me, and can make decisions in my best interest for me. I'd hate to make decisions on my own.

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Yeah, most have only been here a few years, including the most vocal opponent on this forum. Sure is nice to know there are people who know so much more than me, and can make decisions in my best interest for me. I'd hate to make decisions on my own.

Red, statements like that are the gateway-drugs to Libertarianism. (no pun intended on the drug part)

Set the Fountainhead down! ;-)

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TS Allison and the demise of Kmart was quite a while ago.

Many of the folks fighting the (new) Walmart located south of their neighborhood did not even live in the Heights area when Kmart was alive and well. They are "newbies".......so to speak. And yet they know best what is good for the 'hood.....

No one is fighting the Walmart anymore. It has been built and will open in a few weeks. What people are doing now is making sure that the City keep its word that they will "hold the developer's feet to the fire" on all the negative impacts that the development will bring to the area (crime, traffic, flooding, etc.). The Yale St. bridge must be fixed. The truck route on Heights/Koehler does not work and plenty of truckers will ignore the restrictions and take the bridge anyway. There are a whole boat load of other road improvement projects in the West End neighborhood that are needed once the Walmart starts sending cut through traffic down 18' wide streets with on street parking. There may also be other traffic mitigation measures needed considering just how bad the new feeders have made N/S traffic.

The idea that people have to have a certain number of years as a resident of the Heights in order to know what is right for the neighborhood is complete garbage. It is just a way of dodging the real issues. And, frankly, I am glad that a lot of the newer residents, and plenty of the older residents, are outspoken about this issue and about quality of life issues in the Heights because too many of the older residents are too complacent and are still of the mindset that anything is better than the way things were in the 1980s.

Lastly, no one in the Heights today complained about the K-Mart when it was built because most of us were either just little kids when it was built or were not even alive. The K-Mart building is from the late 60s. There were also oil refineries down near I-10 and Santa Anna's army may have had an encampment near the Heights in the 1830s. No one alive today complained about either of those, so I guess that means we cannot complain about Walmart.

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Santa Anna's army may have had an encampment near the Heights.

Santa Anna's army camped in Sealy, cause they had the best outlet mall at the time.

I imagine they would have stopped in the Heights, but with no Walmart, and only trendy overpriced 'mom and pop' places, they chose to skip the experience and went down Washington to hit some of the bars on the way.

Edited by samagon
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The idea that people have to have a certain number of years as a resident of the Heights in order to know what is right for the neighborhood is complete garbage. It is just a way of dodging the real issues.

The idea that a small group of people who mostly just moved to the neighborhood try to tell everyone else how the neighborhood should be sounds pretty significant to me (not garbage). The people who move in to places like the soon to be built 84 condos will have opinions but I bet you will try to use the "you just moved here" approach with them, or you'll probably say something like "WE" know whats best, and the condos aren't part of the neighborhood.

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The idea that people have to have a certain number of years as a resident of the Heights in order to know what is right for the neighborhood is complete garbage.

The idea that you think you can move into this neighborhood and then push your stupid ideas on others while acting like you founded the Heights is what is complete garbage.

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These same "defenders" of Heights quality of life applauded the Target development with more strip center footage, and far worse traffic patterns. The garbage here are the do-gooders with a warped sense of quality of life.

Bull. There was a lot of concern about the Target. The developer met with concerned residents and made lots of promises to appease the neighborhood. Many of those same residents are now the same people fighting for the issues surrounding the Walmart because they learned that you cannot just sit back and trust developers to look out for the interests of the community. The real people with the warped sense of quality of life are those who think that it is a good thing to drop a Walmart supercenter that no one wants and no one needs in the middle of an urban community that had a half decent chance to kick the shortsighted car-centric model of development that has been imposed on the community.

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