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Actually, that's a new scrap metal plant.

I think you're talking about the French company near Broadway. I'm talking about the one on the Brays just east of Mason Park.

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Oh, didn't know about that one. North or south side of the bayou?
North, on the little bend on the map just above E. Erath St., a spot that definitely has a higher and better use in its future.
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North, on the little bend on the map just above E. Erath St., a spot that definitely has a higher and better use in its future.

One would hope, but then I always figured that the 22 acres allocated to the new scrap metal yard would be put to far better use as a waterfront residential/entertainment complex. But apparently it is becoming extremely difficult to find any frontage on any navigable waterway, and these scrap yards can pay a high price for it.

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  • 1 month later...
Is the hike/bike trail concrete, asphalt, or is it a dirt trail?
concrete. and most would accomodate a car.
What is the truck in the first photo spraying? Some kind of insecticide for mosquitoes?
i believe it is spray on grass to prevent erosion. it usually roots fairly quickly
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did i forget to mention there was a gate?

A gate? Phbbt! That's nothing. This is a place where we make our own onramps and offramps on the freeways (evidenced by little dirt paths across the esplanade leading from the freeway to the feeder road). But seriously, I've never known a hike and bike trail on a bayou to have a gate, is that to keep folks off after dark?

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A gate? Phbbt! That's nothing. This is a place where we make our own onramps and offramps on the freeways (evidenced by little dirt paths across the esplanade leading from the freeway to the feeder road). But seriously, I've never known a hike and bike trail on a bayou to have a gate, is that to keep folks off after dark?

this trail has always had em. the ones i've seen with gates tend to be wider trails that can accomodate cars. guess they don't want any joy riders but county vehicles could use them for easier access.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I am in the process of moving into this area. I plan to renovate a

nice townhome and assist in making this area a better place to

live in.

The image that a neighborhood exhibits can really make a difference in

how the residents treat the area that they live in.

I started today by calling the Fiesta Super Mart on Braeswood to pick

up 10 shopping carts that were abandoned in the area.

I am optimistic since the new Brays Oaks Management District has really

become active and now has a revamped website nd seems to be on

the move. http://braysoaksmd.org/default.aspx

In the Spirit,

Jay Man

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I am in the process of moving into this area. I plan to renovate a

nice townhome and assist in making this area a better place to

live in.

The image that a neighborhood exhibits can really make a difference in

how the residents treat the area that they live in.

I started today by calling the Fiesta Super Mart on Braeswood to pick

up 10 shopping carts that were abandoned in the area.

I am optimistic since the new Brays Oaks Management District has really

become active and now has a revamped website nd seems to be on

the move. http://braysoaksmd.org/default.aspx

In the Spirit,

Jay Man

Here is a new Houston Chronicle article on Brays Oaks:


June 25, 2008, 3:26PM

Crime drops in Brays Oaks district while population increases


Houston Chronicle

TOOLSEmail Get section feed Print <script type=text/javascript> if (MCP_PLUCK) { gSiteLife.Recommend("ExternalResource",PluckItemID); } Recommend Comments <script src="http://d.yimg.com/ds/badge.js" ____yb="1" badgetype="text" showbranding="1">houston_chron196:http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/buzz/5856036.html Yahoo! BuzzThe area within the Brays Oaks Management District from 1998-2007 experienced a 27 percent drop in violent and nonviolent crime even as the area's population grew by about 45,000 residents.

The results show that the Brays Oaks area e_SEmD once known for derelict apartments, gangs and other crime e_SEmD is experiencing a sort of Renaissance, returning to its quiet roots as "a good neighborhood to live in,"' said Jim Myers, director of community services for the district.

That's mostly because of the Houston Police Department's crime-fighting programs, particularly officers from the Fondren Division, an infusion of city money and civic-minded residents who are fed up with the status quo as it was 10 years ago, Myers said.

The drop in crime reports is the result of the study, Criminal Offenses and Population Growth, 1998-2007.

It is based on HPD's Citywide Uniform Crime Statistics and FBI Part One Criminal Offenses from the HPD Crime Analysis and Command Center Division, Myers said, which compared crime statistics with population growth.

"When you have more people, you would think you would have more crime. We were surprised," Myers said.

In 2005, using city Community Development Block Grant funds, HPD targeted crime in the area of Hillcroft Avenue on the east to U.S. 59 to the west; Brays Bayou to the north; and U.S. 90-A and Main Street to the south.

New grant initiatives through the city and HPD included the Safe To School Program in which police officers identified one-time or habitually truant students and returned them to campuses.

Another HPD program identified the district's 14 worst apartments in terms of crime, and sent in teams that identified and towed vehicles that were never moved, and worked with managers to identify and evict problem tenants.

Crime in those 14 property complexes dropped by as much as 34 percent, Myers said.

more at:



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Great to hear my neck of the woods are doing better. This particular area of Southwest has always been quite nice, particulrly because many of the neighborhoods are at least 30 years old with mature trees. I grew in the area between Fondren Southwest and the Westbury/Meyerland area. I always thought this area would become more desirbale as Houston grew because it's in a relatively good location. You'd be pleasently surprsied at some of the neighborhoods.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Will this bridge have any style, lighting, etc. or just another run of the mill concrete bridge?

I know this topic is pretty old, but construction has started on the bridge. The supports & middle section are built but not connected to either side yet. The interesting thing is that there is a concrete beam at each corner of the bridge that closely resembles the pillars at one of UH entrances:


It also seems that Cambridge's bicycle lanes will continue across the bridge. The pdf linked on this page has a nice drafting of an overhead view of the bridge:


I'll try getting over there with a camera. This bridge will actually be fairly unique as far as the area goes.

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I read somewhere that most of the bridges will be replaced over Brays Bayou. These replacements are associated in drainage and bayou improvements. Apparently, the new bridges will be span bridges, replacing the ones that now obstruct water flow with their supports.

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Yea, noticed the big decorative pillar on the east side of the bayou last week... this will definitely change up traffic flow in that area. It also provides a direct connection to Baylor's new hospital and MD Anderson/UT's research park.

I think they are cutting another road through, parallel to Fannin, south of the bayou... not sure what the street name is though.

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I think they are cutting another road through, parallel to Fannin, south of the bayou... not sure what the street name is though.

Sounds like an extension of Selma or Cecil St, I've seen the work, but I can't remember which one it is. Those two streets run parallel to each other and to Fannin south of the bayou, AND, for pop culture references, both streets ironically have the same names of two "Simpsons" characters, not that anyone except for me would notice. :rolleyes:

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The new Brays Bayou bridge that will connect Cambridge to Hermann Circle (I hear) is going to be 'fancy'. Hopefully, they'll add some park-like features around it. So, this should be the other grand entrance to the park. That's my speculation, but I can dream, can't I? If this is done, it would be much closer to Mosaic than the rest of the park.

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Numerous famous people have always commented on the fabulous views from Zaza (When it was The Warwick) I know Bob Hope said it was his all time favorite in the USA. However the Mosaic will more than likely equal or surpass that statement. The fundraiser (we are at) at Mosaic was by the pool and that was spectacular. Felt like we were in San Diego or somewhere out of this world. No it wasnt the champagne either. :blush:

Mosaic is a masterpiece in the making (more buildings for me to worship) Ja!

I can hardly wait to see what that bridge will look like after competed that is. Any one have renderings, etc? Sneak previews?

PS, you can register for a tour too! Don't be bashful...


What bridge?

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