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On 10/31/2020 at 11:52 AM, Triton said:

Is it open now? 

It looked close to completion when I last rode by, but was surprised today to see them chipping away at the top and exposing the rebar beneath. Saw several pieces of removed rebar on the sidewalk. Talked with a guy who I assume might have been a QC and asked him what was going on. He basically said the contractor f....d up the road and they were having to replace portions of it. It's was supposed to have been completed on Nov. 1st. The contractor is going to lose their a.. on this IMHO. Low bidder hell.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • The title was changed to WIll Braes Bayou Ever See Any More Development?
  • 2 weeks later...

Looks finished but not open yet. Weird configuration of the lanes, to the right you have a northbound lane and just left of that is a southbound lane. Then over to the far left side there is another lane, I wonder what that lane is for? The only things I can think of is a u-turn lane or a bus only lane but the northbound lane traffic can go left too.


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2 hours ago, Houston19514 said:

It's a u-turn lane


7 hours ago, hindesky said:

Looks finished but not open yet. Weird configuration of the lanes, to the right you have a northbound lane and just left of that is a southbound lane. Then over to the far left side there is another lane, I wonder what that lane is for? The only things I can think of is a u-turn lane or a bus only lane but the northbound lane traffic can go left too.


Considering that they got rid of the slip turn lane at N. MacGregor and 288 to eliminate a conflict point between cars and pedestrians going to the new HEB, it puzzled me that they included this U-turn lane in the plans for the Ardmore bridge. I've lived near that corner 30+ years and there's always pedestrian and bicycle traffic there. The u-turn lane is unfortunately adding another conflict point between cars and pedestrians/cyclists. I made it known that I was against the u-turn lane for that reason, but Harris County wouldn't budge on changing the plans. In fact, Harris County didn't ask our neighborhood for input when the bridge was in the planning process, and initially only gave us a few weeks advance notice of the bridge closure, which led to a 6 month delay of the start of project. Considering the contractor screwup, this new bridge has been a clusterf from square one. I'll be glad when it opens so I won't have to take a neighborhood tour every time I need to get to 288.

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that photo's looking from south to north?

I guess crossing that street on the north side of the bayou is still going to be the safest place to cross.

the u-turn lane (for traffic flow purposes) does make sense, in my mind, west of that bridge, on both sides of the bayou the streets are one way, then east of that bridge, both sides are two way.

depending on how the pedestrian/cycle crossing of the u-turn lane is configured, it could be safe enough, even if it will slow down cyclists crossing. 

the biggest issue with crossing that bridge as a cyclist, or a ped (at least on the south side of the bridge) is the traffic traveling west on the 2 lane road that has to turn right to cross the bridge (or left into the neighborhood), when you are traveling west as well, you have to be very vigilant of traffic approaching from behind that is turning right (possibly on a red light, when you have a green walk sign) won't notice you until you are on the hood of their vehicle.

as someone who uses these paths for cycling a lot (3x a week on average), if I am on the south side of the bayou, I will use the bridge near Rio Vista, or the Columbia Tap trail bridge the cross to the North side of the bayou for the safer crossing of Ardmore street. I do this even though the view as you are traveling west on the south side of the bayou and turn the corner near Bowling Green offers one of my favorite views of downtown.

anyway, the best solution (and hopefully on the long term list) is an underpass for the path both here, and at Scott street.

Edited by samagon
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2 hours ago, samagon said:

anyway, the best solution (and hopefully on the long term list) is an underpass for the path both here, and at Scott street.

I asked HCFCD about an underpass at Ardmore before they started construction and they said no. I can't remember if their excuse was based on engineering or they pulled the "we're not in the business of transportation" card. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so this is S. MacGregor lanes eastbound at Ardmore bridge. The way I see it the far left lane is for those who want to u-turn on to the west bound lanes of N.MacGregor. The middle and outside lanes are supposed to be for those continuing eastbound on S. MacGregor. The northbound lanes of Ardmore St. can drive over the bridge and the left lane can turn westbound on N.McGregor and the right lane can turn right on N. MacGregor. The thing I see being a big problem is the lanes heading westbound on the east side of the Ardmore bridge on S. MacGregor will cause many head-on collisions unless they have some kind of solid barrier to stop people from driving westbound on S. MacGregor. I'm confused by all the possibilities idiot/drunk drivers could possibly make while trying to negotiate this intersection, seems like setting people up to fail, especially if they don't drive here often.


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On 1/2/2021 at 5:28 PM, hindesky said:

Ok, so this is S. MacGregor lanes eastbound at Ardmore bridge. The way I see it the far left lane is for those who want to u-turn on to the west bound lanes of N.MacGregor. The middle and outside lanes are supposed to be for those continuing eastbound on S. MacGregor. The northbound lanes of Ardmore St. can drive over the bridge and the left lane can turn westbound on N.McGregor and the right lane can turn right on N. MacGregor. The thing I see being a big problem is the lanes heading westbound on the east side of the Ardmore bridge on S. MacGregor will cause many head-on collisions unless they have some kind of solid barrier to stop people from driving westbound on S. MacGregor. I'm confused by all the possibilities idiot/drunk drivers could possibly make while trying to negotiate this intersection, seems like setting people up to fail, especially if they don't drive here often.


That's my parents' front yard on the right. People did frequently go the wrong way on S. MacGregor before the bridge project started. People would turn into their driveway to u-turn or do a crude 3-point turn in the middle of the street, blocking traffic and go the right way, or they sometimes even get as far as the curve in the bend between Ardmore and W. Leland Anderson St. before hitting someone head-on or turning around. My mom remembers when they restriped the streets. She left home one morning in 1980 or 1981 and came back that evening and found out she couldn't get back in the driveway because the street was now one way. They had to take a a circuitous route using the 288 feeder roads or go through those back streets where the psychiatric center is now if they were coming from east of Ardmore. 

Plans in the 1970s called for N. and S. MacGregor to be one way between Almeda and Calhoun with bridges built between Ardmore and Scott and between Scott and Calhoun to allow for u-turns. Some say it was part of an even larger long term plan to eventually turn the area into a giant research campus between the Medical Center and UH. Under then District D Councilman Anthony Hall, a compromise was reached and the one way terminated at Ardmore. 

But back to the bridge. It's still not open. The contractors appear to be doing work on the sewer lines again. There's a hole dug in my parents' yard now as well as on the bank of the bayou. I guess they messed up on that, too. The Buffalo Speedway Bridge is closing on January 18th, and last time I checked, the same contractor for the Ardmore and Stella Link bridges won the bid on that project, too. At this rate, I guess we can hope for a February opening maybe?

I also think this Ardmore delay is delaying the start of the Almeda and Calhoun bridge projects. You can see workers starting to stage at Almeda.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Saw this project last time I rode by here. First time I took a pic from the bike trail and saw all the rip rap in the corner bend of the Brays Bayou. I was thinking this might be to prevent future flooding from washing out the bend and from threatening the integrity of the huge culvert. This time I saw the sign. Wanted to ask one of the workers but they were busy at work and the boss was on the phone.




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