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METRORail Construction Resumes


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Well, on my way to and from work, it appears that the construction on Scott Street has stopped. No construction crews or any work being done, but the construction equipment is still around and everything is still a mess. Our worst fears were realized :(

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Well, on my way to and from work, it appears that the construction on Scott Street has stopped. No construction crews or any work being done, but the construction equipment is still around and everything is still a mess. Our worst fears were realized :(

Nope, not my worst fear. Last I checked, METRO was still solvent, not in Chapter 8 or in some form of custodianship.

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Nope, not my worst fear. Last I checked, METRO was still solvent, not in Chapter 8 or in some form of custodianship.

not chapter 8, but still pretty damn bad.

whole streets through downtown just torn up and nothing being done with huge holes and whatnot.

sure it's a direct result of crappiness, but my momma always said, you can't make crappy better by making the situation even more crappy.

well, that isn't what she said verbatim, but it's darn close.

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Nope, not my worst fear. Last I checked, METRO was still solvent, not in Chapter 8 or in some form of custodianship.

I agree totally, there are sections that they can at least lay concrete to give some relief to businesses and residences at certain parts of the line. Some others where it's basically is on it's own ROW, can certainly wait.

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As of last week construction was still in full swing on the East End line. Seems the downtown area is also being prepped for major construction in the coming weeks and Harrisburg east of Hughes is also being worked on as well as far as about 75th street.

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As of last week construction was still in full swing on the East End line. Seems the downtown area is also being prepped for major construction in the coming weeks and Harrisburg east of Hughes is also being worked on as well as far as about 75th street.

that is good news, for sure, but just from observations, scott street appears to be in the same condition it was when this fiasco came up. I also haven't seen any crews out there, granted I work on weekdays, so I don't expect to.

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i've been out of town and i am extremely interested in this... has construction completely stopped or are they moving forward?

in general, are the north, east, and southeast lines officially put on hold just like the university and uptown lines? Anyone have the know on the new completion timelines?

that is good news, for sure, but just from observations, scott street appears to be in the same condition it was when this fiasco came up. I also haven't seen any crews out there, granted I work on weekdays, so I don't expect to.

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i've been out of town and i am extremely interested in this... has construction completely stopped or are they moving forward?

in general, are the north, east, and southeast lines officially put on hold just like the university and uptown lines? Anyone have the know on the new completion timelines?

I don't think any of the lines have been "officially put on hold". Some work continues on lines, but the next round of contracts has to wait until the federal funding is regained. Planning and engineering work continues on the University Lines and I think on the Uptown line as well.

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I don't think any of the lines have been "officially put on hold". Some work continues on lines, but the next round of contracts has to wait until the federal funding is regained. Planning and engineering work continues on the University Lines and I think on the Uptown line as well.

I think you are correct. Work is definitely continuing as we speak...


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solid thanks for the update people

the work "continuing" apparently doesn't include moving forward at this time with actually building the lines, since METRO has reduced its rail budget for FY2011 by about 70% - over $300million. see below


including this pithy quote from G Greanias: "The Metropolitan Transit Authority has put 121 light rail expansion contracts on hold as a result of the Federal Transit Administration's decision last month to withhold a $900 million grant.

The move slows down work on five new rail lines on which Metro already has spent $600 million. None are near completion, and if Metro were forced to cancel the projects for lack of funds, all it would have to show for the investment are 'a lot of nice new utilities' and 'newly paved streets,' said George Greanias, the agency's president.

"In the meantime, the grant's delay causes a cash-flow crisis. Metro had been planning to spend $458 million on rail expansion in the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. After the FTA decision, it trimmed that back to $143 million, Greanias wrote in a letter to board members.

Metro is suspending or reducing the amount of 80 construction and supply contracts, 30 engineering contracts, six small business and workforce training contracts and five community outreach contracts."

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  • 1 month later...

the work "continuing" apparently doesn't include moving forward at this time with actually building the lines, since METRO has reduced its rail budget for FY2011 by about 70% - over $300million. see below


including this pithy quote from G Greanias: "The Metropolitan Transit Authority has put 121 light rail expansion contracts on hold as a result of the Federal Transit Administration's decision last month to withhold a $900 million grant.

The move slows down work on five new rail lines on which Metro already has spent $600 million. None are near completion, and if Metro were forced to cancel the projects for lack of funds, all it would have to show for the investment are 'a lot of nice new utilities' and 'newly paved streets,' said George Greanias, the agency's president.

"In the meantime, the grant's delay causes a cash-flow crisis. Metro had been planning to spend $458 million on rail expansion in the fiscal year that began Oct. 1. After the FTA decision, it trimmed that back to $143 million, Greanias wrote in a letter to board members.

Metro is suspending or reducing the amount of 80 construction and supply contracts, 30 engineering contracts, six small business and workforce training contracts and five community outreach contracts."

Anybody have any new information? Really sad to see the rails delayed like this... would have been a great opportunity for the city to become a more walkable place.

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  • 2 weeks later...


"Greanias says METRO plans to rebid the light rail contract in January."

"As for the $900 million in federal funding, Greanias says he expects to get a definitive answer from the FTA in June or July. He’s confident METRO will receive the funding, but stresses that if it doesn’t, the agency has a backup plan to keep the rail expansion moving."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great news! Finally Scoot Street will get some movement!

I wonder if they are still going to try for the original date, or at least try to have the portion around the new soccer stadium done before the stadium opens?

Also, any word on where the new cars are going to come from?

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Great news! Finally Scoot Street will get some movement!

I wonder if they are still going to try for the original date, or at least try to have the portion around the new soccer stadium done before the stadium opens?

Also, any word on where the new cars are going to come from?

I think even if they keep the original schedule, the cars won't be ready to go. I'm not sure how the timeline would be, but I would imagine that it would take a few years to make that many cars and deliver them. Hopefully CAF (USA) will win the contract again, from what I can tell, the design was probably the best that was offered.

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I've posted this as a separate topic as well, but here's the press release from Metro about getting the federal thumb's up on North and Southeast lines, and construction being underway.



Contractors Mobilized, Work Begins

The NEW METRO received formal notification from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that critical new construction work can begin on the North and Southeast rail lines. The notification, in the form of “Letters of No Prejudice,” also means that METRO can expect to receive federal reimbursement for about half the cost. The anticipated letters were received on December 28 and contractors have already begun work.

Construction activity for the North Line includes the start of communications duct banks, concrete pavement, sidewalks and asphalt paving on Fulton Street from Cavalcade to IH – 610, and from Boundary to Collingsworth. In addition, construction can begin on the new bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad and the retrofit of the Main Street Bridge at the University of Houston-Downtown.

Work on the Southeast Line includes the start of communications duct banks, concrete pavement, sidewalks and asphalt paving on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd from Winnetka to just north of Griggs Road and on Scott Street from Polk to Coyle.

Also as part of the North Line project, new construction activity will occur at METRO’s Rail Operations Center at Fannin South, including installation of tracks for rail vehicles in the maintenance yard, construction of an expanded parking lot for maintenance vehicles and expansion of the building.

Gilbert Garcia, METRO Chairman, commented on the federal approval: “We see this as one more indication that the FTA is increasingly confident in how the NEW METRO does business. Getting the FTA’s approval to keep the rail projects moving is a great way to begin the New Year.”

METRO President & CEO, George Greanias, responded: “This latest federal approval is advantageous for several reasons. Not only does the new construction activity push the rail projects ahead, but the work also reduces the time neighborhoods are disrupted by incomplete roadwork and sidewalks.”

The cost of the above work, estimated at $12.5 million, was approved by the METRO Board in December as an addition to the fiscal year 2011 METRORail expansion budget.


Since construction is underway, I'm going to change the thread title.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As someone who rides BRT, and may soon ride its successor "ExpressBus", I can tell you that BRT isn't all that great. It's good for some situations, but is far from a magic pill for traffic ills.

This is a picture of Lima's bus system. Definitely helpful but Lima still has loads of traffic... But they also don't have a highway system nearly as extensive as ours.

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This is a picture of Lima's bus system. Definitely helpful but Lima still has loads of traffic... But they also don't have a highway system nearly as extensive as ours.

That's because the geography isn't exactly conducive to building massive freeways like ours, not to mention the population is well over 7mil pretty much forces people to options other than personal cars, which is more expensive to the average median income in the area.

According to the all mighty Wikipedia, a sizable portion of the city was developed before the car was a factor there and are mostly dependent on broad avenues.


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That's because the geography isn't exactly conducive to building massive freeways like ours, not to mention the population is well over 7mil pretty much forces people to options other than personal cars, which is more expensive to the average median income in the area.

According to the all mighty Wikipedia, a sizable portion of the city was developed before the car was a factor there and are mostly dependent on broad avenues.


so I saw on here that the North and Southeast lines are under construction again but is the East End liner still scheduled to open in 2014 as well?

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so I saw on here that the North and Southeast lines are under construction again but is the East End liner still scheduled to open in 2014 as well?


"Additionally, the FTA is now working with Metro to approve our new vehicle procurement process. As of now, we are on track to go out for new bids on rail cars this month."

Not much new news and this was written by the chairman of the board of Metro.

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  • The title was changed to METRORail Construction Resumes

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