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Memories Of Astroworld


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Oh, I agree with the first four choices.

But I think Astroworld should remain "Astroworld". I love that name!

I agree with you Kimberly. I REALLY want Astroworld to be, at the MINIMUM, the best theme park in Texas, and I want to see them rival Cedar Rapids and Islands of Adventure as the most inovative theme park with best rides to offer.

You heard New Jersey just opened up the tallest rollercoaster in the world last week? When will Astroworld build rides the world talks about. Houstonians are NOT mediocre people. It's time for Astroworld's ride-makers to stop building rides that say that about us.

Maybe Houston needs another theme park to compete with Astroworld for the best rides to get Astroworld to wake up...

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Houstonians are NOT mediocre people

Nope, we're certainly not. I think Houstonians are very passionate about our city and we want everything here to reach its fullest potential. Sometimes waiting for that to happen can be so frustrating. If I had millions and billions of dollars, there's no doubt I'd have a hand in it.

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I agree with you Kimberly. I REALLY want Astroworld to be, at the MINIMUM, the best theme park in Texas, and I want to see them rival Cedar Rapids and Islands of Adventure as the most inovative theme park with best rides to offer.

You heard New Jersey just opened up the tallest rollercoaster in the world last week? When will Astroworld build rides the world talks about. Houstonians are NOT mediocre people. It's time for Astroworld's ride-makers to stop building rides that say that about us.

Maybe Houston needs another theme park to compete with Astroworld for the best rides to get Astroworld to wake up...

Is Astroworld outdated? Hell YES!!!

Astroworld definitely needs some updating. Hell- maybe revamping alltogether. I'm really banking on that with the new Schlitterbahn opening in Galveston. One thing Houston is is afraid to try new things. And riding in some parts of the city, one can easily decipher that. I hope Houston starts to realize that times do change and doing the same thing doesn't fit for times today.

Astroworld definitely needs to replace some of those rusted out looking roller coasters and slides. DJ Lawrence and KimberlySayWhat, i totally agree. DJ hit it on the head talking about Houstonians should not be portrayed as being metiocre. Good catch!!! That's why its time to start fixing up things like Astroworld in and around our city.

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I don't really care about them parks anymore unless they just really wow me like Magic Mountain outside LA. I think the city should have brought Six Flags to a more rural location in the suburbs so they would have room to expand except for everytime they build something new they would have to tear it down. I mean you can walk to the Texas Medical Center from Six Flags.

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I don't really care about them parks anymore unless they just really wow me like Magic Mountain outside LA.  I think the city should have brought Six Flags to a more rural location in the suburbs so they would have room to expand except for everytime they build something new they would have to tear it  down.  I mean you can walk to the Texas Medical Center from Six Flags.

Yes, I totally agree with you texasboy. Astroworld need to built a theme park in a rural area. Look at where they are now, in between two big business. Sam's Warehouse, and Ford Dealership, across the way is Relaint Park, Astrodome, and Reliant Stadium. Look at all these revune surrounding them, and Astroworld is complaining about they can't expand and losing money, cause not enough parking spaces.

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Astroworld will NEVER overshadow Six Flags in Arlington. That is the way it is. Six Flags will not let its flagship park be outshined by some crappy park in Houston.

It is all about money folks and Six Flags corporate controls the purse strings.

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Like I said before. Astroworld going to lose out big time to the new Schlitterbahn retractable roof water park in Galveston.

Don't get me wrong, Astroworld still will have their customers coming, but believe me when people start hearing about the new water park in galveston now open, they coming by the grooves.

City of Galveston already have plans to wide out the streets near the new water park location, cause they said more people will be coming to galveston when the water park is open.

Astroworld = say bye bye and walk away.

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i didn't vote in the poll as my choice was not included: CLEAN THE PLACE UP!

no need to change the name, instead use it as an opportunity and a theme. most kids today have no idea what it meant to have the astrodome named the eighth wonder of the world, and baby boomers are into nostalgia right now in a big way. but astroworld is dropping off the family entertainment map because it is dirty, in disrepair, unsafe and still expensive as ever. make it bigger and it would just become a bigger dirty, unsafe, expensive park in disrepair - this is due to poor planning and management.

one idea would be to utilize the astrodome as part of the theme park, although you'd need a tram or people mover to get people back and forth efficiently. it would help by bringing in some of the shows and concerts indoors, which for houston weather is a must for daytime shows in the summer. i know this sounds crazy, but they could even add some marine stuff, like sea world has. not a killer whale show, but small mammals like dolphins and penguins. since the dome is indoor whatever they put there could be year round. astrowold shutters up except for weekends at the end of summer, and closes for good after halloween until spring break. one thing houston has always had going for it is year round weather, and if astroworld combined with the dome and extended their hours it could become an attraction that could put houston back on the tourist map.

if the summit can be transformed into a giant church, the dome could become part of six flags. many newer hotels do well when combined with indoor rides and amusement park themes. houston's traditional themes like sports, the rodeo, and the space program combined with the nontraditional ones like the art cars, orange show, art cows etc. would make for an interesting hotel theme. and the light rail offers direct access to downtown theater, nightlife and sporting events, so tourists would not have to roam around the south main area after dark and risk being carjacked.


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How about rides that meander through the streets of Houston? That would be an interesting concept...that would definitely put us on the map. But i really feel that astroworld needs to expand somehow in order to compete with the bigger parks and we definitely need to clean that place up....that and waterworld. Splashtown is by far a much better water park and that may detract people from going to astroworld/waterworld during the summer months.

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When Astroworld was built, it was out in the country. In fact, when I moved to Houston in 1982 there was still plenty of land around for expansion. The problem with Astroworld is that it was never envisioned to be much more than it is now. Six Flags has no incentive to improve the park. Why would they spend money to create more competition for their other facilities in San Antonio and DFW? They bought out everything to reduce competion. For Astroworld, I'm afraid that what you see is what you get....at least as long as it is owned by Six Flags.

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Expand how? Where they going to expand at? Have a ride on top of each ride? Astroworld complaining how about they don't have nowhere to expand, and no parking spaces. Everything going to Reliant Park.

So expanding is out of the question, or if they move to a bigger location that I would do.

Expand how? Maybe it's changed since the last time I was there, but there were a couple acres of land BEHIND Astroworld that has been untouched. (Behind the kiddy area. Does anyone know where I'm referring to?) UNUSED land directly behind the park. All I remember was a barn they used to use for a couple concerts, and area they could use for new rides.

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For Astroworld, I'm afraid that what you see is what you get....at least as long as it is owned by Six Flags.

...that is until Kimberly's idea comes true and Tillman Fertitta kicks the ass of the theme park world with a new Islands of Adventureish park. Watch Six Flags squirm and improve Astroworld when they finally have hot competition as the best theme park in Houston.

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Hey Pineda, get use to it. It happens every year at Astroworld, and half of the rides there don't even work. Imagine standing in long lines for hours and its hot as hell outside. That's why I don't step foot in Astroworld's domain anymore. Half of the rides there are crap, and we wonder why people rather go to Florida for a vacation.

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That's the man can change thing around, Tilman Fertitta. This man put the L in lit up downtown. The Aquarium looks awsome at night. Now, Tilman could take over Astroworld, but again he can't, cause its own by Six Flags. He could built his own theme park, probably bigger then Astroworld. Anything will outdo Astroworld right about now. But, then again. Astroworld might still lose out when the first phase of retractable roof water park opens in Galveston this winter. Phase II opens 2006.

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That's the man can change thing around, Tilman Fertitta. This man put the L in lit up downtown. The Aquarium looks awsome at night. Now, Tilman could take over Astroworld, but again he can't, cause its own by Six Flags. He could built his own theme park, probably bigger then Astroworld. Anything will outdo Astroworld right about now. But, then again. Astroworld might still lose out when the first phase of retractable roof water park opens in Galveston this winter. Phase II opens 2006.

yay! more gaudy neon! (a la tilman) :rolleyes:

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I worked at Astroworld back in 98 right out of High School. It was in bad shape. AstroWorld was looked at by Six Flags as a lost cause, so they are reluctant to invest much money to clean or improve it. It can't expand because it's land locked. It can't compete with other major parks so we're stuck with what we have. A good idea is to just open up something else somewhere else. Possibly in northeast Houston. Near the Beltway, plenty of land out there.

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The Downside of locating it there, is that during the summer, it will be an absolute nightmare with traffic going to/from Hobby AND the beach.

I think the location itslef is fine, perhaps if they can use some of the Dome's parking lot and expand it over there. or buy up a little land to the west.

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The Downside of locating it there, is that during the summer, it will be an absolute nightmare with traffic going to/from Hobby AND the beach.

I think the location itslef is fine, perhaps if they can use some of the Dome's parking lot and expand it over there. or buy up a little land to the west.

Yeah I was thinking that the astrodome could of been an indoor part of Astroworld along with the current parking lot. But now MLS might just move in. As for the land to the right of it there is a Car dealership there, to the left is the rail and SAMS dont think any of them want to part with that good of a land deal. Behind it is a street or road can't remember. So the only place to expand is up front.

Like I said before SixFlags sees Astroworld as a lost cause and dont feel like pumping any money into it. So good luck with any type of major impovement

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astroworls in itself is filthy. i have a season pass there and it makes my stomach hurt to see how people treat it. it seems that management is not interested in making it a fun place at all. here are soem of teh examples.

most rides are in disrepair. i do not mean unsafe, i mean as in need of a new paint job, better waiting areas, more care. the only ride that is nice looking is serial thriller. it has to be. it is the main attraction.

all that crap in the center of the park. the lagoon for one. when i was a kid and going there it was all stunt shows and crazy things to see. now it is vacant. when you ride the cable cars all you see is forgotten times and wasted space.

waterworld is a joke. it is small, stinks and way overcrowded. with the new park in galveston and splshtown they could level waterworld and gain at least 15 acres. astroworld is only 86 acres big. six flags over texas is 211 acres. i do not know how big fiesta texas is but its huge.

you want to make a park succesful. cheap parking. 8 dollars to park at astroworld. schlitterbahn in new braunsfels (i hope tats right) has free parking, free tram service and better help. that is one of the reasons it is the nations number one water park. fiesta texas has a season parking pass for 55 dollars all year. astroworlds is 36 or 40 dollra for 5 passes. what the hell.

i cannot remember where i found it at but there is a site that shows theme parks all ovr the country and the disrepair some of them are in. i think astroworld had the most pics.

now i do enjoy astroworld. i love the cyclone. i can never get enough of the ride. the one thing i hate about the palce now is what time it closes. 15 years ago it stayed opwn till midnight on the weekends. now its 9 or 10. what a joke. i work 8 till 6 and have to drive 45 minutes to the park. that hardly leaves anytime to have fun without crowds. there is noway i can go on sat or sun. 2 to 3 hours for a 35 to 45 second ride. no thanks.

that is just my 2 cents. i love the place. i just wish they would invest some more money in it.

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You know hellbilly. You brung out some good points about Astroworld, and the majority I agree with you. They do need to invest more money into Astroworld, cause its the dump. And yes, Astroworld is a big joke. I've been to Waterworld a couple times, and will never go back there. I haven't been to Astroworld over 5 years now, but seems like I'm not missing nothing.

I can't wait until the new water park in Galveston opens. Now that's entertainment!

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