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Video: Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans

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The Basement Geographer blog clued me in to this video that's been making the rounds lately of Six Flags New Orleans.

SFNO is/was the old Jazzland, and hasn't reopened since Katrina because of a legal dispute over who's responsible for the cleanup (Six Flags owns the park, the city of New Orleans owns the land).

Here's a FEMA photo of the park a couple of weeks after Katrina cleared:


Here's a couple of videos:

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First video is well done. I kept waiting for the rage-filled zombie horde to come bursting from around a corner.

Iron - moving all the rides out of two parks to a 3rd location does not "save" either park. That's pretty screwed up logic.

It wouldn't save either park, of course, but combining both in a new location would be a reasonable enough compromise. Plus it cuts down on maintenance, too!

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It wouldn't save either park, of course, but combining both in a new location would be a reasonable enough compromise. Plus it cuts down on maintenance, too!

Oh. "Of course." .... Those were your original words - " last-chance attempt to save the park"

And your new compromise is neither reasonable nor a compromise. Two cities lose their theme parks and another city gains one. You think a park halfway between Houston and NO would serve either of those two cities ??? What park gets saved? You act as if if the theme park only equals the rides. The theme park is more so the place, the memories, its association with the city. Only a few rides were irreplaceable. Except for maybe the Cyclone, Astroworld still would have been Astroworld had any other ride moved out or been replaced.

Asking Houstonians to drive 3 hours to BFE, La. to get on a roller coaster is a pretty crappy compromise.

Edited by Highway6
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