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Tolerance Sculptures


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Everyone is talking about these in my neighborhood-- mostly about what a shame that all the government monies that went for these types of things probably costs Texas citizens $.25 is being totally eliminated--


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These were donated.

7 new sculptures by Barcelona artist Jaume Plensa that were given to the city by a small group of donors who aren’t going out of their way to advertise their identity.

There's a whole thread on the bridge which includes posts about the statues here

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Ughhh, I can't wait until being a selfish idiot is frowned upon.

First off, the selfish part... Some of the best things in the nation are paid for and maintained by public money. Things like schools, universities, parks, roads, water service, air traffic control, medical and scientific research, space exploration, and yes, even the arts. All of these morons who talk out of the side of their collective asses are going to be super screwed when everything has a private cost. It's not going to be fun when there are no public schools, roads, or funding for research, the arts, or even the military (thank you, Blackwater).

Secondly, the idiot part. These new statues were PRIVATELY FUNDED.

I suggest a dumb tax. That would fix the budget shortfall asap.

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Ughhh, I can't wait until being a selfish idiot is frowned upon.

First off, the selfish part... Some of the best things in the nation are paid for and maintained by public money. Things like schools, universities, parks, roads, water service, air traffic control, medical and scientific research, space exploration, and yes, even the arts. All of these morons who talk out of the side of their collective asses are going to be super screwed when everything has a private cost. It's not going to be fun when there are no public schools, roads, or funding for research, the arts, or even the military (thank you, Blackwater).

Secondly, the idiot part. These new statues were PRIVATELY FUNDED.

I suggest a dumb tax. That would fix the budget shortfall asap.

I can't wait for the day when there are no public schools. There are a lot of other people who feel the same way.

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Ughhh, I can't wait until being a selfish idiot is frowned upon.

First off, the selfish part... Some of the best things in the nation are paid for and maintained by public money. Things like schools, universities, parks, roads, water service, air traffic control, medical and scientific research, space exploration, and yes, even the arts. All of these morons who talk out of the side of their collective asses are going to be super screwed when everything has a private cost. It's not going to be fun when there are no public schools, roads, or funding for research, the arts, or even the military (thank you, Blackwater).

Secondly, the idiot part. These new statues were PRIVATELY FUNDED.

I suggest a dumb tax. That would fix the budget shortfall asap.

Over all it seems that these things have been received pretty well, and the fact that they were done with private money seems to be a good argument against public funding of art projects.

As for a dumb tax I doubt it would help close the deficit at all. Those that could afford it would soon have to subsidize those that can't.

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The wording of the original post was so bad, I couldn't tell if the OP was pissed that public money was being spent on public art, or if he was pissed that the money that was usually spent on public art was being eliminated. Regardless, Kinkaid's blow-up was hilarious and choke full o tolerance. Then Barracuda comes out of left field with the "TeaParty", because if we're talking Intolerance, that must obviously be what the conversation is about.

Nothing on HAIF seems to spark liberal vitriol better than a discussion of 'Tolerance'.

All the statues are facing South towards the vacant land that will eventually be built on by the Aga Khan Foundation Center. (Not an accident by the way, since the foundation gave a lot of money to make it so)... with the obvious artistic message being to "Show Tolerance towards those with different beliefs." Anyways, While I'm sure they'll eventually put up a lovely building, my hopes now are that they'll eventually be forced to sell, that the land gets scooped up by the Tea Party that chooses this location for their National HQ/"America is Awesome" Museum just so I can watch the heads of my haify liberal friends explode.

Edited by Highway6
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If we think about it... why should anyone be tolerant of others' beliefs?

Tolerance doesn't mean that one has to appreciate or accept something, rather that one is able to ignore it and do their own thing.

For instance: if there's anything worse than a crying child on an airplane, it's when one of the passengers starts making nasty remarks about it and escalating a conflict. I'd kind of prefer that the intolerant passenger be more tolerant. And the intolerant passenger doesn't even win anything from being intolerant. It's a waste of his mental faculties.

Edited by TheNiche
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Then Barracuda comes out of left field with the "TeaParty", because if we're talking Intolerance, that must obviously be what the conversation is about.

No, I was making an analogy to Tea Party indignation at all government spending, warranted or not. But your interpretation makes sense too.

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My interpretation of the OP's wording was that his/her's neighborhood folks are ignorant about the funding of the sculptures..


Sorry, but while I love the sculptures, nothing will inspire me to tolerate stupidity. People going off on AM Radio talking points (MY TAX MONEY WENT TO SUPPORT THOSE COMMIE SCULPTURES OVER ON ALLEN PARKWAY AND I AM MAD AS HELL) on a subject matter they clearly know nothing about shouldn't be tolerated.

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My interpretation of the OP's wording was that his/her's neighborhood folks are ignorant about the funding of the sculptures..

My interpretation as well. OP has a good reputation for informed posts, and I think the statement was meant to be ironic; that people assume that every improvement to the community must be the result of an overfed government. Obviously, this is not the case here.

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I couldn't tell which way the OP was taking things, which was why I found it surprising anyone could argue so strongly either way.

The irony didn't come across at all considering 3 people gave it a -1 and Kinkaid's blowup appeared to be directed against the OP ( least that's how I perceived it )

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