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Day Care Fire

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Forgive me if there's already a topic on this, but in west Houston somewhere (no neighborhood given), some three kids died in a day care fire. The day care was a house licensed to be a day care, and the fire started in the kitchen.

Do you know the neighborhood where this was?

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It was in Parkhollow Place. I live just to the east of it and could hear the sirens and helicopters off and on for more than an hour. Was surprised to hear that some of the kids were taken to Memorial Hermann when West Oaks Medical Center is only a few minutes drive down Richmond. Maybe that was due to the specifics of their injuries or capacity at West Houston MC at the time.

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Was surprised to hear that some of the kids were taken to Memorial Hermann when West Oaks Medical Center is only a few minutes drive down Richmond. Maybe that was due to the specifics of their injuries or capacity at West Houston MC at the time.

Memorial Herman in the med center is the only burn treatment center in Houston.

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You're kidding...in the whole metro area that's the only place you can go? Wow.

That's where you would want to go for the best treatment. There's only two Level 1 trauma centers in all of Houston also. (Herman and Ben Taub) That doesn't mean other hospitals could not treat you but if your injured really bad those two are probably your best chance of survival.

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That's where you would want to go for the best treatment. There's only two Level 1 trauma centers in all of Houston also. (Herman and Ben Taub) That doesn't mean other hospitals could not treat you but if your injured really bad those two are probably your best chance of survival.

Galveston has the third one. Either the Blocker Burn unit at UTMB for adults, or the Shriner's Burn Institute for children.

I heard on the radio this morning that the owner was shopping while the day care caught fire. There is apparently survalence video from the store to prove it.

What a shame!

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So I read on the local news that charges were being filed against her, and then on the Chron reports that she's fled to Nigeria.

To make matters stranger, they reported that an unattended pot of oil started the fire. But when you think about it, what meal could she make for kids that involves oil? This is looking more and more suspicious, and I'm beginning to think that the fact that the daycare offered "Christian values" (or something along those lines) was either a front and/or lie.

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No, I'm willing to bet that she also lives in the home that doubles as a daycare during the day. She probably had cooked something for herself and left the pot on the stove. Because two kids were found outside on their own, I'm thinking that her stove might have been the type where the knobs are at the front, waist level. Of course because she wasn't home, the kids got into the kitchen, turned on the stove and it eventually caught.

I don't think this is going to be anything pre-meditated on her part, or else she would have had a much better story, wouldn't have fled, and she would have not have done something so dumb as leave the kids alone in the first place.

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No, I'm willing to bet that she also lives in the home that doubles as a daycare during the day. She probably had cooked something for herself and left the pot on the stove. Because two kids were found outside on their own, I'm thinking that her stove might have been the type where the knobs are at the front, waist level. Of course because she wasn't home, the kids got into the kitchen, turned on the stove and it eventually caught.

I don't think this is going to be anything pre-meditated on her part, or else she would have had a much better story, wouldn't have fled, and she would have not have done something so dumb as leave the kids alone in the first place.

Perhaps. Even that were true, why would she leave 6 toddlers in her house alone? That seems awfully stupid to me, at least.

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That's the whole point - she is incredibly stupid. She comes from wealth and knows no real responsibility. She probably was good baby sitter as a teenager and so her family help her setup her very own daycare. Why else at the age of 21 would she have been open for business?

Who knows how many times she put some down for a nap, the rest in front of the t.v. and then quietly slipped out the door to run an errand before? Kids will be kids: curious and exploratory. Those facts of life finally caught up with her own stupidity.

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So I read on the local news that charges were being filed against her, and then on the Chron reports that she's fled to Nigeria.

To make matters stranger, they reported that an unattended pot of oil started the fire. But when you think about it, what meal could she make for kids that involves oil? This is looking more and more suspicious, and I'm beginning to think that the fact that the daycare offered "Christian values" (or something along those lines) was either a front and/or lie.

Any fried food. Chicken fingers, for example.

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That's the whole point - she is incredibly stupid. She comes from wealth and knows no real responsibility. She probably was good baby sitter as a teenager and so her family help her setup her very own daycare. Why else at the age of 21 would she have been open for business?

Who knows how many times she put some down for a nap, the rest in front of the t.v. and then quietly slipped out the door to run an errand before? Kids will be kids: curious and exploratory. Those facts of life finally caught up with her own stupidity.

As a new parent with kids in daycare this infuriates me beyond belief. If it were up to me, Nigeria would have 10 days to send her back before I sent a team of mercenaries in to get her and do it myself. I would drag her back to the US chain her to a metal chair, and light a pot of oil under her scum sucking rear end.

I would make her suffer the same excruciating death that she made those poor kids suffer....those parents who lost kids in this fire will never find peace in this. It will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

There is no excuse at all for caregiver neglect. When you are paid to watch someone elses kids, you darn well better do it and do it with 100% of your ability. I cant help but get angry at this....there are just no excuses...not spoiled, not rich, not lazy, not dumb. This trash should suffer a painful death...and I know how awful that sounds...but I think as a parent its the only way to send the proper signal to all other caregivers.

You don't even want to know the awful things I have thought up that would befall the fate of a child molester that touched my girl.

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Any fried food. Chicken fingers, for example.

Well, that's what I thought too. But making fried chicken from scratch is kind of difficult, you need batter, for instance. And, given toddlers, it would probably be easier just to buy frozen chicken nuggets in the store. Besides, real fried food isn't all that healthy for small children. And the potential for mouth burns too (ever had really hot fried food from a fast food restaurant?) is always present.

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Some sites are now reporting that she supposedly set small fires in her high school back in 2002.

a link

However, I think she's not really evil. Negligent and should spend in time in jail? Yes. Monster who deserves to go to hell? Not really, no.

OK, so say if your gross negligence caused a fire to destroy your house, kill four small children, plaster your name on national news, and have thousands of people calling for your bloodshed?

Yeah, I'd run too.

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There is nothing more defenseless than an infant. Negligence is a compliment to what she did. She should be so lucky to get the death penalty and go to hell. Life in prison should be her punishment. Care of infants is not a game.

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Well, if she's from another culture she may be more used to making things from scratch. I don't think anyone would dispute she is bad at caring for kids, though.

In the DA's press conference today, she stated that Tata's parents are from Nigeria but that Tata herself was born in Harris County, so she is a US citizen. I realize that she could have grown up right here surrounded by customs and beliefs of her parents' culture but I'm guessing that she's actually Americanized. Her parents have family still in Nigeria.

The DA included in the announcement that Tata's brother had taken a DBA for a charity organization to collect money to help the fire victims.

The thing that struck me on the day of the fire, when the video was shown on TV, the woman did not `seem` to be upset at all. Had I been the reason those babies died, I'd have been crying uncontrollably. Even if I was blame free.

Apparently the parents of at least one of the baby victims also has family in Nigeria. That could get interesting.

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There is nothing more defenseless than an infant. Negligence is a compliment to what she did. She should be so lucky to get the death penalty and go to hell. Life in prison should be her punishment. Care of infants is not a game.

I should have stated criminal negligence. But then again, many criminal negligence cases today seem petty as compared to four children dying in a fire.

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This came in a couple of hours ago:

Statement from Chief Terry Garrison

The events of February 24, 2011, will, for the rest of their lives, have a profound impact on those Houston Firefighters who were called to last Thursday’s day care fire. We share with the families of the seven children a deep sense of sadness and a desire to do what is best to bring about some sense of closure.

We provide the following as a factual account of the events leading to the filing of charges and the issuance of the arrest warrant for the suspect.

Our efforts are now focused on her return.


The following is the timeline of events regarding the fire that occurred on February 24, 2011 at 2810 Crest Park.

On February 24, 2011, at 2:19pm, investigators of the Houston Fire and Arson Investigation Division received the notification from Houston Fire Department Dispatch Office that a residential fire had occurred at 2810 Crest Park. HFD Dispatch relayed that the fire occurred at a daycare center and as many as nine children were fire victims. A team of investigators proceeded to the location. The division’s Deputy Chief and Fire Marshal were notified of the incident and also responded to the scene.

HFD Dispatch received a 911 call at 13:29 hours (1:29 p.m.) hours and dispatched units at 13:30 hours. Engine 75 arrived on location at approximately 13:42 (1:42 p.m.) and quickly attacked the fire.

Investigators arrived to the fire scene at approximately 15:03 (3:03 p.m.) hours to conduct the fire scene examination. Investigators were assigned the task to determine the origin and cause of the fire. Other investigators canvassed the area for witnesses. Another group of investigators responded to area hospitals in an effort to obtain the names of the fire victims and parent information.

On-scene investigators learned that 7 children had been rescued from the daycare, 3 children were pronounced dead at hospitals, and 4 children were hospitalized with serious injuries.

HFD Command Staff members were attempting to have the caretaker identify the children by photographs in an effort to direct the parents to the appropriate hospitals.

Caretaker Statement:

Investigators attempted to interview the caretaker at the scene. She made only a brief statement, indicating she had placed oil on the stove, went to the bathroom, came out and could not see because of the dense smoke.

Before investigators could transport the caretaker to Arson Headquarters for an interview, she indicated she needed medical attention. Caretaker was transported by HFD ambulance to a local hospital. Investigators attempted to interview the caretaker while at the hospital, but were unable because she was being treated. Caretaker’s brother told investigators that she would make a statement after treatment. After treatment, investigators attempted to conduct an interview at the hospital in an effort to learn what caused the fire. Caretaker complained of having amnesia and would not answer questions coherently.

On-scene investigators learned through 911 caller and witnesses that the caretaker drove up to the daycare alone and, within seconds, heard the caretaker screaming for help and observed smoke coming from the residence. Investigators also learned that witnesses did not see any other employee exit the building nor were any adult victims rescued from the building.

1st time contacted ADA Thursday 17:00 hrs (5:00 p.m.): On-scene investigators also observed a bag on the front seat of the daycare’s van and believed it may have contained groceries. At approximately 17:00 hours, investigators contacted the Chief ADA (Special Crimes) in an effort to obtain a search warrant for the van. Investigators were attempting to locate a sales receipt so that they could identify the store and obtain store video. Investigators explained the facts surrounding the case. Chief ADA stated there was no probable cause for a search warrant. Stated maybe the caretaker left someone at the facility if she went to the store.

While investigators were conducting the origin and cause investigation, they found a plastic bag with an unopened fruit drink and a receipt from a nearby store. The time on the receipt (1:18 p.m.) indicated the items were purchased minutes prior to the alarm time.

On Thursday at approximately 18:30 hours (6:30 p.m)

Investigators were able to obtain surveillance video from the nearby store showing the caretaker arriving and leaving near the time the fire was reported. Out of camera sight 1:24 p.m. Alarm time was 1:29 p.m.

A meeting was held with all investigators to discuss the facts surrounding the incident. On-scene investigators determined that the fire originated from the stovetop. The fire damage was confined to the kitchen area and the rest of the building sustained heavy smoke damage. Several witnesses stated the daycare operator drove up and within seconds noticed the fire.

2nd Time contacted ADA Intake 02:16 Friday: Investigators believed that they had probable cause that the caretaker had left the children alone. Investigators contacted the Harris County ADA’s office and relayed the facts surrounding this incident. The ADA stated she would discuss investigators’ findings with another Chief ADA and would contact investigators. After their meeting, Chief ADA informed investigators that no charges would be accepted and requested the investigators interview the caretaker and confirm if there were other employees present.

On Friday, February 25th, investigators and HPD Homicide Detective met to discuss a plan of action. An investigator and homicide detective attempted to locate the caretaker and conduct an interview. When the caretaker was located, she announced she had hired an attorney and did not want to give a statement without her attorney.

On that same day, investigators re-interviewed witnesses to clarify discrepancies.

On that same day, investigators found that according to the State of Texas, the caretaker was the only employee listed on their records.

On that same day, Investigators also received a Crime Stoppers tip that the caretaker might leave to Nigeria.

3rd Time: (during day Friday at 12:00p.m. noon) Above information was relayed to Chief ADA of Special Crimes. Chief ADA’s rationale was the caretaker was born in United States, and had been here a long time and did not consider the tip valid. ADA denied charges.

ADA requested investigators interview all of the parents to obtain information about any other employees and to obtain information from work force. Also need to verify State agency information (Family and Protective Services Child Care licensing) that she was the only employee. The facility was registered home day care not a commercial day care. No license is issued for a home day care, but a permit is issued.

Investigators were unsuccessful in making contact with parents.

4th Time at about 4:30 p.m. ADA contacted investigators that the incident was attracting media attention and inquired if any new information had been obtained. Investigators advised that no new information was available and asked if charges would be accepted. ADA denied charges.

On Saturday February 26th, investigators canvassed the area in an effort to verify if neighbors had seen other employees. Neighbors denied ever seeing any other employees.

Investigators were able to contact two of the 7 families and obtain statements.

Investigators received a call that a neighbor might have information. Conducted an interview and obtained statement.

No contact with ADA’s office because the other families had not been located.

5th Time: On Sunday, February 27 between 10:30-11:00 a.m. Investigators relayed all of the facts and new information to Chief ADA Special Crimes, who denied charges, and requested investigators to interview every parent to verify if parents had ever seen another employee at the daycare facility.

Investigators were able to contact the remaining families, all of whom denied ever seeing any other employee.

6th Time was between 1-2 p.m.: Information was relayed to Chief ADA, charges were accepted and filed. While preparing probable affidavit, investigators received information from an ICE agent that the caretaker had boarded a flight from Dallas to Atlanta, and Atlanta to Lagos, Nigeria, on Saturday, February 26, 2011.

Investigators notified Chief ADA of the findings. Investigators filed charges.

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Way to go Patty Lycos! :angry2:

What a complete and total bureaucratic mess....that is unconscionably bad District Attorney work.

If that piece of trash refused to issue a statement I would have held her until she was able to make a statement. Hindsight may be 20/20 but the video I saw she showed no emotion...then the failure to answer questions, then the attorney!?!

Its a crying shame...hopefully the reason they were only able to contact 2/7 parents is because the other 5 are on a plane to Nigeria to get some justice.

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OK, so say if your gross negligence caused a fire to destroy your house, kill four small children, plaster your name on national news, and have thousands of people calling for your bloodshed?

Yeah, I'd run too.

No, turning yourself in would be best.

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The US Marshals are already in Nigeria. They should have her soon.

I am not sure what kind of extradition treaty we have with Nigeria... they (like the wussified mexican govt) may not let her be extradited lest we agree not to seek the death penalty.

As for Lycos and the rest of the m0r0ns running the show... they are almost as guilty as her for letting her get away and it should reflect on their record.

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I would agree that the DA's office did screw up, mostly in their belief that they didn't believe she was a flight risk... but the rest of it sounds more like dotting i's and crossing ts to make sure they don't have a screw up that could cause her to get off.

The Fire Investigators don't get off blameless though... From - http://www.chron.com...an/7452300.html

Lykos indicated that was untrue, emphasizing that arson investigators are law enforcement officers and can act accordingly.

"There is no such thing as an investigatory or an investigative hold under our law," Lykos said. "If you believe that there's probable cause to believe felony has been committed — if you see a misdemeanor committed on view like that — you have an absolute right to arrest."

They put all the blame on the DA, but if the above statement is true and they too had the power to hold her, then they are more at fault. They had already convinced themselves of the need to charge her. They didn't need DA Mom's permission to act and to hold her while the DA was formalizing the charges.

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