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Day Care Fire

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What's the standard for moving a case? Weren't there cases that got far more local and national media attention and still remained here?

I'm sure RedScare could answer that question more appropriately but basically it comes down to being able to find jury members that haven't already formed an opinion, which knowing everything I have read and seen on the news might be really tough. I know they wouldn't want me on the jury. To me there's absolutely no doubt she's guilty.

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They two different two different people. Her lawyer, Mike DeGeurin was quick to point out to the news that she did manage to save two kids herself.

Well... don't that just make it all better.

Edited by Jeebus
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Hmmm.....in the linked Ch. 13 piece by Sonia Azad, the lead in paragraph says Tata pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Then 4 paragraphs down, it says she pleaded guilty to all 13 charges against her.

Probably a typo, but since I didn't see the news, guess I'll have to catch it at 10.

I've never understood how a person could plead "not guilty" when there is clear evidence of guilt. As in the time stamped security video from Target showing that she was shopping.

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Criminals plead not guilty on the off chance the State screws up their side of the case. The plea is just the beginning of the process.

Non-criminals plead not guilty, too. Unless the evidence seems so overwhelming for them that they'd rather take a plea bargain. Criminals do that too, though.

Edited by TheNiche
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I've never understood how a person could plead "not guilty" when there is clear evidence of guilt. As in the time stamped security video from Target showing that she was shopping.

I wish that shopping at Target was a crime, too. Really I do. Wal-Mart is where its at. All those Target shoppers need to learn a harsh lesson. And all those gosh-darned liberal judges can just go to hell.

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I wish that shopping at Target was a crime, too. Really I do. Wal-Mart is where its at. All those Target shoppers need to learn a harsh lesson. And all those gosh-darned liberal judges can just go to hell.

I'm sure she only shopped there due to its proximity to her residence.

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I wish that shopping at Target was a crime, too. Really I do. Wal-Mart is where its at. All those Target shoppers need to learn a harsh lesson. And all those gosh-darned liberal judges can just go to hell.

If shopping at that particular Target is going to be a crime, might as well lock me up now cause it's only 10mins by bike for me and I go there all the time. They've got bike racks too.

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...basically it comes down to being able to find jury members that haven't already formed an opinion...(of her guilt).

This is absolutely correct. Frankly, I do not find the news coverage of this case overwhelming. The Andrea Yates publicity was far more widespread. That case remained in Harris County. You would be surprised how many people in a county of over 4 million have not heard of this case, or if they have, haven't heard enough to form an opinion of her guilt. I know I haven't. It is a case of circumstantial evidence. Just because we may know that she wasn't at home at a particular time, doesn't mean no one was. And, even if no one was home at the time of the fire, doesn't mean that she left the children unattended. She may have left them with someone who left the home after Tata did. The State must disprove all of those theories beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not as simple as you'd like to think.

Edited by RedScare
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The State must disprove all of those theories beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not as simple as you'd like to think.

An example: I've served on only one jury (and I've responded to every single jury summons (except one - and that was on 9/11).

It was a case regarding a juvenile, charged with domestic battery. The defense made their case; he was remorseful, the family forgave him, and he was undergoing psychological help. The alleged offense or his participation was not discussed. No witnesses were called. The prosecution basically said nothing.

As a jury, what choice did we have? He was found not guilty by every juror. It seemed to me a useless exercise - but there's probably a strategic reason that he had to be found not guilty by a jury. I had the distinct feeling that we were not given the whole story, and that the prosecution was doing the defendant and his family a favor. I only know I performed my duty.

RedScare, a long overdue thanks for the benefit of your expertise. The intricacies of the legal process is beyond most people, which is why we have lawyers.

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Well, she recently made a public apology which sounded like her lawyers convinced her to (a lot of people didn't buy it).

Her bond is set at $1.1 million, attorneys want to lower it to $50,000. But she tried to flee the country at least once. I'm surprised there's even an amount. dry.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

This just in...

Felony Murder Indictments Returned for Daycare Operator

(Houston, Tx) Today a Harris County Grand Jury indicted former daycare operator Jessica Tata on four first degree charges of felony murder. Tata is charged with leaving seven toddlers home alone on February 24 when a fire broke out at her west Houston residence. The cause of the blaze was determined to be a pot of oil left on a lit burner.

Four children died as a result of the fire, and two more were seriously injured. Tata had previously been indicted in five additional cases in connection with the fire.

The range of punishment for the new indictments is from five years to life in prison if convicted.

Assistant District Attorney Carl Hobbs stated, "The grand jurors spent a great deal of time carefully evaluating the testimony and the evidence in these cases. I appreciate their thoroughness and hard work."

Due to statutory requirements governing grand jury proceedings, no further details about the grand jury's decision will be forthcoming.

Tata's arraignment on these charges is scheduled for July 8 in the 180th District Court.

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