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Commute/Travel Horror Stories

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The reverse commute is fine, though. You should try doing it that way.

Haha. I'll have to consider that. Though, even when I have been going counter to the rush, I always seem to find all of the wrecked and stalled vehicles on my side of the road. It seems like they stall out in preparation for my arrival as a sort of rolled out red carpet from hell into and out of the city.

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Years ago, in the 70's, my husband hired on with a small oil field related company in Bellaire. They outgrew their facilities and sold the property, bought a large tract in Rosenberg and relocated.

Since we live inside 610 on the Gulf Fwy side, he had easy access to 59.....and often said he had the best luck he could wish for in a commute. Against traffic on 59, morning and evening.

I know, not a commute horror story, but a story anyway.

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I use to work at 290 and beltway 8, and i basically live downtown, reverse commute was not bad at all. now i live in the same place and i work in the galleria, commute is excellent (59 there, memorial back). it's obvious, but living near the center is helpful to the commute whether it is inside or outside the loop.

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1) Hurricane Allen, 1980. Allen reached Cat 5 three times, with peak winds of 190 mph. It was aiming straight at Texas, so naturally, everyone freaked out, Rita-style. It was predicted to hit late Friday or Saturday, so everyone bolted Friday afternoon. It took me 4 hours to get from downtown to the Rankin Road exit. The cool part was that traffic was so slow we could run from our car to the convenience stores on the feeder road, so we kept buying beer as we creeped along. As you may know, Allen then missed us by about 300 miles.

2) Jean-Michel Jarre concert, 1986. Like the faux hurrican Allen, Rendez-vous Houston caused a traffic jam of epic proportions, as an estimated 1.3 million people converged on downtown and the parks between Memorial Drive and Allen Parkway. Traffic on the Pierce Elevated actually came to a halt during the concert as drivers simply stopped in the freeway to watch the fireworks and lasers. The drive home again took over 4 hours.

3) Hurrican Rita, 2005. The traffic jam by which all future jams will be measured. I didn't sit in this one. I had a 100 year old brick warehouse in which to shelter, and so did not evacuate. But, I watched it. Some people waited in their cars for 8 hours and didn't even make it out of Harris County. This is the hurricane that convinced me to rebuild my garage with an upstairs gameroom. It has all the hurricane strapping and other things needed to help it withstand 120-130 mph winds. Though it is still not quite finished, it is at a stage that I can use it if needed. I'll never evacuate again.

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Years ago, in the 70's, my husband hired on with a small oil field related company in Bellaire. They outgrew their facilities and sold the property, bought a large tract in Rosenberg and relocated.

Since we live inside 610 on the Gulf Fwy side, he had easy access to 59.....and often said he had the best luck he could wish for in a commute. Against traffic on 59, morning and evening.

I know, not a commute horror story, but a story anyway.

That's good your husband's commute wasn't too bad. My mother lives on the northside around Imperial Valley Drive and works in League City. She has to take I-45 and it gets pretty backed up at times. She'll be so glad when her lease is up so she can move closer to her job.

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3) Hurrican Rita, 2005. The traffic jam by which all future jams will be measured. I didn't sit in this one. I had a 100 year old brick warehouse in which to shelter, and so did not evacuate. But, I watched it. Some people waited in their cars for 8 hours and didn't even make it out of Harris County. This is the hurricane that convinced me to rebuild my garage with an upstairs gameroom. It has all the hurricane strapping and other things needed to help it withstand 120-130 mph winds. Though it is still not quite finished, it is at a stage that I can use it if needed. I'll never evacuate again.

I had the pleasure of sitting in the Rita one for a while. We got lucky and it only took us 6 hours to get to Austin. I know others who took 24 to get to San Antonio and more to get to Dallas. After that I switched jobs to one that lets me work from home so now (like with Ike) we take off days in advance and I set up shop elsewhere. Hurricane coming? We'll be drinking cold ones in the hill country thank you very much.

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I know a Houston TV personality who had to abandon his car on I-10 during Tropical Storm Allison. Not only was his car ruined by the flood, someone stole his golf bag out of his trunk.

My biggest commuting fear is that I'll have to go to the bathroom while stuck in traffic. And not the kind that can be mitigated with a bottle.

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I know a Houston TV personality who had to abandon his car on I-10 during Tropical Storm Allison. Not only was his car ruined by the flood, someone stole his golf bag out of his trunk.

Someone I worked with at the time was parked in the underground parking at the Chevron tower in Houston Center (it's now labeled as the Fulbright Tower on the Houston Center website) during Allison. Her car was under a couple of stories of water. After that I stopped parking anywhere underground in downtown.

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Travel horror story:

A baggage inspector at an airport, who took a sadistic delight in threatening me with the possibility that he could permanently prevent me from ever flying again. This, because I put my laptop in the bin, below my bag, instead of on the belt. I was polite, apologetic, and compliant. I posed no threat. He wielded the power, and knew it.

I'm in favor of reasonable security measures being taken. That bored security workers choose to amuse themselves by terrorizing random passengers is unacceptable.

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Travel horror story:

A baggage inspector at an airport, who took a sadistic delight in threatening me with the possibility that he could permanently prevent me from ever flying again. This, because I put my laptop in the bin, below my bag, instead of on the belt. I was polite, apologetic, and compliant. I posed no threat. He wielded the power, and knew it.

I'm in favor of reasonable security measures being taken. That bored security workers choose to amuse themselves by terrorizing random passengers is unacceptable.

Man, what an a hole. Did you report him?

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Travel horror story:

A baggage inspector at an airport, who took a sadistic delight in threatening me with the possibility that he could permanently prevent me from ever flying again. This, because I put my laptop in the bin, below my bag, instead of on the belt. I was polite, apologetic, and compliant. I posed no threat. He wielded the power, and knew it.

I'm in favor of reasonable security measures being taken. That bored security workers choose to amuse themselves by terrorizing random passengers is unacceptable.

The TSA is our enemy.

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I'm in favor of reasonable security measures being taken. That bored security workers choose to amuse themselves by terrorizing random passengers is unacceptable.

I had a bored TSA worker tell me once that they wouldn't release me from security until I sang a song for them. I was amused, but it probably would have offended some people.

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I had a bored TSA worker tell me once that they wouldn't release me from security until I sang a song for them. I was amused, but it probably would have offended some people.

I'd have obliged him with a rendition of Cee-Lo's recent hit, and not the radio-friendly version.

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I'd have obliged him with a rendition of Cee-Lo's recent hit, and not the radio-friendly version.

LOL. How about the Colbert Show version? "Fox News"

I see you driving 'round town

With the girl I love and I'm like,

Fox Neeeeews

Oo oo ooo!

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I had a bored TSA worker tell me once that they wouldn't release me from security until I sang a song for them. I was amused, but it probably would have offended some people.

My lyrics would be something like

I want a supervisor now

I need your name and badge number!

Are you really that stupid?

I hope you like unemployment!

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I had to north on 290 on a Friday afternoon.

Not a very long story, but surely it was pure horror.

This is the 2nd or 3rd time 290 has been mentioned in this thread I believe. I've never had to travel on that frwy and hope I won't have to.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm not sure if I'm just listening closer or the stories are increasing, but it seems like there are more and more horror stories of the TSA horrifically violating people, and in front of everyone to see. I just read a story that they now cup breasts and croches? I heard a video on the radio that someone took of their mother going ballistic because she felt so violated.

I know there are some on here that travel often. What have you seen and experienced?

I flew twice last year, once to Phoenix and I was not patted down and I do not remember seeing anyone get pat down. When I flew from Dubai, their security people surprised me as to how close their hands get to the groin area, basically touching with the side of their hands. And I know international airports are more strict, but I'm specifically curious what travelers' experiences are here in the states.

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I'm not sure if I'm just listening closer or the stories are increasing, but it seems like there are more and more horror stories of the TSA horrifically violating people, and in front of everyone to see. I just read a story that they now cup breasts and croches? I heard a video on the radio that someone took of their mother going ballistic because she felt so violated.

I know there are some on here that travel often. What have you seen and experienced?

I flew twice last year, once to Phoenix and I was not patted down and I do not remember seeing anyone get pat down. When I flew from Dubai, their security people surprised me as to how close their hands get to the groin area, basically touching with the side of their hands. And I know international airports are more strict, but I'm specifically curious what travelers' experiences are here in the states.

I accidentally left my wallet in my back pocket when going through the scanner a couple weeks ago. That got me the "grope" search. The TSA agent was very polite about it. I felt more sorry for him than myself. He seemed disappointed that I made such a stupid mistake that would require him to do this to me.

I'm going to be travelling to Italy, France, Spain, England, Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia and a few place in the U.S. next year. I should get very familiar with security procedures in 2012.

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I accidentally left my wallet in my back pocket when going through the scanner a couple weeks ago. That got me the "grope" search. The TSA agent was very polite about it. I felt more sorry for him than myself. He seemed disappointed that I made such a stupid mistake that would require him to do this to me.

I'm going to be travelling to Italy, France, Spain, England, Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia and a few place in the U.S. next year. I should get very familiar with security procedures in 2012.

I wouldn't like it if I had to be groped during a search, but I'm sure I'd be able to handle it without feeling very uncomfortable about it or making a huge scene like youserlf. I guess all the stories I have heard involve women. They are much more sensitive to these searches.

Maybe they've done this, I don't know. There should be a warning letting even before or while you're purchasing your plane ticket that it is possible that during a search you may be groped during a pat down. I don't think people should be purchasing tickets without knowing this is a possibilty.

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My son just got back from Italy. He says TSA in the US is a hundred times worse then anywhere over there.

Italy is a joke when it comes to security and it left me wanting more. I was there last year... and anyone can get onto any train without having your bag searched or screened beforehand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There was a huge truck swurving lanes, cutting everyone off on I-45 N (rush hour). He cut off a camero and the guy flicked him off... Well the truck slammed on his brakes and brought the camero to a stop... So he got out and pulled the guy out, I drove away and missed the road rage...

Believe it or not some guy shot someone out of road rage here in abilene on a 35mph street.

Edited by Montrose1100
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I used to fly 2-3-4 times a year, to visit family and friends. Now, not so much. Family members have passed on and friends have moved.

A little after 9-11 but before the TSA pat downs started, I was flying to Omaha to meet a friend, then go on a road trip. I flew out of Hobby and purchased a one way ticket. I did not check any luggage but did have a carry on.

Apparently I triggered something. One older woman, no checked luggage flying one way. Well, they rushed me into a 'security room' and 2 men began carefully going through my suitcase while a lone woman literally took everything out of my purse. I was being scanned with a wand at the time while trying to keep an eye on the woman with my purse. I had several hundred dollars in cash, all stashed in different places and I was a bit paranoid about that. They finally were satisfied and sent me on my way. Not a word was said by anyone during all this.

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