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Way Off Topic notice


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Now admittedly, I've stayed mostly out of Way Off Topic for months on end, but still do visit it now and then. I noticed this:

This section is for respectful discussions of national politics, politicians, and political issues.

Politics by its nature is an inflammatory business, but that does not obligate you to act like a jerk in this political discussion area. Don't write anything you wouldn't say directly to someone's face. If you cannot engage in civilized discussion, you will no longer be allowed to access this section.

You must have a minimum of 200 posts in other sections of HAIF in order to participate in this forum section.

When was it added? I sure don't remember it being there even when HAIF upgraded to IP.board a year or so ago.

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I don't have access to the deep backup system right now, but I think it's been there since at least 2008, probably longer.

It was added when we split Way Off Topic off of the Off Topic section during the days of Plastic.

Or was it Paper? :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, so it was Plastic that caused the split? Gosh, back when I first heard of Plastic, I thought that the comparison to me was a bit of a compliment...wacko.gif

I don't think it was Plastic that caused the split. If I recall correctly, during one of the elections, some of the HAIFers had a hard time with political expression. Some went overboard in their postings. Others got so angry reading them that they quit HAIF, rather than simply stop reading the political threads.

Way Off Topic was a way to push certain types of posts into a section that can be made invisible to people if they ask for it. A surprising number of highly respected HAIFers have WOT disabled.

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