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Minneapolis Light rail

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I spent a couple of days in the land of lakes last week, and had some time to kill before my flight took off and explored the Hiawatha line in Minneapolis:


This is the tunnel that the rail takes at the airport.




I wasn't able to get a picture of a full train, they were brightly colored, but I don't recall if they had advertising on it.


The very reason I don't like living up north....the cold and snow.



Apparently there are only one of these per train, none of them were used on the two trips I took.


An amazing amount of traffic that hit the MOA, but I shouldn't be surprised, I guess.





Apparently this serves as a transit center as there were countless of other buses coming through here.


I may not have noticed the advertising on the train, but I sure did notice it at the stops.





And as an FYI, quite a few people hopped on the rail going towards town, but the rail is free if you're going to the other terminal which is an insane distance away, so they could have gone there as well.

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Good pics!

Regrettably, this rail line does not offer the potential of our rail line: Ramming other vehicles. I mean, what is mass transit without a sense of danger?^_^

Even though this line has quite a bit of its line in its own ROW, it has suffered quite a few accidents including one fatality.

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Good pics!

Regrettably, this rail line does not offer the potential of our rail line: Ramming other vehicles. I mean, what is mass transit without a sense of danger?^_^

I know you were joking, but actually, it has plenty of ramming potential. Those photos of the train station are inside a parking garage (what Minnesotans call a "Ramp" as you can see on one sign) at the Mall of America. The light rail line shares the street with cars in Minneapolis, just like in Houston.

Here's a picture from yet another HAIF sister site, Twin Cities Architecture:


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I know you were joking, but actually, it has plenty of ramming potential. Those photos of the train station are inside a parking garage (what Minnesotans call a "Ramp" as you can see on one sign) at the Mall of America. The light rail line shares the street with cars in Minneapolis, just like in Houston.

Here's a picture from yet another HAIF sister site, Twin Cities Architecture:


Correct. In fact, I believe Houston's light rail line was a model for them.

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