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Atlanta Turns Old Antiques Market Into A TV Studio Complex

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In its quest to become Hollywood South, Atlanta has drawn in a tremendous amount of TV Shows, movies, cable networks, etc in many new permanent studios that have sprouted up all over the city.

Why can't Houston do the same with the buildings that it owns that are sitting empty? The brand new and aging cruse terminal that has never been use and probably never will be could be turned into a television/ movie studio as can the Astrodome (as planned by some). The State of Texas even offers incentives, to bring in the Television and movie industry, but it only seems to have done good for Dallas and Austin. Texas should look look to match or out do what Georgia is offering to get filmmakers to look at Texas more.

In addition, Texas needs to not just get shows to tape here and leave, we need to build permanent studios to in order to keep them coming.

Here is a link to the Atlanta EUE-Screen Gems Studios: http://blogs.ajc.com/radio-tv-talk/2011/04/29/atlantas-euescreen-gems-now-housing-three-tv-series/

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Since when is Bayport considered an 'aging facility'? That's just terrible. Mama needs to start on the spanx and retinols early, apparently.

Even better! He said it was a "brand new and aging cruse terminal"!

Neat trick how they pulled that off, though I suppose everything brand new ages from the moment it is created.

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Even better! He said it was a "brand new and aging cruse terminal"!

Neat trick how they pulled that off, though I suppose everything brand new ages from the moment it is created.

I might go so far as to describe it as a historic gem and a landmark.


Why not? It is.

Edited by TheNiche
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Even better! He said it was a "brand new and aging cruse terminal"!

Neat trick how they pulled that off, though I suppose everything brand new ages from the moment it is created.

Well technically it is aging, everything ages. The only reason I thought of using the terminal as a studio is because of a recent report Wayne Dolcefino did about how it has been a waste of taxpayers money as its sits empty. It will likley never get used because of the time it take to get to it from the Gulf and its also surrounded by oil refiners and not an attractive area for travelers (according to Wayne's report).

Edited by citykid09
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Well technically it is aging, everything ages. The only reason I thought of using the terminal as a studio is because of a recent report Wayne Dolcefino did about how it has been a waste of taxpayers money as its sits empty. It will likley never get used because of the time it take to get to it from the Gulf and its also surrounded by oil refiners and not an attractive area for travelers (according to Wayne's report).

Do you think that Wayne Dolcefino would be in support of spending even more money on yet another speculative endeavor at the very same ill-fated site? Do you think that he'd be comfortable with Houston paying even though the site is not within the city limits? (You wouldn't honestly expect Pasadena to pony up, would you?)

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@citykid09: I've noticed a lot of Atlanta comparisons in your posts, whether it be something like this or Atlanta's mass transit and how Houston should be more like it. Your posts try to make it sound like Atlanta is the greatest city in the south. But I've also heard a lot of bad things about Atlanta, much more than bad things about Houston.

Why do you want Houston to become more like Atlanta, anyway?

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  • The title was changed to Atlanta Turns Old Antiques Market Into A TV Studio Complex

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