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Hypothetical: What if Houston were the Capital of Texas?

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I had an odd dream last night in which Houston was the capital of Texas. The city looked very different, with the principal difference being that the city was far denser in population/buildings. There were at least 4 supertalls in the skyline. When I woke up, I thought about it - and I thought that this probably wouldn't be the case, because I've always heard that Houston's lack of extreme density is due to its not having major physical boundaries.

I'm curious as to what others think Houston might look like if it were the capital (excluding being the host of the Capitol itself, of course).

Here are some other differences I saw in my dream:

- UT-Houston was a full-scale, massive university. UH was a private, but large school (think NYU).

- There was a massive, metal monument in the city - something like the Eiffel Tower.

- Both light rail and rapid transit were prominent.

- There was considerably more crime in the city (or, it seemed that way - maybe because of the higher density).

- Buffalo Bayou just north of downtown was developed into a shopping district; the bayou there had been widened tremendously to control flooding.

- There was a trolley system in the uptown area.

- There was a large, permanent (7-day) farmer's market in the Heights.

My time in the dream was spent only in the central core of the city, so I can't comment on what I might have seen in the outskirts.

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I had an odd dream last night in which Houston was the capital of Texas. The city looked very different, with the principal difference being that the city was far denser in population/buildings. There were at least 4 supertalls in the skyline. When I woke up, I thought about it - and I thought that this probably wouldn't be the case, because I've always heard that Houston's lack of extreme density is due to its not having major physical boundaries.

I'm curious as to what others think Houston might look like if it were the capital (excluding being the host of the Capitol itself, of course).

Here are some other differences I saw in my dream:

- UT-Houston was a full-scale, massive university. UH was a private, but large school (think NYU).

- There was a massive, metal monument in the city - something like the Eiffel Tower.

- Both light rail and rapid transit were prominent.

- There was considerably more crime in the city (or, it seemed that way - maybe because of the higher density).

- Buffalo Bayou just north of downtown was developed into a shopping district; the bayou there had been widened tremendously to control flooding.

- There was a trolley system in the uptown area.

- There was a large, permanent (7-day) farmer's market in the Heights.

My time in the dream was spent only in the central core of the city, so I can't comment on what I might have seen in the outskirts.

Hmmm...more prominent universities relative to city size, metal monument, crime, wider waterway, "rapid transit".

Sounds like what might happen if Chicago, St. Louis, and Toronto all got together and had a three-way. That seems kind of nasty.

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