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Just trying to get a reaction out of the camera crew my arse.. what a jerk. I hope he doesn't win the next reelection.

He really hasn't done anything meaniful for the state since he's been in office. All he has done was propose a huge freeway and then when reelection comes he talks about funding schools(probably for publicity to win the election) but then if he did win we'd see the freeway more and less about school funding, if anything.

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I'm happy he said this. And since Kaye Baily Hutchinson isn't running, I'm going to vote for Perry.

The comment shows me that his is more human than he appears. That he isn't all show all the time like most politicians.

Put it this way, him saying those words got him my vote.

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I'm happy he said this.  And since Kaye Baily Hutchinson isn't running, I'm going to vote for Perry.

The comment shows me that his is more human than he appears.  That he isn't all show all the time like most politicians.

Put it this way, him saying those words got him my vote.

Uh, didn't he just sign a gay marriage ban (which was redundant, and therefore just out of spite) in a church?

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I'm happy he said this.  And since Kaye Baily Hutchinson isn't running, I'm going to vote for Perry.

The comment shows me that his is more human than he appears.  That he isn't all show all the time like most politicians.

Put it this way, him saying those words got him my vote.

So you're going to vote for him - a dirty republican - because he appears human and he's not some kind of alien? Like E.T.? Ugh. You guys just get better and better.

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Considering Perry ran against Tony Sanchez, he has never really even been elected.

I was hoping for Kay Bailey, but now I'll vote for Strayhorn.

Strayhorn is on record for increaed University funding. Perry is on record for the status quo, with the big buck only going to two schools.

CA puts TX to shame in this respect.

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I can't stand Strayhorn and all her screaming.

This race will be much like the races back in Louisiana. Choosing the lesser of two evils.

Oh, and I'm gay but the gay marriage issue was never something that decided my vote. It really isn't that important to me. My partner and I have set each other up financially and have set all the legal documents so that we can enjoy really all the benefits of marriage. A legal marriage is just for finances and child custody. It'll define succession of wealth and and some rights towards each other. This can be achieve with a couple of legal documents. That other side of marriage is the religious aspect. That's between us and God.

There are much more important issues to me than to be selfish and only think about gay marriage. I really wanted Kay Baily H, but perry is my only choice.

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kjb speaks the truth! however, i do like strayhorn. did you know that she has been so stringent on fiscal responsibility that she once eliminated the very job she had been appointed to (i think it was railroad commissioner)? the duties of the position were redundant. she managed to save the state millions of dollars. she appears to be the same (screaming) person. i like her!

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That comment of Perry's doesn't bother me... he was saying that about one annoying reporter, not about the people of Texas or some other broad group of people.

That being said, I still can't stand this guy... I agree he's never truly been elected considering Bush handed the governor's office to him in the first place and then the only other person he had to run aganst was Tony Sanchez.

I would have liked K.B. Hutchison to run but I'd rather see Strayhorn or Kinky win it over Perry. Or anyone else who would put an end to his stupid Trans Texas Corridor that he's rammed down our throats.

So he likes to cater to the religious right, by doing things like choosing a religious school as the place to sign an anti-gay bill that doesn't even require his signature. So I can see why the R.R. likes him, but what does anyone else see in this guy??

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You gotta be an Aggie to love that fool.

Don't forget when Perry slammed Houston, when we beat out Dallas for the Olympics bid.

Or how he apointed his friend's wife to be fitness czar.

Or how he does not take school funding seriously.

Or the silly trophy he calls the Texas Trans Corridor.

Or how he hangs out in churches signing documents.

Or that he uses WAY TOO MUCH hairspray.

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perfect analogy. He's not much different that Kerry either.

Like the local Talk Radio guys call the Super Model Gov'ner. Good thing the Governor in Texas has very little power anyway. Miss Strayhorn may do more by staying in the legislature.

Not all governors are created equal. Some states they are power and some they aren't. Same thing with mayors. The Dallas Mayor is weak and the Houston Mayor is strong. The weaker Governors and Mayors display their power through the bully pulpit. They can become very vocal and get there message out to persuade the public, then the legislature will need to respond.

This is also the same process a lame duck president can use to push legislation when they are not able to run again.

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It doesn't bother you that he signed that bill right next to a guy who was just preaching that you all carry syphilis and are bound to die soon? Wow. I don't want these mofos running the state because they go on to win national elections. Pretty soon we are invading foreign countries based on WMD claims they just made up.

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There is know way the religious right can take over this country and make it somewhat a theocracy. You need to understand that the religious right is made up of many christians denominations that agree on something, but could never aggree on a common way to practice there faith together. Most classical protestants and catholics don't really associate themselves with the evangelical. The christian faiths are so varied that they just all realized that they want to vote conservative instead of liberal.

So know, it doesn't bother me. I don't care if the state can realize that I can or cannot be married. My partner have resolved those issues. Our families are also involved and know our wished and everything is set in legal documents. Not much different than the government meaning of marriage. It was little more involved than just getting a marriage liscense, but no less legal.

Again, I don't like Perry that much, but can't bring myself to vote for anyone with a liberal tendancy.

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kjb434, I'm gay as well and can understand your arguments. However, as a gay man, I can not forgive things like Perry signing a constitutional amendment that still has to be approved by the voters of Texas in November in a church. First, Texas law already has prohibitions against gay marriage. This amendment was passed simply out of spite and intolerance. Second, the governor does not, and almost never has, signed a constitutional amendment coming out of the legislature. His signature does nothing but send a message to the voting public. From a procedural standpoint, the amendment has to be approved by the voters regardless of whether or not the governor signs it. Look at the record. Texas is notorious for constitutional amendments, and hardly a legislative session goes by that we don't have at least a couple passed that have to be voted on the following November. Has Perry signed any of those? NO. And let's not forget Perry's public comments that those who opposed the amendment should find another state to live in. Not a very reconciling thing to say. Let's also not forget that this is the governor who called our state's sodomy law (which by the way prohibited certain acts only between two people of the same gender - opposite gender couples could engage in the same activity legally under the law) appropriate. Yes, he said the law was "appropriate" and after it was struck down by the Supreme Court he publically expressed disappointment and said the state government would be reviewing its options.

So it's not just a gay marriage issue. There's outward hostility in Austin toward you and your partner. That may not bother you at all, and that's your opinion. But for me, it's disgusting. And even if Perry wasn't so outwardly hostile toward the GLBT community, I would seriously question my vote for him because of his total inability to lead the state in a positive direction. We have a legislature that considers banning gay marriage one more time (again, it's already illegal), suggestive dancing by high school cheerleaders, and naming the chuck wagon as the state's official vehicle (yes, they did pass that one this session) a higher priority than creating a fair and equal school finance system. Additionally many Perry's initiatives like the TTC I find disturbing. So even if there wasn't the outward, public hostility toward a whole group of people, I would find it very difficult to vote for Perry. It's time for some major changes in Austin.

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