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democrats aren't any different in the corruption category.

I vote conservative. Not Republican or Democrat. I may not vote the next election for governor. Both cadidates in general i don't like. I had to vote i would still choose Perry.

Any gay issue is at the bottom of the list for me. It's just not as important as taxes, transportation, school funding, taking the government out of our lives.

I don't take actions like him signing that ammendment personally. I was just a political play.

It has no impact to our economy, my way of life, my personal life. It's not like they are going to raid gay establishments and kill us all. It's just a play to keep there base happy.

Him signing the ammendment shuts up the anti-gay lobby for a good while. They don't have much to talk about now do they? I believe gay rights should always look towards a slower acceptance path instead of activism and forcing it in people faces. I don't like using the courts to get what we want as a community. It subverts the democratic process.

I really didn't like they way the Supreme Court rule against the sodomy law. The basis had nothing to do with protecting our rights. They use the privacy route. Sandra Day O'Conner who supports gay right wrote one of the dissents. She didn't like the use of privacy rights to win the case. If the lawyers used the equal rights path, she would have supported their cause.

I much rather see the democratic process used. This will show that the people in this country accepts us gays. Passing them over and using the courts just pisses them off and will just fuel hatred and makes life worse for everyone.

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democrats aren't any different in the corruption category.

I vote conservative.  Not Republican or Democrat.  I may not vote the next election for governor.  Both cadidates in general i don't like.  I had to vote i would still choose Perry.

Any gay issue is at the bottom of the list for me.  It's just not as important as taxes, transportation, school funding, taking the government out of our lives.

I don't take actions like him signing that ammendment personally.  I was just a political play.

It has no impact to our economy, my way of life, my personal life.  It's not like they are going to raid gay establishments and kill us all.  It's just a play to keep there base happy.

Him signing the ammendment shuts up the anti-gay lobby for a good while.  They don't have much to talk about now do they?  I believe gay rights should always look towards a slower acceptance path instead of activism and forcing it in people faces.  I don't like using the courts to get what we want as a community.  It subverts the democratic process.

I really didn't like they way the Supreme Court rule against the sodomy law.  The basis had nothing to do with protecting our rights.  They use the privacy route.  Sandra Day O'Conner who supports gay right wrote one of the dissents.  She didn't like the use of privacy rights to win the case.  If the lawyers used the equal rights path, she would have supported their cause.

I much rather see the democratic process used.  This will show that the people in this country accepts us gays.  Passing them over and using the courts just pisses them off and will just fuel hatred and makes life worse for everyone.

What color is the sky in your world?

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It's quite blue and clear.

After research both sides of the issues and looking all the arguments for the past three years I made my decisions. I don't follow just articles written in newpapers and TV that never tell the whole story.

I look at essays and journals written by the people who are truly discussing the issue. Not the silly protestors and activists. Competent oral debates held with moderators and solid questions from an audience produce much more than a talking head on TV. After all my research I made my decision.

This issue should not be an emotional one. We're dealing with legalities of a government santioned union between two people. As long as the love and traditional aspects are brought in on both sides, no progress will be made.

I see everything clearer now. At first I was all for going through the courts and forcing the issue. Now I realized through research and know the history of our democracy from writings of Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams how they truly intended our government to work. I can't be apart of something that'll fundamentally go against the concept of our democracy. Pushing for equality through the courts destroys the very concept of the U.S.

Instead of waging war with our opposition, we should be making aguments that can actually stand and fight for what we want on the basis of ideas and not emotion. Winning in the context of ideas will take some time, but the results will be very fruitfull.

Conservative march in congress during the nineties with Newt Gingrich came about through over 30 years of formulation. The ideas have been discussed throughout the county with the mid 90s being the time they felt they had the public support.

The same with the gay issues, we have been slowly accepted in this country through years of our pressence being known. It will be slow, but it works better than running and throwing ourselves in people's faces.

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"Any gay issue is at the bottom of the list for me. It's just not as important as taxes, transportation, school funding, taking the government out of our lives."

kjb434, so freedom and equality mean nothing to you? The "gay issue" here is that of your own humanity. I grew up in the 60's through the civil rights years. Although I don't think that riots did a whole lot to benefit African American communities, I can tell you that the peaceful marches and demonstrations, though incredibly uncomfortable for many in the African American community, moved civil rights along a lot faster than it would have by waiting comfortably for the "majority" to suddenly wake up and say "oh my, we have been denying you your rights for so long, gosh we are sorry!". Pardon my sarcasm, but rights have never been gained by waiting for acceptance, and the freedom and acceptance you and your partner have now were not gained by my generation sitting on our collective butts and waiting for some benevolent person to suddenly wake up and bestow equality upon us.

While not a big supporter of marraige myself and questioning why we went there to begin with, I must say that when I vote, I will still place my freedom, equality, and a better future for today's gay kids high above taxes, transportation, etc. To me, that is taking the goverment out of our lives.

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If gay rights activists are truly fighting for equal rights, why do the not frame their arguments on that premise. Every legal victory in the Supreme Court used other arguments besides equal rights such as the overturning of sodomy laws.

I'm all for equal rights, but as I live my life now, I don't feel the inequality. I'm not banned from certain schools, restraunts, and stores. If I ride a bus, no one makes me sit in the back. If the only thing competely barring me from my equal rights is being able to marry my partner, then I think we are doing pretty good. And we have set up ourselves so that we'll be able to have hospital visistation right for each other and other legal rights that married couples enjoy.

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