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Emergency Alert System Test 11-09-11 1pm

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A Nationwide Test of the Emergency Alert System Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 1 p.m. CST

The City of Houston 's Office of Emergency Management reminds residents that on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 1 p.m. Houston time (Central Standard Time), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will be conducting the first-ever nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS).

This system is intended to provide the President of the United States with the ability to communicate emergency information to the nation during a catastrophic incident. Testing this important system allows agencies to determine gaps in the system and help improve it to ensure that everyone has access to important emergency information.

While residents may be familiar with required weekly tests, this first-ever nationwide Emergency Alert System test may contain different elements. Audio will indicate that this is in fact a test, scrolling text across television screens may not.

Residents should not be alarmed when they see or hear the test

Residents should refrain from calling 911 to inquire about the test. 911 is reserved for emergency situations which threaten life or property and require the assistance of police, fire or emergency medical services. Calling 911 for non-emergencies may overwhelm telephone systems at local emergency call centers and prevent actual emergencies from being reported.

Houstonians should take this time to make sure that they have an emergency kit, a family emergency plan and ways to stay informed during emergency situations. Residents can find information on how to plan for emergencies, as well as sign up for AlertHouston emergency emails from the Office of Emergency Management online at http://www.houstonoem.net/.

For more information on the nationwide EAS test and emergency preparedness visit http://www.houstonoem.net/ or email info@houstonoem.net.

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Guest danielmiller

There's no harm on trying this test if it is for the general welfare. This system can be used by either the state or local authorities to convey considerable emergency information like child abduction and weather forecast to a specific location.It allocates participating providers to send and receive information as quickly and automatically as possible, it even works even though facilities are unattended.For the first time ever, the Countrywide Emergency Alert System will be completely tested on Nov. 9. This test will cover all radio, television, satellite radio and broadcast satellite providers; location-aware alert systems that focus on wireless programs are set to come online in 2012. I read this here: National Emergency Alert System test planned for Nov. 9.

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Be careful allowing the government to control the airwaves. Broadcasters have an obligation to air alerts in emergency situations because they are only allowed to broadcast if they serve the public interest. The implications of the government taking control of all broadcast outlets is staggering.

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