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Marriott Marquis: George R. Brown Convention Center Hotel At 1777 Walker St.


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...I just find myself skipping through them before they downloading. Never actually viewing them...

Maybe I'm alone.....


Yes, you are alone. I love viewing a few pictures from different angles.

Edited by Nole23
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Thanks. Chris.

perhaps if you just posted the One shot, of Each projectt hat you saw, which showcased what you viewed,l.,,rather than every photo from every project, then maybe we could all enjoy them more...otherwise, they get skipped through.

Thanks for the enthusiasm.

Gotcha, but for certain people, I'll post some from different angles, but if a lot find it annoying, I'll just post one.

Edited by H-TownChris2
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Once the sports bar is up and running, this neighborhood is going to come ALIVE.


Yea I can't wait to check it out as well. There will also be other restaurants at the street level of the hotel as well as restaurants at the bottom of GRB along the street.

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all of you are alone...!!! i demand VIDEO of all angles please and if able please rent a helicopter...or i will settle for drone footage if the helicopter plan doesnt work out but yeah that helicopter thing would be really cool and junk 

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^^^ does anyone know just what those strange panels are.. located at the top right-hand corner at the very top of the tower??  why are they such a stark contrast from the rest of the building... are they designed for LED lighting / display activity??  why are these located upon such a very modern / contemporary skyscraper... as i do not recall seeing this type of abomination upon such modern-day skyscrapers located in chicago vs new york vs los angeles??  IMO, overall... this edifice is starting to come-together beautifully.  however, i just cannot seem to comprehend this shocking / contrasting design at the upper r-hand corner of the main tower.  it just seems really ugly and out of the ordinary....

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^^^ rendering refresher.  apparently where the cooling tower portion is located at the very r-hand corner of the tower... the outside panels (off-white looking structures) shall possibly harbor an LED lighting display.  should look beautiful at night...

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^^^ hey great pal triton, may we change your moniker to MEGATRON??

your illustrations.. truly capture exactly what we have been looking for in full scale and scope of the overall MARRIOTT construction.

the clarity and details of these clips are truly MEGA.... great job pal....

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Talked with a Bigge crane rigger and asked him when the tower crane is coming down. He said it was supposed to have come this weekend but all the rain this week delayed it. He said he should start coming down next weekend.

Scaffold is starting to come down on the north side.



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