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Thoughts On The Suburbs

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He's not going to tell you because like me, you've called him on all his "inner-loop" b.s.. I like his plan though - basically everyone should live in the inner-loop, but to do so, they shouldn't have kids.


EDIT - shouldn't have kids.. shouldn't - not should..

Edited by Casual Observer
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i'm glad we do have the variety here from a loft downtown, a flat in the montrose area, a bungalow in the heights, a condo in uptown, small ranch in walnut bend or a newer subdivision 6000 miles sway in katy.

I agree completely. It's why I find the density in NYC and San Francisco to be unappealing. In this, Chicago does it much better.

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I think some people who mean "inside the loop" really mean "inside Beltway 8" as the area between beltway 8 and the inner loop has become urban.

Also many bad areas are outside the loop, and most of those are inside Beltway 8.

Hrm.. interesting viewpoint. However I really meant inside 610. :)

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well, you can't expect people not to have kids so they won't move out to the 'burbs. different strokes for different folks.

i'm glad we do have the variety here from a loft downtown, a flat in the montrose area, a bungalow in the heights, a condo in uptown, small ranch in walnut bend or a newer subdivision 6000 miles sway in katy.

Well said. We are fortunate to have many choices here in the Houston metro.

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I've been a Captain for almost two years now, though I haven't posted much on this forum due to my travels. Skyscraperpage has been the only one I've kept up with really. I was still LtAWACS on skyscrapercity but I don't go there anymore, I changed to CaptAWACS on SSP years ago.

I'm just curious really. There were other members on the old skyscraperpage that flew on the E-3, but they were from Minnesota?

Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

Capt-AWACS, Veni, Vidi, Bibi

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Let's not get off topic here. We should know that the more we cause pollution, the more harmful it is to the planet.

I'd consider your trolling off-topic kid. just give a simple answer to a simple question, though I consider your vague imitation a serious form of flattery.

Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

Capt-AWACS, Help me, Help you

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I'd consider your trolling off-topic kid.  just give a simple answer to a simple question, though I consider your vague imitation a serious form of flattery.

Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

Capt-AWACS, Help me, Help you

Im not trolling. I was answering questions by Gary and others. Im not attempting to imitate you.

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Well have you flown on the E-3 ever, were you ever a Lieutenant, or did you just decide to pick my old name off the former SSP,SSC and Houston forums?

I'm now asking you a question, one I and others asked before. Your one line responses to these other posts not withstanding.

We can still discuss the suburbs, some of us are just curious as to your background and what viewpoint/experiance you bring to the discussion. Mine is no secret, and I got a BA with a focus on urban analysis, and interned with the City of Houston, and during my Masters of Public Admin I studied the city gov't and planning areas. I own propery inside the loop and my private business is outside.

Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

Capt-AWACS, Future Houston Mayor

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I said that I realize these aren't places family people go often, or for that matter at all.  I don't think someone should base their location solely on attractions that are nearby.

As far as getting tired of being in a dense area, there is the country.  You don't have to stay in the city every minute of your free time.  We have beaches, camp sites, and lakes that are all within a close proximity.  And if we don't think there are enough of these areas, then we need to create more.

My point remains that the burbs are generaly bad in their current design.

I agree. Especially those with no downtowns or artificial downtowns. Like sugarland. The projects they are building may fool the lowly, miserable, uneducated, peasant - but I can see right through them.

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Please just check what I've posted. You'll find that I have indeed answered your questions. You just dont like my answers.

Wow, that's a very tame response to me saying your full of it.

I think you probably live somewhere off of 1960, occassionaly visit the inner loop, and that's only when you can get your friend with the drivers liscense to take you there.

Once again you constantly avoid the questions asked by many who are members of this forum. If your legitimate why not clear the air. By the way you said to check your post, I did and you still have not answered my questions. Just so theres no confusion as to what they are I'll ask them one more time.

1.) You've been asked by at least two people (Casual Observer and me) to provide your general place of residence that you herald so much. By the way so you don't think I'm being to intrusive, you asked Danax this exact same question.

2.)When asked about children and moving to the burbs your response was, "the solution is to not have children". My question was how do you propose that the human race raises the next generations. You have yet to answer this. I certainly understand overpopulation but still there must be procreation to some extent, right?

Also you made a contradictory comment regarding a post by jmancuso. To sum up what he said, Houston has many facets of living from inner loop condos to single family homes 6000 miles (joke) away in Katy. Your response was "well said, we are fortunate enough to have many choices here in the Houston metro".

This seems extremely inconsistant since you are so rabidly pro inside the loop, so I would like your rebuttle regarding this.

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Please just check what I've posted. You'll find that I have indeed answered your questions. You just dont like my answers.

You still haven't answered mine kid.

I own property inside the loop, in the 4th ward even, does that count.... ;-)

Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

Capt-AWACS, A Houston Tradition Since 1975

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