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Conservative talk show host Michael Berry can't even drive straight, hits car ou

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agreed on the drinking and driving being the #1 question he should (privately) be considering, since there's no case to be made on that issue by the authorities.

Its not illegal to drink a beer and then drive. The legal limit for driving is .08 - most adults can drink a beer, sometimes two and be well below the .08 threshold.

I frequently drive after a drink or two at dinner and I think nothing at all of it.

The only CRIMINAL charge that is at play here is the hit and run.

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Driving backwards 70 feet and hitting a parked car is pretty abnormal driving behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if alcohol was involved.

We know he had a beer - you can see that on the video. But that does not matter. You can not prove that he was intoxicated, therefore the only CRIMINAL charge pending will be the hit and run. There is zero ability to prove that he was intoxicated at this point in time.

To my knowledge there is no video of the accident or the backwards driving, or the circling the block, all of that is just a witness statement, from the person whose car was hit. I'm not saying he was not three sheets to the wind drunk, but since that is impossible to prove at this point in time, all this "investigation" can come up with charge wise is a hit and run....how many times have you seen this much attention over a hit and run with no injuries and very little damage?

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We know he had a beer - you can see that on the video.

At least two beers at T.C.'s.

But that does not matter. You can not prove that he was intoxicated, therefore the only CRIMINAL charge pending will be the hit and run. There is zero ability to prove that he was intoxicated at this point in time.

Which might be precisely the purpose of his hit and run. Or maybe he was worried people would find out he went to a gay bar. Who knows.

To my knowledge there is no video of the accident or the backwards driving, or the circling the block, all of that is just a witness statement, from the person whose car was hit.

Well excuse me for giving more credibility to the eyewitness story than the story of the man who ran. And in fact, he hasn't even told his story yet, so we have nothing to weigh the eyewitness statement against.

I'm not saying he was not three sheets to the wind drunk, but since that is impossible to prove at this point in time, all this "investigation" can come up with charge wise is a hit and run.

If you're not running the investigation, how would you know what charges they can come up with? You haven't taken the statements and wouldn't know how much evidence they can find that he was drunk.

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I'm just saying that we don't yet know what other charges they might come up with. Early in the investigation, police inspected his car and found damage. Then it looked like he was headed toward not being charged with anything. Was it a coordinated coverup, or did Berry just lie to investigators about the damage? There's plenty of potential here.

Though of course, IANAL.

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Berry sent a check to the bouncer...


so if HPD is "of the opinion" that Berry hit the guy's car, then Berry wants to pay for damages? is De Guerin saying Berry doesn't know for sure whether he hit the car, but here's a couple grand anyway?


from the report:

"Bennett said he received the $2,000 check from Berry and a letter from Dick DeGuerin, Berry’s attorney.

'I wanted to make you aware that from the very beginning of HPD’s investigation, Mr. Berry made it known to HPD that if they were of the opinion that he caused damage to your car, Mr. Berry wanted to make it right with you,' the letter from DeGuerin said.

The letter said Berry, who once served on Houston City Council, wants to pay for the damages whether or not he’s found at fault by Houston police."

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I agree with all of what kylejack said, except the possible DWI charge. While I also strongly suspect DWI was Berry's biggest motive for running, there is nothing the police can do at this point to make a DWI case.

I completely agree with the speculation that intoxication is precisely why he left the scene, but that does not matter now - it is impossible to prove.

I think the whole thing is completely ridiculous....this was never about a minor fender bender - its completely about who was involved....the news and press hate conservative talkers....Berry is a rather loud talker who frequently points out the massive failures at the chronicle and other "news" organizations...

It was not even two months ago that I called HPD via 911 to say that I was on the freeway following an individual who just rear ended another car and took off. I stayed behind this hit and run giving license plate, description, where he was how fast, etc....I followed him from Airport road in South Houston all the way to N. Main on 45 (where I exited to go home) telling the 911 dispatcher what was going on....in that time he hit one other car, and then at the 45/59 interchange he side swiped the barrels almost hitting them head on....in that 20+ minute time period dispatch eventually just told me that no officer had time to respond and that they would call me later if they needed a witness or a statement.

This guy was so drunk he could barely keep his head above the wheel, he hit 2 cars and the wall, and he was traveling at 70+mph for 20+ minutes and the cops did not respond to that call....but they have 8 or 9 officers investigating a minor hit and run with no injuries and negligible damage against a conservative talker b/c he is a conservative talker and it makes good news.

If this was me or you who did it - we would have gotten a summons in the mail and ordered to appear before the JP....possibly sued by the owner in small claims.

I dont care about the accident or about Michael Berry, but I am vehemently opposed to someone being treated differently by the police/news/ justice system because of their political views or celebrity.

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The investigation was expanded because it was looking like some officers were about to close the case with no charges. If Berry left the scene after an accident with the owner present, he committed a Class B Misdemeanor. The proper remedy for the hypocrisy you're claiming is to charge Berry and to also charge this drunk who was all over the road, not to charge neither.

Edited by kylejack
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I dont care about the accident or about Michael Berry, but I am vehemently opposed to someone being treated differently by the police/news/ justice system because of their political views or celebrity.

If any celebrity dodges the questions. claims a vast conspiracy and hires a high profile lawyer they will get more attention than most. This does not have anything to do with his political views. MB only has himself to blame for all this attention.

Edited by west20th
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I completely agree with the speculation that intoxication is precisely why he left the scene, but that does not matter now - it is impossible to prove.

I think the whole thing is completely ridiculous....this was never about a minor fender bender - its completely about who was involved....the news and press hate conservative talkers....Berry is a rather loud talker who frequently points out the massive failures at the chronicle and other "news" organizations...

It was not even two months ago that I called HPD via 911 to say that I was on the freeway following an individual who just rear ended another car and took off. I stayed behind this hit and run giving license plate, description, where he was how fast, etc....I followed him from Airport road in South Houston all the way to N. Main on 45 (where I exited to go home) telling the 911 dispatcher what was going on....in that time he hit one other car, and then at the 45/59 interchange he side swiped the barrels almost hitting them head on....in that 20+ minute time period dispatch eventually just told me that no officer had time to respond and that they would call me later if they needed a witness or a statement.

This guy was so drunk he could barely keep his head above the wheel, he hit 2 cars and the wall, and he was traveling at 70+mph for 20+ minutes and the cops did not respond to that call....but they have 8 or 9 officers investigating a minor hit and run with no injuries and negligible damage against a conservative talker b/c he is a conservative talker and it makes good news.

If this was me or you who did it - we would have gotten a summons in the mail and ordered to appear before the JP....possibly sued by the owner in small claims.

I dont care about the accident or about Michael Berry, but I am vehemently opposed to someone being treated differently by the police/news/ justice system because of their political views or celebrity.

Climb down off the high horse, chief. The police are involved because the bouncer reported the crime. When he found that charges would not be filed, the bouncer took his gripes to the media, who were only to happy to report the story. Berry was actually getting favorable treatment until the bouncer called the media.

It is common for the hit and run detectives to attempt to persuade suspects to pay up or turn over insurance, especially when the evidence is weak. They do what they can with limited time and resources. And, your following of drunks while calling 911 is also common. But, if the police in that area are all on calls, nothing can be done. Life sucks when taxpayers refuse to pay higher taxes for more police.

I don't blame Berry for running if he was drunk. However, your sticking up for him on the hit and run is equally off base. He hit, he ran, he was observed by a witness, he attempted to evade charges. He deserves ALL of the publicity coming his way.

I thought conservatives were all about law and order. Or is ithat only when the bouncer is hetero?

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I don't blame Berry for running if he was drunk. However, your sticking up for him on the hit and run is equally off base. He hit, he ran, he was observed by a witness, he attempted to evade charges. He deserves ALL of the publicity coming his way.

I thought conservatives were all about law and order. Or is ithat only when the bouncer is hetero?

I think if he got in the wreck then he should be treated the same as anyone else. The media is out of control on the topic, and the knee jerk reaction of the police force is to assign eight new police officers/detectives to investigate this class B misdemeanor so the media stops running stories about him getting special treatment...what happened - now he is getting special treatment, but not the type he wants, obviously.

If this were not MB, its likely the cops would have done exactly the same thing - not pursue it - and nothing more would ever have come from it...the bouncer was free to call his insurance company and tell them he knew exactly who hit him...he did not - probably because he wanted attention, and also because he was angry and saw an opportunity to trounce someone whose political views he probably disagrees with.

Im not defending MB - I am appalled at the attention something so minor has gotten. I guess it really is ANYTHING at all that can make waves to get the public's attention off how badly the democrats are running this country. Even a fender bender.

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I think if he got in the wreck then he should be treated the same as anyone else. The media is out of control on the topic, and the knee jerk reaction of the police force is to assign eight new police officers/detectives to investigate this class B misdemeanor so the media stops running stories about him getting special treatment...what happened - now he is getting special treatment, but not the type he wants, obviously.

Having more detectives investigate your case is not some crime against humanity. They're just fact-finders. Michael Berry is not being abused because more people are assigned to the case now. They're simply trying to get to the bottom of what happened that night, and during the investigation. I have been very impressed with HPD accountability under Annise Parker and Chief McClelland. When there is police misconduct, they've opened investigations and got to the bottom of what happened and tried to make it right. There was the Chad Holley beating incident, the instance of HPD officers covering their nametags with tape at an Occupy protest, and various other things.

Police officers seemed to be brushing this under the rug, so Chief McClelland wants to know what is going on. That's why he opened the internal affairs investigation (that and the media attention).

If this were not MB, its likely the cops would have done exactly the same thing - not pursue it - and nothing more would ever have come from it...the bouncer was free to call his insurance company and tell them he knew exactly who hit him...

You aren't clear on the facts of the case. He knew what the person looked like and had the license plate from the car. He waited six days to call the police. Perhaps he was hoping the person who hit him would come back and make it right. It probably never would have hit media, in that case. He didn't know the person's name was Michael Berry. The police ran the plate and showed him a picture of Michael Berry, at which time he confirmed that it was the guy.

he did not - probably because he wanted attention, and also because he was angry and saw an opportunity to trounce someone whose political views he probably disagrees with.

Michael Berry allegedly hit his car, ran, and never returned to make it right. Why are you calling the victim of a crime an attention whore for reporting a crime against him to the police?! He didn't call the media until the police started dragging their feet in the investigation.

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What a crybaby you are. "Appalled"? Really? Berry is getting exactly what he deserved. The Republican DA initially refused charges. The bouncer called the media to get justice. The media pounced. Michael Berry realizes he should've just stopped and exchanged information. Berry decides to respond by blaming the the big liberal conspiracy. Marksmu bites, hook, line and sinker. RedScare laughs at Marksmu's faux outrage.

Fact is, I have represented several people for exactly this same offense. It is not being treated differently, EXCEPT that it is playing out in the media. HPD is mad that Berry and the DA's office made them look bad. They are now doing more investigation than usual, because Berry has indicated that he is going to deny everything. You want to blame someone? Blame the pissant on the radio.

I do admire how you are fighting for the rights of gays, though.

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Michael Berry allegedly hit his car, ran, and never returned to make it right. Why are you calling the victim of a crime an attention whore for reporting a crime against him to the police?! He didn't call the media until the police started dragging their feet in the investigation.

Speaking of attention whores, anyone remember that burglary victim that posted on here about how his house got broken into? What an attention whore!

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What a crybaby you are. "Appalled"? Really? Berry is getting exactly what he deserved. The Republican DA initially refused charges. The bouncer called the media to get justice. The media pounced. Michael Berry realizes he should've just stopped and exchanged information. Berry decides to respond by blaming the the big liberal conspiracy. Marksmu bites, hook, line and sinker. RedScare laughs at Marksmu's faux outrage.

Fact is, I have represented several people for exactly this same offense. It is not being treated differently, EXCEPT that it is playing out in the media. HPD is mad that Berry and the DA's office made them look bad. They are now doing more investigation than usual, because Berry has indicated that he is going to deny everything. You want to blame someone? Blame the pissant on the radio.

I do admire how you are fighting for the rights of gays, though.

Your anger is misplaced - it appears you have even failed to understand the basic jist of the complaint I have....I do blame Michael Berry for his actions, but I do not care about Michael Berry at all...Personally I believe he was drunk and did it. I do not care about that.

It is the fact that the police jump when the media tells them to....its not like we have a string of burglaries or arsons here. This is a fender bender and failure to leave his contact information. This is one of the most unimportant things the police could be dealing with....a single officer could have given a report. Not every hit and run is prosecuted, even when they know who it was....Why is the bouncer so intent on prosecution? Is he really that mad or could it be the bouncer has an agenda as well?

The media is so corrupt and biased that it is sickening...talk radio included. When the police cower to the media and do exactly what they want them to it does nothing more than further empower the corrupt media. This is not a news incident....I dont care that the person was Michael Berry, I dont care that it was at a gay club, and I sure as hell dont care that the bouncer was gay. All of this could have and should have been handled professionally without the involvement of the media.

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It is the fact that the police jump when the media tells them to....its not like we have a string of burglaries or arsons here. This is a fender bender and failure to leave his contact information. This is one of the most unimportant things the police could be dealing with....a single officer could have given a report. Not every hit and run is prosecuted, even when they know who it was....Why is the bouncer so intent on prosecution?

He isn't. He got his check and is no longer pushing for charges to be filed. As to the detectives assigned, internal affairs detectives don't investigate arsons or robberies, they investigate when things don't seem to be working right in the police department.

Is he really that mad or could it be the bouncer has an agenda as well?

His agenda is he has $1800 of damage that came out of his own pocket and he wanted his money back.

Edited by kylejack
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Your anger is misplaced - it appears you have even failed to understand the basic jist of the complaint I have....I do blame Michael Berry for his actions, but I do not care about Michael Berry at all...Personally I believe he was drunk and did it. I do not care about that.

It is the fact that the police jump when the media tells them to....its not like we have a string of burglaries or arsons here. This is a fender bender and failure to leave his contact information. This is one of the most unimportant things the police could be dealing with....a single officer could have given a report. Not every hit and run is prosecuted, even when they know who it was....Why is the bouncer so intent on prosecution? Is he really that mad or could it be the bouncer has an agenda as well?

The media is so corrupt and biased that it is sickening...talk radio included. When the police cower to the media and do exactly what they want them to it does nothing more than further empower the corrupt media. This is not a news incident....I dont care that the person was Michael Berry, I dont care that it was at a gay club, and I sure as hell dont care that the bouncer was gay. All of this could have and should have been handled professionally without the involvement of the media.

Best I can tell, the $2,000 damage suffered by the bouncer due to this "fender bender" is greater than the loss suffered by you during your recent burglaryfor which you demanded prompt action by this same HPD. I am far more disgusted by your claims to superior victimhood than your disgust with the media...or HPD's reaction to it. In fact, where was your outrage at the efforts put forth by HPD when the doggie door bandit made the news?

Seriously, dude, you are so ate up with your "liberal media conspiracy" that you that you develop a full-on case of the ignorant dumbass every time the word "media" is mentioned. Grow a little perspective, will ya?

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A "liberal conspiracy" is going too far, but it's pretty silly to have the "anti-gay, therefore closeted" argument.

On an aside, have I ever said how I wish there was a larger middle ground between the extremist "Homosexuals are evil and must be destroyed" and equally extremist "Homosexuals are good and if you disagree with anything about them you're a hateful bigot"?

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On an aside, have I ever said how I wish there was a larger middle ground between the extremist "Homosexuals are evil and must be destroyed" and equally extremist "Homosexuals are good and if you disagree with anything about them you're a hateful bigot"?

Well, the latter is a strawman as I don't know of anyone who has ever said that. I'm sure homosexuals don't really care too much what bigots think of them personally once they're given their equal rights.

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Well, the latter is a strawman as I don't know of anyone who has ever said that. I'm sure homosexuals don't really care too much what bigots think of them personally once they're given their equal rights.

So is the first one. Either way, even if it's not being said, it's implied. Even so, by using the term "equal rights", you implied that anyone who opposes that is anti-rights, which would fall into the second category.

It is hard to have any middle ground on these types of these things. I once suggested at a forum that abortion should probably be legal, but without government funding. I was surprised (then) at the flak I got for that.

Anyway, the right thing for the guy to do is just admit to whatever he was doing. Watching drag queens? Then just admit it. Just because you go against your beliefs on an off chance doesn't change the person you are...everyone makes mistakes. That's what makes us human.

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Anyway, the right thing for the guy to do is just admit to whatever he was doing. Watching drag queens? Then just admit it. Just because you go against your beliefs on an off chance doesn't change the person you are...everyone makes mistakes. That's what makes us human.

As individuals, we understand this; collectively, however, human beings often vilify individuals who we feel have been part of our circle, only to later find that this is not necessarily the case. In Berry's case, he may be concerned about isolating his listener base if it's found that he has even set foot in a gay bar (which, it seems, has now been verified).

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So is the first one.

No, homosexuals are literally being killed for being gay in many parts of the world.

Either way, even if it's not being said, it's implied. Even so, by using the term "equal rights", you implied that anyone who opposes that is anti-rights, which would fall into the second category.

If people are against equal rights for homosexuals, they're a problem.

It is hard to have any middle ground on these types of these things.

Anything less than granting equal rights to homosexuals is not "middle ground." There can be no compromise between injustice and justice. It's wrong that a gay person cannot marry the person they love. Wrong.

I once suggested at a forum that abortion should probably be legal, but without government funding. I was surprised (then) at the flak I got for that.

That issue has nothing to do with gay rights.

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