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Inner West Loop Mobility Study

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At Neartown meeting Omar of COH city planning spoke about the Inner loop mobility study-- Area comprising 610, I10, spur 527 and I59.


It started in January, so it's 1/2 through.They studied metro Transit stops, ongoing CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) projects, Bike ways, Pavement conditions, TIRZ, Landuse, Population trends, Drainage.

A broad definition seems to me to be the study of how Houston streets function now and try to predict how they will function in 40 years and how efficiency can be improved.

We were shown graphic maps of Sidewalk conditions (Montrose is the worse)

street conditions (again Montose is bad) Congested intersections ( Shepard street intersections were bad along with Allen Parkway intersections) as examples. All the information was interesting.There are more public meetings planned-- hope they are well attended.

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