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New Biker Bar - Crome

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crome will be gone faster than tony vallones, los tonyos. these clowns spent a million dollars. these guys must have way to much money. i say bring back fox diner.


Don't forget Serrano's that lasted 5 weeks and was actually not that bad. Los Tonyos was pathetic and horrible.

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O.k. guys I have actually been to this place, I didn`t post my experience, I didn`t think anyone cared, they probably don`t, but here it is anyway. I went opening Fri. night, seems one of my friends is good friends with the owner. Upon arrival EVERY parking lot was roped off for valet, I was really pissed since you cannot park on the street, had to park at Pappas and walk as I refuse to valet. Met the owner, fake tan, moussed hair, crude remarks etc. Went inside, couldn`t see crap, velour and draped fabric everywhere (biker bar?) Went to bathroom. AWESOME. The bathrooms are bad ass, super mod. Got the heck out of there. My friend stayed, said it later filled with college kids. I forgot about the music, I don`t know what the hell it was (dance music?) but it was horrible and not suitable for a STRAIGHT biker bar.

Please take this info with a grain of salt, it not intended not be mean or spiteful, just info so anyone wanting to ck it out will be armed with info.

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Greaser, the Chronicle story that inspired this story tried to make the place sound cool and hip, but it was clear to most of us that what you experienced is exactly what it would be...expensive drinks for posers. Hence, the derision.

Glad to hear the ____ter is nice, though. Bars don't place enough emphasis on cool looking ____ters these days.

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Part of my conversation with the owner was about rental of the property, etc. Here is the crazy part, even though there has been nothing but bad luck at this location, he b o u g h t the building. WTF .

And yes I knew this was a poser/hokey bar when we went, thats why I was embarassed and did not want to post anything about my experience.

(see my other posts before I went)

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I have heard from several people that they have already had a stabbing and several big fights there.  Apparently, it has been a busy first month.  I am NEVER going there again!!!!!

Hey maybe I will go back with action like that.

If we had a meeting there is would be very easy to pick each other out....just look for the people with style and common sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So what if some rich guy has a motorcycle, big deal. There is no difference in a rich man or a poor man owning something. I'm sure the rich man works just as hard for his money than the less wealthy, in fact, he didn't get rich doing nothing.

It's funny how one could start out his life poor - really poor - and then, through grit, perseverance, time, and just plain hard work, finally achieves a comfortable level of success, only to be ridiculed by those who chose to stay in their condition and not achieve the same success. Why is it that the same person who was poor is now looked upon as one of them by doing nothing more than pulling himself out of the condition?

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It's funny how one could start out his life poor - really poor - and then, through grit, perseverance, time, and just plain hard work, finally achieves a comfortable level of success, only to be ridiculed by those who chose to stay in their condition and not achieve the same success.  Why is it that the same person who was poor is now looked upon as one of them by doing nothing more than pulling himself out of the condition?

It would seem that the man who has pulled himself up by his bootstraps, so to speak, is not ridiculed for his determination, or his resulting success. He is ridiculed for his for his conspicuous display of the trappings of his success, for his forgetting from where it is he came, for believing he is somehow a different or better man, now that he is a man of means, as opposed to the man he had been previously.

But, mostly, this man would not be ridiculed at all, for this man would not frequent a faux biker bar called 'Crome', for this bar is for posers, not real men of grit and determination.

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  • 6 months later...
I imagine the girls will be the kind you want to meet as well.

SHE: Which bike is yours?

ME: I don't have a bike.

SHE: How much money do you make?

ME: Not that much.

SHE: Well, nice talking to you. Waiter! Check, please.

BINGO ! Let some real Bikers show up and "awkwardness" ensues.

Doubtful this will happen, it will just be the same old 40 yr. old adolescents and power drinkers that washes up over at Sam's Boat on Sundays, no big deal.

Edited by TJones
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Vito's is the best biker bar in town. I don't have a bike, and I don't eat lobster tacos, but Vito's is great.

Great atmosphere, lots of TVs for sports, good people, cute waitresses, great fries and pizza and burgers.

Not often one finds a CLEAN bar.

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It would seem that the man who has pulled himself up by his bootstraps, so to speak, is not ridiculed for his determination, or his resulting success. He is ridiculed for his for his conspicuous display of the trappings of his success, for his forgetting from where it is he came, for believing he is somehow a different or better man, now that he is a man of means, as opposed to the man he had been previously.

But, mostly, this man would not be ridiculed at all, for this man would not frequent a faux biker bar called 'Crome', for this bar is for posers, not real men of grit and determination.

I am secretly in love with Red :wub:

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crome will be gone faster than tony vallones, los tonyos. these clowns spent a million dollars. these guys must have way to much money. i say bring back fox diner.


i liked when it was just a nice dry cleaners -- useful.

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nmainguy hosts heights yankee and Red's engagement party on April first at................Crome :lol:


Sad fact: My hubby and I had our rehearsal dinner at Serrano's (we needed to do it on the cheap) which was in the space that now houses Crome (doesn't that word have an 'h' in it?). When we got back from our honeymoon a mere 9 days later, it was out of business.

Perhaps Red and my engagement party will be the same kiss of death for the current tenant. <_<

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