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Possible Problems With Tenants On Election Night

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My tenants are throwing a big election party and I'm out of town. I'm concerned they might tear the place up if their candidate does not win. What should I do? I'm also worried about the neighbors and people in the area.


May your day be filled withe peace, love, and hope.

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My tenants are throwing a big election party and I'm out of town. I'm concerned they might tear the place up if their candidate does not win. What should I do? I'm also worried about the neighbors and people in the area.


May your day be filled withe peace, love, and hope.

I presume that you're concerned about what would in essence be a race riot. I think that's unlikely, but I do understand how a property owner should get antsy if he thinks that there's even a 2% chance of such a thing happening.

If you've been smart about it up to this point, you require security deposits from all of your tenants and have a couple of surveillance cameras on the property. If you've got a friend that can drive by a couple times just to check up on things, that might not be a bad idea. Otherwise, there really isn't much that you can do. If the scenario that you're concerned about plays out, I would imagine that it would happen in many other places throughout the city, and the police would have their hands full. So even if you knew that it was happening, there might not be a whole lot that you could do to stop it.

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I really didn't want to believe that that was what he meant.

I've got a lot of Chinese and Vietnamese clients that don't understand mainstream American culture fully well (hence the political incorrectness meshed with Buddhist tidings of peace, love, harmony, etc.), but that tend to invest in areas with a lot of poor minorities that they understand even less well. They're not risk-averse and not especially wealthy to start off, which is how they find themselves buying property in sketchy areas with abnormally high rates of return. They typically only own one or two properties, may not even own their own home initially, and don't have a lot to fall back on if something catastrophic happens.

I'm speculating a lot about Steve's identity and the sort of asset that he owns, but he fits the profile. And that's fine by me. I won't hold it against him. His life experiences have shaped who he is, and he's probably a perfectly normal human being with perfectly normal human-type problems and some interesting stories to tell.

I would submit to you that most Americans could learn to empathize a bit more with newcomers eager to be our productive, affluent, and well-meaning neighbors.

Edited by TheNiche
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Niche, seriously, go stick your head in a toilet. There is no need to empathize with a racist. And, I won't. Perhaps your empathy is rooted in some biases of your own.

Everyone's a slave to their biases. What would a man be without them, some sort of machine?

"Nothing human disgusts me unless its unkind, violent."

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Sucks to be you douchebag. Maybe if you considered better tenants than ones that could ease your white liberal conscious you would not be in this predicament. Why only now have you realized that "Hey these are people that can tear my propery up?" That's pretty darn racist if you ask me. Again, sucks to be you.

Well, if you must know my "white liberal conscious" was eased my helping out my fellow man. I don't really see color so I have no idea what you are talking about. I am concerned that my tenant will view me as "the man" and consider me as just another landlord trying to oppress him. I have also received a few calls from neighbors that have had a few spirited elections conversations where he got rather aggravated when they did not agree with his views. They also claim that he took their campaign signs, but to be honest I really could care less about that. Waste of trees and ink if you really want to know.


May your day be filled with peace, love, and hope.

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Well, if you must know my "white liberal conscious" was eased my helping out my fellow man. I don't really see color so I have no idea what you are talking about. I am concerned that my tenant will view me as "the man" and consider me as just another landlord trying to oppress him. I have also received a few calls from neighbors that have had a few spirited elections conversations where he got rather aggravated when they did not agree with his views. They also claim that he took their campaign signs, but to be honest I really could care less about that. Waste of trees and ink if you really want to know.


May your day be filled with peace, love, and hope.

Your tenants will view you as "the man" no matter how progressive you are if it suits their needs. You rented it to them, you have to deal with it. I think that your concern now is the perfect example of why others shy away from renting to just anyone.

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