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There are quite a few "mega" churches here in Houston.


First Baptist

Second Baptist #1

Second Baptist #2


There are more, but I'm not that religious so I don't really keep up with them. Here lately, I've been too busy keeping my eye on another kind of "church" thats been popping up more and more.

you forgot windsor village and brookhollow.

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Personally I could really care less what churches do or how they spend their money, or teach their people just as long as they leave me alone. MY only real problem with the majority of American Christian churches is that they seem to have lost the focus on their followers and are now playing a game of one up-man ship. "Look I have a bigger church and more followers than you do!" mentality.

Lately I have had the pleasure to do a lot of traveling and I have seen bigger and bigger churches springing up everywhere and not just around Houston. Where their use to be a nice little community church with maybe 100 to 200 seats there is now a 6000+ square foot metal building that looks terrible and so unoriginal. What ever happened to the days of originality and style? I love walking into the church in downtown and looking at the architecture and style and most especially the one in the French Quarter in New Orleans for the same reason. Today

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What do mean like? It is a small town. He even has taxing authority at 10% of your income (tithe).

Just give me my catholic church of my childhood. My hometown of about 25,000 had 6 catholic churches. There capacity ranged from 600-1000. The biggest one was the Co-Cathedthral whith all the ornate artwork. Reminds me alot of European churches. If think the St. Louis Cathedral (it's really a Basilica) is ornate and beautiful, you should look at the St Joseph Co-Cathedral in my hometown of Thibodaux, LA.

Even though Catholicsm is a massive organization, it was possible to have a local priest or two that know you by name. And if you are somewhat involved in your church, you will get more that know you.

As much as I disagree with Catholicsm about the gay thing, I never felt unwelcome in any service I've been too.

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i guess...

still something strikes me as kinda cheesy. i mean, do you remember reverend ike? he was not one to shy away from mink coats and expensive jewelry ... just something kinda weird about it, but if that what's the congregation wants (and can afford), who am i to stand in the way?

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And this is how the common man who is supposed to follow the megachurch's "MTV CRIBS" style pastor sees it: WRONG.

All the bible teaches is for the shepherds of God to be humble servants. There's nothing humble about those lifestyles. I can allow the logic behind Lakewood being built in the Compaq Center - that's okay. The church is communal property for all to come in and worship God. What's not cool is if Joel is taking limo's to and fro, living in a million dollar house, or any of the other excessive luxuries that are not symbolic of a "shepherd" for God. The only justification he has is that he's made his own money from his books so that he can live that way. If it weren't for that, he would be wrong 100%.

I'm not going to even try to figure the logic in the preacher from Atlanta who needs a Rolls Royce to get to church. I doubt he's written books or anything else to supplement his income so I'm sure we'll be seeing him in hell.

Also - why would someone who wants to lead and share his Christianity by example want to live like a Playboy Model, Actor, Sleezy Businessman, or even a Sports Star? They're all going to hell in a handbasket - why would someone so reverent want to do the same?

God = Humility.

As a Christian (although I don't attend church) I'm appalled at what these pastors are making/spending. As you said casual, God= humility and those people that are struggling every week to make ends meat are giving thses guys money.

Jesus didn't even have a place to lay his head! Also when the poor man at the gate beautiful asked Peter for money Peter told him "money I have not but what I do have I give to you" (healing).

What I don't understand is why the people of these churches put up with this crap. Being a pastor is a sacrificial life, not one of excess and extravagance. I mean what kind of example is this to the paritioners?

Bottom line is, that anyone that thinks this kind of money is ok for a pastor, is decieved and has no clue what the Bible teaches.

Would somebody please wake these people up!

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I don't think you're going to hell because you're rich. That would kinda suck, dude.

"Dude, I won the lottery! I'm going to hell!"

If that were true, no one would ever work again!

But my question is this: Who ever said that a pastor had to live humble? Is that something pastors actually preached in church, or is that just something that you (and me) both only assumed?

Winning the lottery is not even close to the same thing. These men (and women) are taking this money from the people of the church, money that could be far better spent.

I don't think anyone is saying that money is evil, even the Bible says "the LOVE of money is evil" not money in and of itself. The problem is that these guys are paying themselves.

I worked as videographer for Bread Of Life Church, and for months I couldn't get paid. I then found out that there were people on the staff having similar problems. Well I tried to hold on and be understanding of a struggling church, that is until I was told that this pastor was paying HIS monthly housing allowance (3700.00), plus taking vacations, plus buying a Hummer H2 and a new BMW.

How did this affect me? I stopped going to church! I'll be damned if I'm going to give those rats a freakin dime as long as they treat my hard earned money that way. It's kind of like UNICEF or the like, when you find out that about 80% of the money given is going to executives, you stop giving. What's the point?

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Anismosty is often confused with comedy and reality. And I guess you missed my earlier post where I said I don't care.

I have seen Faust in person as a member of a gospel choir. All these generic Southern Baptist churces should be watched with a close eye.

We can all do more with le$$. Except for Pastor Morgan at Sagemont Church and Rev. Young.


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