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Chevron Skyscraper Proposal At 1600 Louisiana St.


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I agree, I seem to remember people saying a few years ago that oil would never go back under $100 again.

There's been an interesting move in the market in the last couple of days. Oil appeared to move up slightly in reaction to news that the number of rigs drilling for oil dropped by 50 in the past week, according to Baker Hughes. I have this ugly suspicion that the Saudis are and the rest of the OPECers are going to wait for the count to go down sufficiently, then arrange to cut their production by a million or 2 million barrels. Then watch prices go up. <_<


And the cycle begins all over again. :huh:

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For once this actually makes sense especially sense we are talking about Oil companies themselves! The market will go up and down. Right now Saudi Arabia is trying to play a game of chicken with every oil producer in the world and they will win, but they are imploding OPEC while they are doing so. This will be the last time they have this kind of power, and I think they know that. North American Shale, Russian Oil, and African Oil is the future of the industry and they are going drive the price into the ground hurting everyone as much as possible to postpone the inevitable.

I agree with this. An interesting casualty of this bust cycle may well be OPEC itself. It has been dis-functional for a long time and this cycle may well be the thing that kills it.

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As recently as 11/17/2003 Chris Helman wrote in Forbes magazine: "Back in 2003 motorists were shocked when gasoline prices hit an all time high of $1.75 a gallon. We wondered how  Americans could maintain their way of life with crude oil so “expensive” at $30 a barrel."


I quote that to demonstrate how much we, collectively, have such short memories and are thereby (even more) subject to being controlled by emotions that to a large extent just mirror those of the people around us.  Those around us may be blissfully ignorant about a given topic, which just makes the matter worse.


Oil company decision makers are not exempt from those influences, which probably has had something to do with delaying construction of the new Chevron tower here.  However, my guess is that the major reason is that the people making those decisions are being conservative in order to protect themselves from criticism if the building were to be completed and wind up being seen as unnecessary at the time.  There is a CYA attitude amongst management in such large companies that are run by people who have clawed their way up through the ranks, rather than by visionary people who actually started the company in the first place.

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Chevron building

Location: Downtown block bounded by Louisiana, Smith, Pease and Leeland

Original plan: A new 50-story office tower for San Ramon, Calif.-based Chevron was announced in the summer of 2013, but the project was put on hold less than six months later, at which time the company said it would decide when to resume the project "after 2014."

Update: At this stage, "no update," Cam Van Ast, media adviser for Chevron North America Exploration and Production, said in an email.


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  • 1 month later...

Well, at least the quote indicated "until 2016" and not "until 2016 at the earliest."  I am optimistic this will move forward, but the timeline just might be a bit slower than we would like. However, I think it will--simply by virtue of its bulk and height--ad quite the presence to the Downtown skyline and act as a counterbalance to the south of the Wells Fargo Plaza.

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The tower will happen most likely... not sure when, but happy to know its still in the plan.


How do you figure that?


I feel like this Chevron statement was wishy-washy. I really really hope this gets built... it's a beautiful tower and it's tall... but it feels like a 50/50 chance that it does get built. They don't want to overspend and are willing to sell their assets, but then they want to spend several hundred million dollars on a shiney new tower? Something doesn't sound right there.

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How do you figure that?


I feel like this Chevron statement was wishy-washy. I really really hope this gets built... it's a beautiful tower and it's tall... but it feels like a 50/50 chance that it does get built. They don't want to overspend and are willing to sell their assets, but then they want to spend several hundred million dollars on a shiney new tower? Something doesn't sound right there.


I didn't think the statement was necessarily wishy-washy or inconsistent. It sounded to me as though Chevron is committed to moving forward eventually, but that the tower might be subject to further delays depending on how the market shakes out. I would love to see a 2016 start but would not be shocked for a push into 2017 or 2018. However, given the really long drought this city had in skyscraper construction (the skyline barely changed when I was growing up here in the 90's), a delay of a few years is not so bad. 

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How do you figure that?


I feel like this Chevron statement was wishy-washy. I really really hope this gets built... it's a beautiful tower and it's tall... but it feels like a 50/50 chance that it does get built. They don't want to overspend and are willing to sell their assets, but then they want to spend several hundred million dollars on a shiney new tower? Something doesn't sound right there.


"We remain committed to the new building"   does not sound very wishy-washy to me.

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All right, perhaps we can simply expect more delays. I don't know... here's my thinking. Say this oil market just doesn't improve at all for a while and say this hurts Chevron's budget more than they expect. I know they say they are committed now, but what if that just doesn't look realistic a year from now? If HAIF hasn't understood me yet, I like to challenge the consensus here even if I agree with it. I hope this tower gets built and this article does make me feel a bit optimistic but I am still not convinced this tower is a sure thing despite what they are saying. We'll check back to this section of the thread in a year from now and see what actually panned out.

yeah i think the start date is the only wishy washy part. maybe it will allow for a redesign?


Or not as tall. I hope not.  :(

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yeah i think the start date is the only wishy washy part. maybe it will allow for a redesign?


A redesign would be nice. There's nothing wrong with the current design, but I think they could do a little better in tying it in with their other two buildings.

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I wouldn't mind a redesign ... there is always a better design ...


...And then there is always a worse design and a smaller tower. Budget cuts, baby! "Yea, we are committed to this thing but it's 30 stories now and it resembles the Embassy Suites by DG." No thank you!

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