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Rail To Uptown In Time For The Super Bowl?


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The voters have also voted referendums twice for expansion of public transportaion, and the result has been 60% of one of the two projects. That's not democracy it's hypocrisy.

No, that's the beauty of democracy at work. If something passes due to low voter turnout, a well-executed ad campaign, or maybe just the strong backing of a few influential or well-connected people but doesn't really have broad-based, long term voter support there are always opportunities to reverse or change it.

Edited by august948
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My entire family comes from a similar situation and not one of them has any problem with public transit they actually prefer it. I'm not sure what your point is.

The point is that my experience jibes with that of Ross's post above.

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My entire family comes from a similar situation and not one of them has any problem with public transit they actually prefer it. I'm not sure what your point is.


It is worth noting that while this may be true of you and your family, it is not true for the overwhelming majority of people. It should not be found to be surprising that most people prefer convenience. Automobiles represent convenience. While you may find a myriad of reasons why convenience is bad, from Peak Oil to healthy walking, it does not change the fact that most people prefer an automobile to public transit of any kind. That includes Third Worlders. It is human nature.

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It is worth noting that while this may be true of you and your family, it is not true for the overwhelming majority of people. It should not be found to be surprising that most people prefer convenience. Automobiles represent convenience. While you may find a myriad of reasons why convenience is bad, from Peak Oil to healthy walking, it does not change the fact that most people prefer an automobile to public transit of any kind. That includes Third Worlders. It is human nature.


It's also worth noting that the notion that we can entice people to live in urban environments by providing rail or at least limit traffic from suburban areas by providing rail has been pretty much a failure. All three cities that I mentioned in my initial post, Portland, Atlanta, and NY all have subways and buses linking the suburban areas to the urban areas and downtown. All three still have large chunks of the population that live in suburban areas, lured by cheaper home prices and in some cases, a lot more space (NYC) and yet all three still have major traffic issues from suburban areas. Sure, a lot of people on Long Island or in Westchester County or Connecticut take the train but a huge number drive and the morning commute proves it.


I work with a lot of people who live outside of NYC and drive into the office. They have train options but still prefer to drive themselves and pay the  :blink: parking prices.

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So to summarize to this point in what promises to be a thread rivaling the Univ Line thread for pegging the off-topic meter:


Slick is:

a near-constant world traveler with a family composed entirely of 3rd world immigrants, all of whom prefer any form of public transit over individual transit


and an owner of 1 luxury car whose ownership demographic is in the top ~1% of the world's population, with a 2nd car whose ownership demographic is in the top ~5% of the world's population - and in the top .0000004% of the smugness demographic


and a person who apparently has been forced against his will to live in:

a city that not only ignores the voters, but also rules through a combination of communist and southern kneejerk anti-tax policies in order to carry out the nefarious decades-long conspiracy of GM, the US, state, and local governments, concrete corporations, Big Oil, and Rush Limbaugh to kill all public modes of transit that don't burn petroleum products.


and in a nation that through its economic imperialism and bullying foreign policy literally is consuming all of the resources of planet earth in order to satisfy the insatiable consumerism of its overfed, automobile-dependent, single family house-dwelling population


Slick has nevertheless chosen to remain in this hell on earth and fight the good fight to bring enlightenment to the thoughtless hedonists that make up the US population



The rest of the posters on the thread (including yours truly) are:

reduced to banal responses to each new Slick post that launches a new tangent only faintly related to the thread topic


and that ability makes Slick an accomplished troll, b/c the posters on HAIF are for the most part an intelligent lot given to interesting & informative discussion with a dollop of good humor and wit.

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a near-constant world traveler with a family composed entirely of 3rd world immigrants, all of whom prefer any form of public transit over individual transit

and an owner of 1 luxury car whose ownership demographic is in the top ~1% of the world's population, with a 2nd car whose ownership demographic is in the top ~5% of the world's population - and in the top .0000004% of the smugness demographic

Hmmm...drives a luxury sedan and takes frequent plane trips overseas, only one of which can put more pounds of CO2 in the air than a whole year of commuting from in a Prius. And then lectures about how unsustainable suburbs are. Everyone, please welcome Al Gore to the forum.

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Well, since the topic question was completely and accurately answered in post #3, the only way to keep the thread going is to post only remotely...or not even remotely...relevant information to the thread.

If you can tie it into rail, uptown or the superbowl it should be fair game. Just end each post with who you favor for the 2017 superbowl and it's all good. ;)

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