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Schauer Filling Station At 1400 Oxford St.


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  • The title was changed to Schauer Filling Station At 1400 Oxford St.
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On 7/3/2013 at 7:32 PM, Heightsite said:

Another one bites the dust in the Heights! I loved that little gas station and hoped to see revived as a smoothie stand or Italian ice stand. So it goes....


What's sad is it was a historic landmark yet it still got bulldozed down.  It sat for years as a empty lot then suddenly a house was put on the lot next to the corner lot and the corner lot is now all fenced off as a open "back" yard for the new two story construction.  Too many lie how ever, we experienced that when we sold my Grandmothers house, the people who bought it lied about their plans saying that they wanted a big yard for their kid only to take the double lot and fill it with add on to the original home to where they had about the same amount of yard their town home had that they originally left.  Really bothers me for a couple reasons one we wouldnt have sold it for someone to destroy it like that and two there were lots of family pets buried in that yard that are now either gone from when the pool was dug in the side or they are buried deep under the new construction.  So many in the heights are buying up property and just out right lying about their intentions just to get the property to then destroy it just like the old Foyt house that they bulldozed down claiming it wasnt structrually sound even though it was.


Real shame too because it was still standing when I finally got my '56 Fairlane home that has a service sticker from that station.  I had wanted to get the car in front of it for a photograph but now that will never happen.  At least I know the dealership the car was sold from isn't going anywhere as it's a business still to this day.

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