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Historic Houston Newscasts


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I am hoping someone can tell me where I can find old (60's 70's & 80's) newscasts from Houston.

Really would like to see the big three(channel 2,11 and 13)

Youtube has a few but they are not great and want to see the whole news broadcast not just bits and pieces.

Any feedback would be amazing! Thanks!!

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If you can't find them on YouTube you won't find them anywhere. As a general rule, TV stations don't make tapes of their newscasts available to the general public. The only exceptions are in the cases of tapes subpoened by lawyers for use in a case they're handling.


You will also find that most TV stations don't archive their newscasts back that far because those big tape reels and video tape boxes take up a lot of space. Every now and then someone at one station or another will put some newscasts on the Internet, but that's rare.

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SouthernRetail.blogspot.com had a post where someone posted a link to some Houston archive site that had some audio-less newscasts, including some footage of a 1970s era Randalls. Unfortunately, the post was removed (it was temporary) and it was taken down.


The footage still exists, just forgot the site.

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Taken from the movie "Cool Hand Luke".


Actually, this is an "inspired" version of the original track from the film, which KTRK also used for several years during the early 80s.


The 80s version was done by Frank Gari, a very prolific composer in the world of television production. The only reason I recall that piece of music isn't in use or hasn't been updated for television like it had since the 90s is that the composer of the original effectively priced Gari's company out of the market with increased royalty fees for the use of his piece.


Similarly, I've always been curious about the non-packaged music stations use and the costs they have to pay for their use. KTRK itself is a good example. At one point in the late 80s they were using a fair amount of it: This for Good Morning Houston, This (skip to 2:31 for the part you'll remember) for the 11 PM Late Movie, This for Crossroads, and This for Eyewitness Houston. Even then, I'm guessing it wasn't that cheap.


As for the OP's original question - I don't pimp my YouTube that often, but it might have some of the clips/montages you're mentioned. I haven't done full newscasts until lately just for the fact that until fairly recently the limits for uploads didn't support a full 30 minute or longer program. I'll try and upload more in the future when I get the chance though.

Edited by ChannelTwoNews
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