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Lollipops A Crime?


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Just saw this in the Chronicle. From the people that brought you the sexy cheerleader law.


Apparently, these suckers taste like pot, but have no intoxicating ingredients. The penalty for sale or offer to sell the suckers a Class A misdemeanor.

Now, I want to protect our kids as much as the next guy, but this is ridiculous. Will they also outlaw candy cigarettes? Besides the fact that marijuana flavored suckers probably taste like crap, let's look at this proposal logically. The penalty for possessing up to 2 ounces of REAL marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor. The penalty for sale of marijuana under one quarter ounce is a Class B misdemeanor, if no money changes hands, and Class A if money changes hands.

So, what this clown proposes is to make the punishment for selling or even offering to sell a sucker equal to or greater than selling the dope itself! And I'd love to see the study that says sucking a lollipop that tastes like pot is a gateway to actually smoking it.

These clowns can't even agree on a plan to fund our children's education, because business might actually have to chip in to pay to educate their future employees, but they have the time to outlaw lollipops?


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If anything, it seems like these lollipops would prevent kids from smoking pot after tasting these, because they seem like they wouldn't taste to good.

I agree that this is quite rediculous. We have plenty of other top priority things to worry about than wether or not it should be legal to sell pot pops.

Just shows you what their prioties are up there in Austin. Raising their salary and banning candy!

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A few nights ago, a bartender offered me a sample of a new 'beer' which his distributor was promoting. It's a flavored beer-energy drink mixture, and tastes exactly like those SweeTart candies.

I find it hard to imagine that any adult would purposely drink this slop (the name of which I didn't catch). Like the pop-wines of the 70's, or Zima in the 90's, this is a product unashamedly aimed at the underage drinker.

So wheres the outrage in Austin? Maybe the lollypop people need to hire better lobbyists.

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