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A Sam's Club closed? :unsure:

I was actually asking for anyone who was in the know, not pithy remarks. Thanks for playing. The property bordering I10 west is primo. I am asking if anyone knows if maybe a highrise will replace it. I am not as knowledgable as many of you here, but I am honest in my intentions.
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More parking for top golf apparently.

Really? That is surprising considering the location in terms of all the other high rises going up in the area. I would think the property value would be such that a parking lot wouldn't be as profitable. Any thoughts?
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I was actually asking for anyone who was in the know, not pithy remarks. Thanks for playing. The property bordering I10 west is primo. I am asking if anyone knows if maybe a highrise will replace it. I am not as knowledgable as many of you here, but I am honest in my intentions.


I wasn't mocking you, I was surprised. Usually, it's the other way around: a retail corridor is dying if Sam's pulls out, unless there was some other pressing circumstance.

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I appreciate that, thank you. I probably was getting ahead of myself. I just see all these wonderful projects going up on my daily commute, and when I saw the SAMs close and relocate, I thought, Awesome, here we go with another mid/high rise in the I10 corridor. I never thought it could mean the retail traffic is dwindling. Something for me to think about. Again, for me, it's like singing, I may not be the best, but I know great music when I hear it. I know architectural and development trends when I see them, and am hoping, as is suggested above, that it doesnt become a freakn parking lot! How tragic. Again, thank you for the clarification. Sorry if I seemed too defensive.

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Could be. I know that sort of thing is happening on Hwy 6 and 290. Those establishments close to 290 have taken a hit because of the overpass. Same thing as the other side of I10 and Hwy 6. The southwestern part of that section seems to be dwindling in the business traffic.

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  • 1 year later...
  • The title was changed to Hwy. 6 And I-10

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