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Do you consider yourself a HAIFer? Why do you HAIF? How long have you been indulging in HAIF?


Do you consider yourself a HAIFer?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you check HAIF every day for status of discussions or news?

  2. 2. Do you find you often bring up HAIF in the course of conversations?

  3. 3. Have you introduced friends, family, or coworkers to HAIF?

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As I was looking through some HAIF posts from back in 2006, I came across several threads where it seemed the HAIF community was discovering itself or ourselves. It made me curious as to how HAIF sees itself today.


I check in to HAIF sometimes several times a day via cell phone, pc and on occasion my kindle.  


I HAIF because I know I can depend on finding like-minded fans of Houston in at least a hundred different conversations at any given moment.


I'm a HAIF geek.  I never miss an opportunity to tout to others the wealth of information that can be found on HAIF.


I entered the editor's world of HAIF before the crash of 2004 (i think it was '04).  I discovered HAIF looking for photos of Houston's architecture, while putting my new Roadrunner cable modem to good use.


In recent years, a coworker started telling me information about new developments in The Woodlands, information I knew was only being discussed on HAIF.  When I asked her where she found this information, she told me it was HAIF.  When I told her my username on HAIF, she about fell out of her chair.  We had been working together for a few years and she frequently read my posts. She looked at me and said YOUR "BACHANON"?!!!  It was so fun.......


Why do you like HAIF?  Do you have a story about connecting with HAIFers in the real world?


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A friend and I were discussing the grand Sam Houston statue located in Huntsville. We both agreed that it should be located in the heart of Houston.

I searched to see if Houston was or had considered such an endeavor and ran across the "Spirit of Houston" thread on HAIF. I've been indulging in HAIF since that time. Like Bachanon, I was also pre-crash.

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I used to consider myself one entering post-crash (around 2008). Things worked out well at first, and it zoomed to be my number one site, but then I made a series of really awful posts that irreparably damaged my reputation and scaled back my presence. For a time I regretted being a HAIFer, and by the time I returned, traffic had dropped off from what it used to be.

I really liked the College Station forums, they used to be great, but they get so little traffic...and MyBCS is crawling with trolls and garbage posts.

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I came across HAIF (via a link from a friend about an old abandoned building - maybe Jeff Davis Hospital?) in 2005 - it's just a great aggregator of information about any particular topic. I find myself nowadays looking back to old posts as reference quite often.


I also think I've run across HAIFers/HAIFy type things on Reddit, but it just doesn't work well there..


(oh, and an aside - this was my post #7775 - holy schnikes - and that comes back to the hastily chosen "sevfiv" which was just a short spelled out "75")



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Found this forum back in 2007, lurked a year with nothing to post, then joined in 2008 when I finally had stuff to contribute. I check it during the day when taking breaks. HAIF was an invaluable tool for me during my tenure on the Midtown board because people found stuff before I had even heard of it. I'm now in a different neighborhood in the loop, and still love HAIF for keeping up to date on everything going on around town.


I also love the political discussions on here because even conservatives that I disagree with provide great insight and arguments and it makes for a stimulating conversation.

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I joined pre-crash after searching for Houston architecture on Yahoo! (before Google was the common searchengine), when I found Wayne's site "Houstonarchitecture.info" and found the forum through that.  I'm not sure how many posts I had pre-crash but think it was around 500 or so?  I remember when what are now our moderators - joining the forum as new members.  Good fun.  A lot of interesting posts and discussions back then, although, I fear I may have come across as a bit of a pretentious jerk?  Forgive me if I did (or still do).


The information and discussions presented here by members are lively, topical, interesting and most of all informative.


Thank you to everyone for continuing to make this board a reality.

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I believe I joined September of last year but I have been lurking for 3 years. I was searching for Earthquest Adventures at the time and found a thread to here. I never bothered to make an account and then I kept noticing that there were renderings I couldn't see because I wasn't signed in. So I made an account and wa-lah it worked.  ;)



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Pre-pubescent & Pre-crash HAIFer. Check it daily, often every 2 hours. I've come out in public to friends and family about my HAIFing, even showing them pictures. I've figured out i'm by far alone in my fascination of architecture and urban planning with everyone I know.


many of us had the privilege of watching your writing and discussion skills improve right before our eyes.  you matured in your conversation and content ONLINE for all to see.  the difference between pre and post college was noticeable.  i remember your posts right before you moved back to houston after college and having the thought "our young montrose is all grown up now...".


i'm still shocked that others aren't as excited as i am about all of the things we discuss on HAIF.  i've become so accustomed to the reality and information that exists on HAIF that i'm surprised to find that others aren't paying attention to the same things.

Ive been on this board since it started pre-crash, just under a different screen name. ;)


i thought you seemed familiar.

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I came across HAIF (via a link from a friend about an old abandoned building - maybe Jeff Davis Hospital?) in 2005 - it's just a great aggregator of information about any particular topic. I find myself nowadays looking back to old posts as reference quite often.


I also think I've run across HAIFers/HAIFy type things on Reddit, but it just doesn't work well there..


(oh, and an aside - this was my post #7775 - holy schnikes - and that comes back to the hastily chosen "sevfiv" which was just a short spelled out "75")





i've often wondered how the discussions on HAIF stack up as historic documentation.  are there other discussion groups around the world with valuable aggregate information?  how will these sources of information be treated in the future.  will they be forgotten at some point or mined for information by future generations.  could stories be told from the discussions on HAIF?  i would imagine there are few extremely interesting stories whose common thread is HAIF.  movie script?  article series? novel?  i think the value of HAIF is yet to be seen......or maybe it's just an anomaly.  maybe it's commonplace and i simply do not participate in other discussion groups.


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Found this forum back in 2007, lurked a year with nothing to post, then joined in 2008 when I finally had stuff to contribute. I check it during the day when taking breaks. HAIF was an invaluable tool for me during my tenure on the Midtown board because people found stuff before I had even heard of it. I'm now in a different neighborhood in the loop, and still love HAIF for keeping up to date on everything going on around town.


I also love the political discussions on here because even conservatives that I disagree with provide great insight and arguments and it makes for a stimulating conversation.


haif has been a great source of intelligent alternative views for me as well.  

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HAIF has been a great way to learn my way around this city, since moving here three months ago. There is an equal focus on past, present and future that I really like.


one of the things i enjoy most about HAIF is that it allows me to see Houston in a more holistic way.  i especially enjoy posts from people who have first hand historical information about areas of town or buildings.  i like having a deeper sense of history as i roam about town.


i especially enjoy newcomers who surprise us with many excellent photos!

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Where do I begin? First, HTown has the most efficient potential for transportation. It has developed the wagon wheel. Like our nations

Capitol, very efficient. HAIFERS taught me that. Secondly, the many different mini business districts make for an incredible city scape, and great future scapes for geek futurists like me. HAIF reminded me of Peppermint Park and Pipe Organ Pizza that i thought were only fantasies. HAIF reminds me that we are as sprawled out as LA just without the mountains. HAIF has literally reshaped my idea of what Houston is.

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. The consensus several years ago was HAFE, a long A sound. I prefer HIFE because it looks like Haifa, Israel...pronounced hifuh.


I've always thought of it as HIFE, long i and silent e.


Found HAIF in 2008 while, like a lot of others, I was googling for something Houston related (no idea at this point what it was).  Stayed for the broad range of info about things going on, and up, in town and also for the lively debate on controversial topics (though, for the life of me, I still don't follow what was so controversial about building a Walmart near the Heights).  HAIF is my virtual water cooler.


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Pre-pubescent & Pre-crash HAIFer. Check it daily, often every 2 hours. I've come out in public to friends and family about my HAIFing, even showing them pictures. I've figured out i'm by far alone in my fascination of architecture and urban planning with everyone I know.

many of us had the privilege of watching your writing and discussion skills improve right before our eyes. you matured in your conversation and content ONLINE for all to see. the difference between pre and post college was noticeable. i remember your posts right before you moved back to houston after college and having the thought "our young montrose is all grown up now...".

i'm still shocked that others aren't as excited as i am about all of the things we discuss on HAIF. i've become so accustomed to the reality and information that exists on HAIF that i'm surprised to find that others aren't paying attention to the same things.

Ive been on this board since it started pre-crash, just under a different screen name. ;)

i thought you seemed familiar.

Totally agree about montrose. I really respect and look forward to his thoughts now. I think the smart phone and twitter killed any writing skills I may have had, haha :(

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Lurked for a long time, and then joined up when I figured I could make even a minimal contribution to the discussions. A great educational tool about the city we (?) live in, and a welcome addition to the daily reading list. I enjoy the overwhelmingly polite and informative posters who share their knowledge and photos.

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Lurked for a long time, and then joined up when I figured I could make even a minimal contribution to the discussions. A great educational tool about the city we (?) live in, and a welcome addition to the daily reading list. I enjoy the overwhelmingly polite and informative posters who share their knowledge and photos.


Yeah...+1 for all the photographers out there.  Very cool to see things from around town, especially in parts of town I don't visit often.  At some point those photos will be (and maybe already are for things already gone) part of our historic record.  Keep up the good work!


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Re: pronunciation - "HAFE!"

You say HAFE and I say HIFE.  It doesn't really matter because neither word will get you to the forum.


I was a lurker in 2007 after starting a job downtown.   It was probably 2008 when I started contributing.

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