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Your favorite examples of Houston art deco

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It's hard to look at this bldg with the knowledge that it's design was this: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luryolYA1v1qdun3w.jpg

We've got a shorter, bulky version of the proposed.


Sort of.  That is of course the Chicago Tribune Tower competition.  And since the building that was never built (as beautiful as it was) I'll take the Gulf Building and run with it.


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Art Nouveau: A reaction to academic art of the 19th century, it was inspired by natural forms and structures, not only in flowers and plants but also in curved lines. Architects tried to harmonize with the natural environment.

Art Deco: is an influential visual arts design style which first appeared in France after WW1, flourishing internationally in the 1930s and 1940s before its popularity waned after WW2. It is an eclectic style that combines traditional craft motifs with machine age imagery and materials. The style is often characterized by rich colors, bold geometric shapes, and lavish ornamentation


Curtesy of Wikipedia.

Edited by arche_757
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How do you differentiate between this, art deco and gothic?

In order:

1.) Gothic architecture was largely a middle ages European bldg practice for town cathedrals but is known for it's rich, organic detailing and pushing masonry to it's shear force limits (hence flying buttress')

2.) Beaux-Arts was essentially 19th century Renaissance/Neo-Classical revival.

3.) Art Nouveau was a rejection of Beaux-Arts (first foray into what we now know as Modernism, pre-modern).

4. Art Deco or rather "1st wave Modernism" is based upon the exciting technologies of the time like automobile movement and streamlined trains.

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Where is that home you posted Arche?


2337 Blue Bonnet Boulevard, Houston, Texas, United States (that address shows up elsewhere)... try this:

7409 Morningside Drive, Houston, Texas, United States


Just over by the Medical Center.  Lovely house, and there are some other nice homes in and around that area.  Rather pricey neighborhood I believe.


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