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"Slightly changing the subject, but still on tips... how many of you leave tips for the housekeepers at hotels?"

I do. I actually enjoy that. Imagining the grateful smile that crosses the face of these hard working underpaid employees when they see that tip makes my day.

It had never occurred to me to do that until I went on a cruise where the housekeepers were tipped.

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I've become so paranoid about body-fluid stained sheets, covers & pillow/pillow cases, that I request all new linens be brought to my room once I check in, and then I have the maids leave all the linens at the corner of the bed every morning I'm there so I can inspect them before I change the sheets.

All you have to do is find that "stain" once in a hotel - a nice hotel at that - to ruin you permantantly.

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if Dora wants 15-20% of a $50.00 tab - she needs to go work at Pappasitos
Dora's tush isn't as pert as Tiff's, and Dora has seen better days physically, so I doubt she would be hired at any upscale joints.

But then, Dora will definitely give you her phone number.

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The reason for my comment was that another Forum member has expressed concerns (see Common Courtsy on this Board thread).

Moderators must consider the opinions of all Forum members. And bear in mind, Casual Observer, that you requested us to close down another thread - which was done.

This is not censorship - we're responding to the wishes of those who use this board. If you still think I'm out of line, I strongly advise you to contact the editor, who oversees moderators.

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I've become so paranoid about body-fluid stained sheets, covers & pillow/pillow cases, that I request all new linens be brought to my room once I check in, and then I have the maids leave all the linens at the corner of the bed every morning I'm there so I can inspect them before I change the sheets.

All you have to do is find that "stain" once in a hotel - a nice hotel at that - to ruin you permantantly.

Ewww..... thanks for making me think of that when I'm currently spending an average of four nights a week in hotel rooms. :o

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Think of the worst thing you've ever done in a hotel-room. Now, imagine that happening by a different person at least once a week. People treat hotels like rental cars.

This reminds me of the big deal that was made last year by the stories about bedbugs in hotel mattresses and how they "travel" home with you when you leave... :lol:

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Well I leave my hotel rooms, and rental cars for that matter, in a pretty clean state. But then, I'm somewhat of a neat freak. I don't abuse my home or car, and I don't do it to hotels or rental cars either.

I do take a number of proactive steps to keep my immune system up, given the number of different places and people I come into contact with traveling so much. I tend to worry more about airborne germs on airplanes than I do about stuff in hotel rooms.

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  • 3 months later...
I am also curious about you all think about this one too?

My brother works at sonic, they live off of tips. Even though they make min. wage ($5.25?) Thats how he pays for his gas, and its good for teenagers. Your not [suppose] to tip, but they really appreciate it. if its like $6.10, I let them keep the change, or I give an extra doller. The Girls generally make more, because, you know, there girls.

I've become so paranoid about body-fluid stained sheets, covers & pillow/pillow cases, that I request all new linens be brought to my room once I check in, and then I have the maids leave all the linens at the corner of the bed every morning I'm there so I can inspect them before I change the sheets.

All you have to do is find that "stain" once in a hotel - a nice hotel at that - to ruin you permantantly.


For some, thats a lifestyle... to sleep forever in fluid filled sheets!! LOL

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This is how I see it, just hope you get a crappy waiter and then you will have an excuse not to leave a tip. LOL! (just kidding)

I usually leave just about what I think is right, I don't go by a precentage.

So, if you have a hundred dollar tab, do you think a $15 tip is just about right, if the waiter was terrific, and didn't profile you ? B)

Ewww..... thanks for making me think of that when I'm currently spending an average of four nights a week in hotel rooms. :o

SSullivan, decent hotels change sheets everyday, MATTRESSES however are a different story. :o:lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
SSullivan, decent hotels change sheets everyday, MATTRESSES however are a different story. :o:lol:

Yes I know, and trust me I never stay any place gross. And the idea of a not so clean mattress doesn't bother me at all. There's several layers of a mattress pad and sheets between me and the mattress.

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