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Houston Police Department Headquarters & Municipal Courthouse


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So...it hasn't been that long since the last renovation of HPD's headquarters tower at 1200 Travis, and it is on the market for sale. This is apparently to satisfy pension holders, which have a lien on the property. I have to say, this sounds frickin' stupid. I hope that they're at least trying to structure a sale-leaseback arrangement, which should be lucrative for them since the property will remain exempt from property taxes for as long as they maintain their presence there, and given that that would result in a higher sale price.

HOWEVER...in addition, they seem to want a sprawling new campus at the corner of Houston and Washington Ave. I also think that sounds frickin' stupid. Granted, the facilities are very dated, however if anybody is going to build an expansive automotive repair facility, I'd like to suggest some less expensive dirt. The courts and the jail can go on more expensive dirt with structured parking that is engineered to accommodate additional level and offices above that in the future (in case the City should continue growing); that'll be fine if they do so compactly and sell off the residual land to a developer.


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Rather than sell 1200 Travis to satisfy the pension lien, and then issue bonds for a new "campus", could they not just use bond proceeds to pay the pension lien? Why is it they need a "campus" anyway? Maybe this is the time for the city to take up the reputed offer for the old Exxon building. No doubt that could be the tallest police HQ in the country.

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Rather than sell 1200 Travis to satisfy the pension lien, and then issue bonds for a new "campus", could they not just use bond proceeds to pay the pension lien? Why is it they need a "campus" anyway? Maybe this is the time for the city to take up the reputed offer for the old Exxon building. No doubt that could be the tallest police HQ in the country.

When I heard the story on the news, this is the first thing I thought of also.

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  • 1 year later...

This is a few years away as of now. They also didn't mention where these would be built. In the same spot or a different location?


You think they'll chop that old jail next to the Civil & Criminal Courthouses? I kind of like the current HPD Building, it's like Exxon's in NYC but on a much much smaller scale.

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My opinion . . .  They should have a private firm build it as suggested in the article and lease out.  They should relocate all of those facilities to the North or East of Downtown while that land is still relatively cheap.  Then once it is all built and everything is relocated and operational, they should doze the old site on Riesner and sell that land.  It is far more valuable for residential multi-family or commercial and could help service a portion of the debt on the new facility.

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My opinion . . . They should have a private firm build it as suggested in the article and lease out. They should relocate all of those facilities to the North or East of Downtown while that land is still relatively cheap. Then once it is all built and everything is relocated and operational, they should doze the old site on Riesner and sell that land. It is far more valuable for residential multi-family or commercial and could help service a portion of the debt on the new facility.

To me this makes the most sense - moving it. I live right down the street to this court house and I cannot stand the traffic and crowd it brings. I hope the new designs are top notch, and I think they can really start the gentrification momentum off the north line or east line. In its current location, a multistory mixed use space would be amazing. I'm thinking / hoping a nice grocery, high rise residential, some small office space, retail - restaurants, combination would be perfect for that spot.

First post btw. I think I have a crush on urbanizer because of his wealth of knowledge. -Kai-

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like this is going to get reversed pretty quickly, but it's still a good indicator that lots of very important people in this town simply don't get it; they don't realize that the banks of Buffalo Bayou facing downtown Houston have a higher and better use than a police headquarters. I'm not sure how close the police need to be to downtown, but would the Hardy Yards site work? Or perhaps somewhere on the other side of 59 behind the Toyota Center.


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City will likely be outbid if their not gonna pay more than its worth.

I would like to see the city move HPD & Municipal Courts from Reisner though. That land could be a prime spot for more residential development and coupled with potential development at the post office site next door, could really turn around the near Washington/Franklin corridor. Of course, all that hinges on what happens with I-45 and it's future. As for the new Municipal Courts, I'd like to see it replace the run down block in between the Civil Justice Center & Family Law Center (San Jac, Fannin, Franklin, & Commerce), which would mean rail access. HPD's new headquarters could go on one of the nearby parking lots east of the Civil & Criminal Center, which would mean easier freeway access to them via 59/10/future Hardy Toll Road ramps.

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I think the problem is that all the cool stuff that could go into these three sites (61 Riesner, the DT post office, or Hardy yards/ Burnett TC) are no where close to being finalized or even conceptualized. How do you complain when everything you point out as a negative is all just 'pie in the sky' ideas?

The property that the police station / courts sit on at 61 Riesner will be instrumental when expanding LR west of downtown. IT's outside the boundaries of DT... but not by much. It's expensive to tear down all the old buildings and serve the public at the same time.

The post office is a large site that has existing rail access and is within the freeway boundaries of DT. No LR stop but w/in a resonable walk from UH downtown stop. Development of the site can mitigate the 'walking problem. It's on the bayou too. That's good and bad. Good b/c it can be a transformative project / bad b/c of the same reason (people won't really except anything less).

The Hardy yards / Burnett TC has lots of vacant land and a LR stop. This, however, seems to be the choice of a high speed rail train station if that thing ever happens.

So there's a lot up in the air here.

Not to mention that we've got a huge problem with I45 affecting all these locations. It's redesign is also a crucial element no taken into consideration. Hell, I'd be surprised if the council members were even aware of all of TxDOT's potential plans for I45. 

IMO, the best solution is to go by my plan and hold ppl to this:

A) Re-route 45 along I10 and 59 east of DT. 

B.) Re-build 61 Riesner property w/ light rail ROW preserved w/in courts / police station footprint

C.) Privately develop the Post office 

D.) Use Hardy yard site for the HSR station if that happens

That's my hope.


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What is wrong with the existing Reisner Street location?  Why does the city think the Post Office site is better - just because it's available?  





Looks like this is going to get reversed pretty quickly, but it's still a good indicator that lots of very important people in this town simply don't get it; they don't realize that the banks of Buffalo Bayou facing downtown Houston have a higher and better use than a police headquarters. I'm not sure how close the police need to be to downtown, but would the Hardy Yards site work? Or perhaps somewhere on the other side of 59 behind the Toyota Center.


Very true.  I was hoping, probably in a deluded way, that the Post Office site would be developed into something special for the city to take advantage of the bayou location.  My preference has always been for it to become a fixed fairgrounds/festival location, with light rail and eventually heavy rail nearby.  I wish this city would show more vision sometimes.





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I'd most like to see 45 tunneled; however, I'd rather it stay in its current alignment and elevation than rerouted to 10/69.  


If everything snakes around via 10/69, we'd end up with our own version of Atlanta's Central Artery (now that is a jewel during a peak traffic time that seems to last all day), and no alternative limited access routes in the event of an accident or other major tie up. 

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I saw this. I love that they are already talking about the alternate site for this. The current location (near aquarium) is terrible for the area.


moo, its a lot of nothing right now - I'd rather move city buildings there and free up the more interesting parts of downtown.  But I think city dollars would be better spent on cheaper land.


Cheaper land is important. The thing is, this piece is cheaper than the value of the justice center's current spot. As someone who lives in the area, I would like to see this moved. I think that area could be developed into something very very cool. I would be happy just knowing the possibility of that staying in it's current location is OFF THE TABLE...


Rail access for the CityCourts would be pretty smart. Up by (or near) the Hardy Yards would make sense.


I was thinking East or North along the lines. It all comes down to how close to downtown HPD wants / needs to be. I am thinking they might need to be close, which is why they are going for this site.

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Note:  My first post on here that said "M O O" was supposed to read: "M E H"  it auto-corrected some how!  Dastardly Editor (and/or his minions) and their internet-wizardry must'a changed it!



I absolutely agree that the justice center should be moved.  Though I don't see the jails moving, just HPD HQ and other auxiliary buildings.  Unfortunately most of the county buildings will remain where they are for who knows how long... until their lifecycle is over.  2030?  Maybe?


Would like to see a dense development with residential (maybe a boutique hotel - though its on the fringe of DT) and perhaps even a few 100k of office space on this "Island" of land.  Maybe nothing much taller than 8-12 floors.  Just density with perhaps a signature tower with a hotel component.   Obviously some sort of large public space with a cool bridge between the arts center and this would be nice (make that odd 1/2 angled lot useful for people who want to cross the bayou).

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Note:  My first post on here that said "M O O" was supposed to read: "M E H"  it auto-corrected some how!  Dastardly Editor (and/or his minions) and their internet-wizardry must'a changed it!



I absolutely agree that the justice center should be moved.  Though I don't see the jails moving, just HPD HQ and other auxiliary buildings.  Unfortunately most of the county buildings will remain where they are for who knows how long... until their lifecycle is over.  2030?  Maybe?


Would like to see a dense development with residential (maybe a boutique hotel - though its on the fringe of DT) and perhaps even a few 100k of office space on this "Island" of land.  Maybe nothing much taller than 8-12 floors.  Just density with perhaps a signature tower with a hotel component.   Obviously some sort of large public space with a cool bridge between the arts center and this would be nice (make that odd 1/2 angled lot useful for people who want to cross the bayou).


So I may be wrong here... But I think the jail will move too! An architect friend of mine is nervous because she wants to see that freeze on that building saved. I read and spoke to  someone about this, and I think they spoke about it being a city / county partnership.


But honestly, its all a little confusing, due to many moving parts. But I'd prefer the jail move and take along all their bail bonds with them.

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So I may be wrong here... But I think the jail will move too! An architect friend of mine is nervous because she wants to see that freeze on that building saved. I read and spoke to  someone about this, and I think they spoke about it being a city / county partnership.


But honestly, its all a little confusing, due to many moving parts. But I'd prefer the jail move and take along all their bail bonds with them.


The city jail will move in the sense that it will no longer be at its present location.  But it will not move in the sense of being relocated elsewhere.  The City will no longer have its own jail.


I think Arch_75 was referring to a hope of moving the county jails.  I don't see that happening... ever. 


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Where is the city jail - @ Police HQ? / where is the county jail - Off Bayou near downtown?


EDIT: So, is it a done deal that the city will forgo having the jail? I am so curious about this subject... The county jail that is near the downtown courts will be also used for city purposes in the future?


My motivation here is having the bail bonds that liter the Old 6th Ward, go away...

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The city jail will move in the sense that it will no longer be at its present location.  But it will not move in the sense of being relocated elsewhere.  The City will no longer have its own jail.


I think Arch_75 was referring to a hope of moving the county jails.  I don't see that happening... ever. 



Yep.  I was referring to the county jails that hold something like 8-9,000 inmates!  I doubt they'll move in the next couple decades?  Too bad they now occupy such a prime section of realestate.  Oh well.  Poor long-term planning = a mess down the road.


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Yep.  I was referring to the county jails that hold something like 8-9,000 inmates!  I doubt they'll move in the next couple decades?  Too bad they now occupy such a prime section of realestate.  Oh well.  Poor long-term planning = a mess down the road.



At least the county jail looks nice-ish from the outside?


Will there be a need for bail bonds then near / off Houston avenue as they are now (when the jails are combined)?

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Note:  My first post on here that said "M O O" was supposed to read: "M E H"  it auto-corrected some how!  Dastardly Editor (and/or his minions) and their internet-wizardry must'a changed it!


I've had the same problem.  "Feh," however, somehow stays in place.  I suppose utter indifference is simply unacceptable - we have to have at least some minor degree of contempt.

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^Will there be a need?  Heck if I know!  I would guess so?


lol, ok. i will do more research.


EDIT: If/when the city jail goes away (at that location) the demand for those nearby bail bonds will diminish. If the courthouse also moves, the need for the surrounding parking lots will go away. For this area, I expect to see some major changes, especially if the entire complex is moved.

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I think the county jail building used to be dorms for the junior college that is now UHD. I dunno if the stigma of the jail would ever allow a reversion to that use.

How I heard it was that the building was in disrepair and it would cost the school more to renovate it than build new so they sold it. They haven't built dorms since then but they did expand by building the Academic, Commerce and Shea buildings. There has been talk of a 6 building for over ten years. The building was supposed to be a science wing on that lot between Milam and the Post Office site.

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