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Houston Police Department Headquarters & Municipal Courthouse


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1. Legalize gambling and build about 8 themed casinos on there.

2. Sell it to South Texas College of Law so when they consolidate with UHD they will be right there.

3. Build a giant Hellipad for extraterrestrial landings.

4. Sell it to the Landrys guy, he will know what to do with it. His ideas are cheesier than mine.

5. Build a proper museum for NASA there so that we can be awarded proper shuttles.


Kudos!   :-) 

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A new Houston police headquarters and courthouse complex, discussed for decades, could reach a key turning point this week as Mayor Annise Parker seeks to force City Council members to choose between repairing the city's existing facilities or tackling an enormous project to construct new buildings - a move that could trigger a tax increase.


If not for the staggering expense of both the "repair" and "replace" options - from $250 million up to $1.2 billion - the choice would be simple: Few, if any, council members question that the city's criminal justice facilities are fading.

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Let the voter's decide in a referendum and live w/ their choices. If they say no, then so be it. The precedent was set for the Astrodome. Any large infrastructure project now needs a majority of citizen support.

If you don't want new taxes, vote no. If you feel its within the government's role to levy taxes for public safety, vote yes. Democracy baby.

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Oh okay. So their swanky highrise downtown, and the weird tan building by Memorial/Houston Ave (other side of the aquarium), with the tall broadcast tower.


That's right... though it also includes the municipal courts building, a parking garage, a property "room" (actually, warehouse building), and a few other structures that don't immediately spring to mind all clustered around immediately east of Houston Avenue.


Side note - what is now the HPD headquarters building on Travis was once the Houston Natural Gas building, one of the companies that became Enron.

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Mayor Sylvester Turner has formed a committee to study how to acquire a new police headquarters and courts complex for Houston.


Former mayor Annise Parker spent more than two years studying how to replace the city's aging "justice complex" but ultimately abandoned it without having found a viable funding source or getting City Council support for identifying one.


Turner has named Bracewell attorney Barron Wallace and retired Hines executive Louis Sklar as co-chairs of the commission. For the moment, they form a commission of two. They will suggest additional members to the mayor, Turner's spokeswoman Janice Evans said.

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  • The title was changed to Houston Police Department Wants New Facilities

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