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Does Montrose Have Cheap Housing?


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I know many are afraid the neighborhood is losing it's ambiance and the artists who make the neighborhood are being priced out of their units..

Are there any programs in the area for cheap houses for these artists? I know there was a similar program in a section of bungalows in the third ward and thought it would be great to get some kind of government assistance/cheap housing program for the low income artists to help keep them in the neighborhood and to keep montrose Montrose..

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That's just part of the lifecycle of neighborhoods.  I'm sure Montrose was not originally Montrose as we have known it and it will soon (has?) morph into something else.  I suspect another neighborhood, with more affordable rents, will eventually arise and the process will repeat itself.  Maybe third ward or somewhere on the east side of town?

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Agree with august... I'd love to see montrose retain its bohemian/counter-culture/artsy vibe but its quickly going the way of the village in NYC - rapid gentrification and skyrocketing rents/prices forcing out the existing inhabitants for a wealthier constituency. While unfortunate, it's simply the cycle of a growing metropolis. Soon a new neighborhood will stake claim to the bohemian scene.

I do like the idea of maintaining some sort of affordable housing stock in montrose, though.

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Agree with august... I'd love to see montrose retain its bohemian/counter-culture/artsy vibe but its quickly going the way of the village in NYC - rapid gentrification and skyrocketing rents/prices forcing out the existing inhabitants for a wealthier constituency. While unfortunate, it's simply the cycle of a growing metropolis. Soon a new neighborhood will stake claim to the bohemian scene.

I do like the idea of maintaining some sort of affordable housing stock in montrose, though.


And...if you can correctly identify the emerging artsy neighborhood, you can get in on the ground floor now.


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I'm sure Montrose was not originally Montrose as we have known it and it will soon (has?) morph into something else.

"Original" Montrose existed from 1920s to sometime around the 1960s. Nevertheless, Montrose "Version 1.0" was carried over to the well-known "Montrose 2.0", what with its older bungalows and original structures (Wilshire Village Apartments, for example), which weren't spared in the conversion to "Montrose 3.0". However, the culture has shifted to incorporate much of the original "counter-cultural" elements, so any "new Montrose" will have a completely different feel.

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I would say that is EaDo right now.....lots of building....the esplanade on Navigation....art installations being installed....Light Rail....etc....


This isn't where the artists are moving to, at least not so close to downtown. There's very few cheap places in the "eado" area, you have to drive a mile down navigation, harrisburg, polk or leeland to get into the rents that are affordable to artists. eado is terrific (silly name aside), and I consider it as an east version of midtown, townhomes everywhere, upscale bars and restaurants, no starbucks yet, but assume that will change sooner rather than later. 


Besides, you can't drive a block without seeing a for sale sign on a huge lot, and I can promise you, it won't be bohemians buying, it will be developers building townhomes and apartment complexes.


Basically, imho, the ground floor of EaDo was over 10 years ago, not today.

Edited by samagon
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The intrepid might start pioneering the near northside where the new rail line opened.


I expect that as the lower end apartment complexes in Montrose are torn down and replaced with more upscale units, the only affordable housing left in Montrose will be garage apartments.  Not sure what the stock of those is.

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