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COH announces Human Rights Ordinance


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from ellen cohens enewsletter


Human Rights Ordinance Announced

During her annual State of the City address, Mayor Parker highlighted the need for a human rights ordinance in Houston. The proposed ordinance would prohibit discrimination in city employment and contracting, as well as in housing and public accommodations. In addition, it would create a Human Rights Commission, which would work with the Office of the Inspector General and the City Attorney's office, to hear and decide on discrimination cases. Chair Cohen plans for this issue to be considered at a special-called Quality of Life Committee meeting tentatively planned for April 30th, 2014 at 2:00pm.


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Via a FB friend, I saw this response from Brenda Stardig (District A):




Equal Rights Ordinance:


Mayor Parker recently announced a proposed equal rights ordinance.  While most Houstonians and I agree that discrimination of any kind is wrong, this proposed ordinance does nothing more than duplicate existing laws, add bureaucracy, and highlight the city's endless overstepping of their jurisdiction.


The real question is not whether or not someone should be discriminated against.  The real question is: What is the proper role of municipal government?  Cities are created to provide basic services such as water, sewer, fire and police protection, and infrastructure.  Cities are not created to govern comprehensive issues like discrimination.  We have different levels of government for a reason, and it is imperative that each level does not exceed their jurisdiction.  


If passed, this ordinance would create a new bureaucracy for the city to address discrimination complaints.  Houston would have to expand government to handle the same issues already funded for and overseen by the state and federal government.  It is incomprehensible to me how the city can waste our time and your tax dollars to duplicate these services.  There are still pot holes, road repairs, and additional police and fire needs to which your city tax dollars should be allocated.


Cities should stick to what they were created to do. I was elected to represent my district on city matters, and I will not stand for the city overstepping their authority.







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Brenda is either stupid OR a liar. I suspect both.


What discriminations laws would be "duplicated" by extending coverage to the LGBT community in Houston? Is it the national policy (ENDA) that doesn't exist? Did Perry sign a law protecting LGBTs in Texas that I don't know about?


The truth is likely that she DOESN'T want to protect LGBTs from discrimination but is afraid to actually tell the truth. So, instead she hides her bigotry behind lies and further muddies the water for people that actually do think LGBT people are already protected and seeking extra rights rather than equal rights.



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