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What Were These Buildings On Veterans Memorial


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The Texas Ballroom used to be right in the V just below the building you have pictured. BTW that was Stubner Airline before it became Veterans Memorial.

Still is, south of Little York. Never understood why they left the far north and south end of Stuebner Airline the original name and only renamed the middle section between Shepherd and 1960. I remember when it was renamed it upset quite a few people back then.

As for the buildings I haven't the foggiest, but that location appears to me to be where the body shop of Lone Star Ford now sits.

Edited by Purpledevil
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I think they renamed part of it just because they could !... I see evidence of political over reach in a lot of street naming, for example just in this present photo area but not in sight is the old Gears Road, which deadended into Stubner Airline, it has been renamed two times since I lived there in 72 to 73.  I have no idea what the name of the street might be presently, it was Greens Road for a long time and that was insult enough.  In 72 the entire area was still as this photo above, there were pastures where livestock grazed and only a very few old houses on either side of the road.  A strip mall now sits on the corner of Gears and Stubner where I lived.  There was one very interesting note about this little area, in altitude it always seemed to be the area the got the worst weather from our North before the rest of Houston got theirs.  I think this one little area was probably the last Houston area that stopped being country and then became what you see today... a lot of run down worn out houses that were built in the 70's, some of which I took part in building while working with a friend who happened to be a Carpenter.  Those houses we built look ghetto now.  I remember what the corner of Airport Blvd and I-45 once looked like in 1970, one lone Shell station on the intersection and exit ramp.   Sure is ugly now, so ugly I have revamped my funeral plans and intend to be cremated just so I don't have to lay there on Stubner Airline for eternity at the National Cemetery,  and watch all the changes that will surely come....

Edited by Materene
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