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Are You Wealthy


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Back to the topic question. Monetarily, I am far from it. If there's still a can of beans in my cupboard, some rice and a half an avocado in the fridge, I'm good. I've learned how to live with little and be happier than with a house filled with things. Of course, that attitude can be as pretentious as an "upper-class" one so to each his own. But, to discover the dirty little secret that having more is far from feeling better is a step forward.

agreed. i had the idea to pay off my debt, quit my high stress corporate job and get a lower stress hourly job. i make 1/3 of what i was making and have at times gone paycheck to paycheck. at the time i thought this was a temporary move but that was 3 years ago. i think i am happier and i am certainly surrounded by more interesting coworkers and have more time for myself when i punch out. i think i appriciate things more but i won't be arrogant and not say that i miss out and things due to a lower income -- i just found it a good trade for now...

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Are any of u guys rich (monitarily)? If so and if its not too much .info, how did u make ur fortune? I'm fascinated by wealthy people and what they can buy, and I'm always inspired by hearing their success stories.

Well, I have no debt; mortgage, car payments or credit cards-so I feel secure but not really wealthy monitarily.

But I am the Bill Gates of richness if you count my partner, family, friends and pets. I wake up in the morning a happy guy for the most part and go to sleep at night the same way.

I worked at the same company for 25 years, retired at 45, cashed in on a great savings plan at work, set up my own retirement plan, stashed a few bucks into the stock market and get to do pretty much as I please. Who wouldn't call that wealthy? :)


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I worked at the same company for 25 years, retired at 45, cashed in on a great savings plan at work, set up my own retirement plan, stashed a few bucks into the stock market and get to do pretty much as I please.

Explains why you have so much free time to post! :P j/k..

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A helpful infographic on the subject of lower/middle/upper class incomes:


Interesting link -- thanks for posting this. It does put things in perspective, and makes you realize how the majority of the population lacks a college degree and makes less than $35,000/year.

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