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The Woodlands Walmart


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if they were pine trees, they are no where near one hundred years old.

Pine trees grow extremely fast and can be at a hieght of 30 ft in 15 years.

Pines tree will die of old most probably before 100 years. The fast growth of pine trees is the reason it is used for lumber and paper production.

Then I would suggest that kjb "clear cut and pave it over Rep" 434 get his shovel out and get to planting some of those fast growing pines in the concrete flatland that is now a Walmart parking lot.


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  • 3 months later...
We came back from 2 months away from home to find the Walmart construction in full gear. Along Woodlands Parkway they removed the trees so you can see the entire parking area and or building pad. The operating company swore up and down they would leave a 60 foot tree barrier around the construction site. Well they did, on 2978 only. BUt right in the neighboorhood with multi-million dollars homes they CLEAR CUT down the trees.

I understand your frustration on this issue. It is annoying enough to see an ugly big-box structure behind a huge parking lot. As if that was not enough, they decided to build such thing right in the middle of a forest by clear-cutting trees. I have been to that area where this is going up. It is strictly a residential neighborhood, miles away from a freeway, surrounded by trees and farm lands. The last thing one would expect there is a Walmart. One is inclined to wonder what were the builders thinking. It almost feels like a mockery. Since the experience of living in Walmart's backyard is not what Woodlands advertised to home-buyers when they bought their homes, this is nothing short of deception.

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a shopping center has been planned for this intersection long before the homes were sold. i've seen the maps on the woodlands' website. it is the fact that it is a walmart and not a small scale, forested retail center with hike/bike trails running through it like the older neighborhoods are so fortunate to have.

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that walmart effect thing seems silly to someone(like me) who's lived innormal middle class neighboorhoods. I guess these issues only show up when its in a fancy neighboorhood.

BTW, target isnt any good either. they sell just as much chinese crap as walmart, only they do it in style...

i like going to lsmaller ma and pa stores when i can help it.

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If all the residents in the Woodlands are complaining about the Wal-Mart on Woodlands Parkway, and the WOC isn't listening, all they have to do is just not shop there. By not doing business with Wal-Mart, it will severely hurt that store, even if Magnolia or Montgomery residents use it also. Then again, Wal-Mart has so much money, they could literally put a store on every street corner in the greater Houston area.

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State of Texas, Harris/Montgomery County, needs to pass a law dealing with all of these abandoned old Wal-Mart stores that the company just sits on, limiting any new competition. It's getting ridiculous.

Maybe they could donate those big old stores back to the community. Create afterschool type programs or something worthwhile...other than just having those big empty boxes sit there for years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i drove by the new walmart this past weekend. this is the biggest walmart i've ever seen. it looks like it could be several stores. the only giveaway that it is a single box store is the obvious gardening and car care centers on one end and the main entrance facing woodlands parkway. the wooded buffer is not half bad. what they plant, if they plant, between the buffer and the store remains to be seen. i didn't notice any space for large plantings in the parking lot. i may have overlooked them.

it is certainly going to be more aesthetically pleasing than the super walmart at 242 & i-45.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I actually like that new Wal-Mart store, well just the look of the building. There's just something really appealing about it, and I don't know whether it's just another one of Wal-Marts big box designs for the pickier communities in America, or if they actually designed it specifically with sensitivity to the Woodlands.

Either way I'm not going to shop there, and hopefully nobody else will either. I don't care if the building itself stays, just have some other store or organization use it instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't plan to shop it. But, I know that at some point I'll need to get something fast (medicine or school supplies) and will go instead of making the hike up the parkway.

I just hope that all efforts will be made to keep the place nice.

As to the Plano Upscale Walmart: Its been stated by corporate that that store is and will be the only one of its kind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

>:) Walmart to open May 17th 2006!

I called Walmart to find out when they are opening and was told May 17th. They already have the store listed on their Web Site. I think it is a good thing that they are opening in that location. Regardless of how people feel about Walmart's business practices, people will shop there since no-one else seems to be able to compete on price. By having Walmart on the far end West end of the Woodlands, people like my who live west of the Woodlands will not have to drive all the way through the Woodlands to shop a Walmart. Having stores convieniently located can only help to reduce traffic.

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Wal-Mart will be around for along time. Matter in fact, I'm planning on working for this mega-size billion dollar company.

Just remember, if you make it to old age and are still there, Walmart will take out an insurance policy on you and when you die, they will be the beneficiary. No WONDER they have so many old cart people!

Edited by musicman
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I don't plan to shop it. But, I know that at some point I'll need to get something fast (medicine or school supplies) and will go instead of making the hike up the parkway.

I just hope that all efforts will be made to keep the place nice.

As to the Plano Upscale Walmart: Its been stated by corporate that that store is and will be the only one of its kind.

Where did you get that information? Did you call yourself? I've been reading these forums for awhile and it seems you have alot of answers to things......

One of my tenants is working at this store. She is one of the floor managers. It opens up somewhere around the 16th and on the 15th the employees and friends get to shop there first. She is going to give us a pass. I will post the differences. She also said that this Walmart will carry goods that no other Walmart does and that it is a "first of it's kind" type of store. Whatever that means we will see I am sure but that is what the marketing tool is.

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Where did you get that information? Did you call yourself? I've been reading these forums for awhile and it seems you have alot of answers to things......

One of my tenants is working at this store. She is one of the floor managers. It opens up somewhere around the 16th and on the 15th the employees and friends get to shop there first. She is going to give us a pass. I will post the differences. She also said that this Walmart will carry goods that no other Walmart does and that it is a "first of it's kind" type of store. Whatever that means we will see I am sure but that is what the marketing tool is.

You can look here for the that particular info, and the same statement was listed in several other dozen articles. I did call Wal-mart corporate after I had read about the Plano prototype several months ago, in hopes that something similar would be placed here. I was told the same thing as all the internet articles state.


However, this doesn't mean that this Wal-Mart won't have some of the "elements" of the Plano store, but would seem it will not be as different as the Plano store.

And yes, I do research and call on things that concern me or peak my interest. Thanks anyway though.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just curious, do you shop at walmart?

Walmart Open!

I went by the Walmart this morning at 6:30 on may way into work. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot so I parked and went inside to check it out. I walked right in and checked it all out. I picked up two yogarts to see if I could buy them. There was no one at any of the registers. I was told they were not opening until 8am today. It is a 24 hour Walmart, so this should be the last time they turn away my business. The store is quite large with lots of produce and most anything else one might need or want. The high traffic areas are stained concreate. The lower traffic area are laminate (looks like hardwood floors). I thought it was very nice. About half of my co-workers in the Woodlands can easily drive by it going and coming from work. I think they will do well.

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I had to use the Walmart today to get a lemon for a science experiment my son forgot to tell me about, and for those of us at the end of the Parkway it is much closer. I've only been in a few Walmarts, but there is nothing different about this one except its new and clean.The outside is different and they did plant hundreds of 6 inch pines though....

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i passed the new walmart on my way to magnolia on thursday. my little sis had her second bambino. the parking lot was packed. i was lmao when i thought about all the negativity about this location. it was PACKED i tell you. i knew those folks at walmart had researched the demographics out there. totally packed! :)

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i passed the new walmart on my way to magnolia on thursday. my little sis had her second bambino. the parking lot was packed. i was lmao when i thought about all the negativity about this location. it was PACKED i tell you. i knew those folks at walmart had researched the demographics out there. totally packed! :)

hey Bach, but its a ghost town from 10pm-9am. I think they need to rethink the 24 hour concept in that location. Drive by again this week, its calmed down a lot since opening day.

My husband passed by on his way home from work on the 17th, when it opened, and said every space was taken and the traffic was a nightmare. By Friday he informed me that the lot was 1/6 full at the same time.

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