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Choppada, Choppada Machine.

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I love machines, and when we passed this scrap yard the other day I was in Hog Heaven! It was quite an operation from loading the scrap on one end, and having the material chopped and sorted at the other.

If you find yourself in the Washington Ave, Studemont area, take a quick trip down Center between Studemont and Sawyer and check out this operation.



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I wonder how long before that piece of land they're sitting on is sold and chopped up into pieces causing their operation at that location to get scrapped.

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  • 2 weeks later...


depends... the price of scrap metal is very high right now... so for them to shut down operations to move would be extremely costly and they'd have to find a parcel of land that is affordable enough... it may look like a pile of junk, but it is VERY valuable....

our biggest customer here in Houston is a scrap metal company... we handle their transportation to the Far East... several years ago they purchased a shear press to further thin out their material and that thing is impressive to watch in action...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

depends... the price of scrap metal is very high right now... so for them to shut down operations to move would be extremely costly and they'd have to find a parcel of land that is affordable enough...  it may look like a pile of junk, but it is VERY valuable....

our biggest customer here in Houston is a scrap metal company... we handle their transportation to the Far East... several years ago they purchased a shear press to further thin out their material and that thing is impressive to watch in action...

I dare you to stick your finger in that press, I double dog dare you ! :lol:

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