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Dallas/Fort Worth Photo/Video

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This video  is a year old but is still pretty good:


Downtown Dallas: Forward Momentum


Great video!  I'm taken when looking at snap shots like this.  Many of the projects in the video are approaching substantial completion while new ones are well underway. Dallas city proper alone had 6 billion dollars worth of new development started in 2015.  That does not include the 5 billion mile up the burbs.  Houston even with the down turn in energy continued to put up strong numbers as well as San Antonio and Austin.  I'd like to see the before and after for all metros in 2020 when compared to 2012.  It should be pretty impressive.

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Is this really something to be proud of?


Not sure if it is....  I do know if there was a real house wives of Houston, the PR machine would turned up on this forum as well.  According to my sister-in-law there was big buzz among her friends there in Houston of a possible show when Bravo was looking at a Houston as possible location.

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Not sure if it is.... I do know if there was a real house wives of Houston, the PR machine would turned up on this forum as well. According to my sister-in-law there was big buzz among her friends there in Houston of a possible show when Bravo was looking at a Houston as possible location.

There was a few articles about having the Brown Hand Center's owner's wife, but they went through a nasty divorce immediately after the scouting.

Apart from the drama and silly-ness, there are often great location & skyline shots in each show. We need this glamorization in our state besides the obvious spotlight (Austin). Houston & Dallas are cool cities and great places to live/drink/play. Why not share this fact with a wider audience?

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Taken from Cityplace no doubt but we need larger more expansive views like they do for Houston.  There's a video on youtube taken from White Rock Lake that shows the whole cityscape and its impressive. Photographers should take note of that location.

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