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Will They Just Become Houstonians?

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"City officials themselves commandeered equipment from a looted Office Depot. During a state of emergency, authorities have broad powers to take private supplies and buildings for their use."

This isn't what I saw, though they may have been doing it legally, just wasn't shown on TV. I saw a few clips of officers tossing shoes and other items into carts. I doubt this was for the cities use.

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One local bank is thinking about turning the third floor of their processing center into a shelter . I think there are jobs for some but not half a million people here in houston many will have to relocate far and wide . Has any other country offerd aid yet ????

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"City officials themselves commandeered equipment from a looted Office Depot. During a state of emergency, authorities have broad powers to take private supplies and buildings for their use."

This isn't what I saw, though they may have been doing it legally, just wasn't shown on TV.  I saw a few clips of officers tossing shoes and other items into carts.  I doubt this was for the cities use.

It could very well be for the officers' use. I heard a pretty compelling phone interview with a New Orleans police officer today. He said they're basically on their own. Few police stations are open. There is no communication equipment. The cops are forming their own squads of 7 or 8 people and patrolling on their own, sleeping wherever they can and eating whatever people will give them. Some are able to siphon gas from abandoned cars to keep their squads going. Others are patrolling on foot. There's a lot of water down there and I bet a dry pair of shoes would be a wonderful thing for these officers who could just as easily walk away from their duties and no one woudl notice.

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As far as helping New Orleans, our firm is matching employee donations for New Orleans' folks.  I think this is just the beginning of a huge helping hand Houston will lend to its neighbors.  That's what always impresses me about H-town.  :)

My company (the one I work for, not the one I own) is putting up a million dollars, and then matching employee contributions after that up to half a million. I thought it was a great gesture, but when I go back to work I'm going to have to look up the old memo about the tsunami. I seem to recall them giving more for that.

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Little impact I would imagine. N.O.P.D. is basically non-operational. HPD, Harris Co. Sheriff, DPS, constables will be able to handle the influx.

On CNN today there were reports of rival gang members fighting in the Superdome. These are probably just fist fights and fights with whatever they can use as weapons because everyone was frisked before being allowed in. But I don't think there's any way to filter the undesireables out of the stream of people coming to Houston. You take one and you have to take them all.

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It said in the Chronicle that some of the people coming here from the Superdome were prison inmates, and they're not sure which ones.

We sound like idiots talking about whether Houston is going to get company relocations. I doubt anyone from New Orleans read any further than that. Let's wait awhile, huh?

Man, it must be incredible to be one of those cops... out on your own, roaming around with your six-shooter hunting bandits, living off the land, sleeping where you can find a place... sorta like if Lonesome Dove were set in New Orleans.

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Well from what I heard housing them in the Astrodome and now the Reunion Arena in Dallas. Will be temporary until New Orleans can get some form of make shift shelters going down their after they fix the flooding problem. So people can get their lifes back to normal. And start the process of rebuilding. Whether they choose to stay here or not is up to them. Being the way that so many people from New Orleans love New Orleans people will probably go back to rebuild. I think the most important thing to do after they fix the flooding problem is rebuild I-10 if I-10 dosent get fix then you might as well forget rebuilding.

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Yeah, I heard that from that O'Rielly nut job on FAUX news-I immediatly discounted it.

Did you see the footage earlier on Ken Obermann's Countdown of the police officers (still in uniform) looting inside the Walmart? I repeat: the police officers, still in uniform, were looting sneakers and clothes WITH the other prior looters at a Walmart in New Orleans. Please tell me you saw it, because if not, you probably think I'm making it up.

What do you do in a situation like that?

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instead of worrying about companies moving here, maybe we should hope they set up shop temporarily. we have plenty of empty office space downtown right? LA companies could be offered reduced temporary rent, and get a computer infrastructure set up so they can continue operations for the time being.

if its set up right, it would be a win-win situation.

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instead of worrying about companies moving here, maybe we should hope they set up shop temporarily. we have plenty of empty office space downtown right? LA companies could be offered reduced temporary rent, and get a computer infrastructure set up so they can continue operations for the time being.

if its set up right, it would be a win-win situation.

Indeed. Those businesses will need to restart soon anyway. They should get money to relocate through insurance. It would be a smart move.

Galveston is probably eyeing this strongly. They have the second largest Mardi Gras in America. Plus, Galveston and Port Of Houston may also have to look at this closely as well. They may have to become a temporary homes to many cargo and leisure ships until New Orleans could get back on it's feet.

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Some of my thoughts...

This horrible tragedy and I can't fathem the way theis people feel but I have to say Houstons economy should get a boost, From the increased action in the port as weel as several conventions are already looking at Houston. Also companies are looking to move 100% here since some of them already have some offices located in the area.

What a wonderful thing that so many people are steping up to help theis victims by donating cash, or opening thei homes to outsiders. I good idea which my family already did, is if you get points at a paticular hotel you can donate room nights to a family directly if they need a room.

Opening the dome is a brilliant idea to relocate theis desperate people but does any one realize that it is a fact that half theis relocated people are criminals. Many of them are drug users of the street as well as rival gang members. The crime in Houston is going to sky rocket. In Baton Rouge they already exist looting and people are being rob in broad day light. I hope when the buses arrive HPD or the national guard are called to find a way to keep theis people under control.

Lastly "where is the rest of the world" We give billions a year to foreign aid. More foreign aid then the rest of the world combined. Is it because the UN hates us? Is it because were a corrupt country who only thinks about our self? Thanks canada for all your help, at least send a rescue team. America keeps your economy going as you sit their and blame us for your gas prices. Thanks France our grand parents lost their life to save your pathetic country. Where are all the feel gooders like Bono or the Baldwins? Where is Ted Turner?, he gave a billion dollars to the UN, what about you own country buddy. Where is germany ?, to busy counting your food for oil money? Sorry but this part realy angures me more then anything. We don' need the money, just some man power. It would be nice if theis so called "Peace loving, help every one" countries lifted a finger to help.

I'm helping only Americans now on, Next Tsunami victims aren't getting a dime from me. Starving countries, nothing. Buying American only.

Saying all this I'm probaly in you eyes, dumb ass of the week, but its the way I feel.

Thankyou Yankees million diollars

Thankyou Bob Mcnair million dollars

Thankyou Astros

Thankyou any one who help theise American victims

God bless them and may all our thoughts and prayers be with them.

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Indeed. Those businesses will need to restart soon anyway. They should get money to relocate through insurance. It would be a smart move.

Galveston is probably eyeing this strongly. They have the second largest Mardi Gras in America. Plus, Galveston and Port Of Houston may also have to look at this closely as well. They may have to become a temporary homes to many cargo and leisure ships until New Orleans could get back on it's feet.

Plus, (I feel guilty even mentioning this) most of our gulf coast residential competition has been wiped off the map. I really hate that their loss is our gain. Truth is though, I'd rather there still be a New Orleans, than have Galveston prosper by these means.

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Some of my thoughts...

This horrible tragedy and I can't fathem the way theis people feel  but I have to say Houstons economy should get a boost, From the increased action in the port as weel as several conventions are already looking at Houston. Also companies are looking to move 100% here since some of them already have some offices located in the area. 

What a wonderful thing that so many people are steping up to help theis victims by donating cash, or opening thei homes to outsiders.  I good idea which my family already did, is  if you get points at a paticular hotel you can donate room nights to a family directly if they need a room.

Opening the dome is a brilliant idea to relocate theis desperate people but does any one realize that it is a fact that half theis relocated people are criminals. Many of them are drug users of the street as well as rival gang members.  The crime in Houston is going to sky rocket.  In Baton Rouge they already exist looting and people are being rob in broad day light.  I hope when the buses arrive HPD or the national guard are called to find a way to keep theis people under control.

Lastly "where is the rest of the world"  We give billions a year to foreign aid.  More foreign aid then the rest of the world combined.  Is it because the UN hates us?  Is it because were a corrupt country who only thinks about our self?  Thanks canada for all your help, at least send a rescue team.  America keeps your economy going as you sit their and blame us for your gas prices.  Thanks France our grand parents lost their life to save your pathetic country.  Where are all the feel gooders like Bono or the Baldwins?  Where is Ted Turner?, he gave a billion dollars to the UN, what about you own country buddy.  Where is germany ?, to busy counting your food for oil money?  Sorry but this part realy angures me more then anything.  We don' need the money, just some man power.  It would be nice if theis so called "Peace loving, help every one" countries lifted a finger to help. 

I'm helping only Americans now on,  Next Tsunami victims aren't getting a dime from me.  Starving countries, nothing.  Buying American only.

Saying all this I'm probaly in you eyes, dumb ass of the week, but its the way I feel.

Thankyou Yankees million diollars

Thankyou Bob Mcnair  million dollars

Thankyou Astros

Thankyou any one who help theise American victims

God bless them and may all our thoughts and prayers be with them.

I understand your fustration, but they haven't been reporting everything international-wise to Houston.

I've been watching this from Asia. And believe it or not, the first people in the international community donating to the Gulf Region is ironically Sri Lanka. Following them are the same tsunami-hurt nations from before stepping up because they know how we feel. Also, a lot of citizens from Europe are questioning why their governments are not contributing more than they are pledging. Apparantly the United States is FINALLY being recognized for the amounts we have given in the past!

As an American, I personally would like to thank all the tsunami victims for their acknowledgement and contributions to us even though they are still recovering themselves. It's breathtaking to hear that Sri Lanka or Thailand is giving US relief money. I've never heard of that before.

Lastly, I REALLY hate to talk about the economy at a time like this, but please understand that part of the recovery effort will include getting the businesses that were previously in New Orleans back up and running, and getting it's citizens back in the job force like before, regardless if it's back in New Orleans, Houston, Galveston, or anywhere else. For now, the victims need food, water, and shelter. Pretty soon, they will want their lives back as well, and they all will have to decide where that life will take place. Once they do get back on track though, we all win.

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CNN reported today that 12 nations have pledged aid to the U.S.

Yesterday they reported the number was four.

Looks like more and more are coming on board.

And just because you didn't see something doesn't mean it wasn't reported.

I heard a rumor that President W Bush turn down the aid offered by other natuions today. Is this true?

Well if it is true I hope that most of the residents of NOLA decide to stay. This will help sway the balance of the political chemistry here in Texas from Republican to Democrat

I found a great source for those who would like to see satellite images of the devastation at this site: http://www.nola.com/hurricane/photos/

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